Monday 12 September 2011

A Giveaway for Tea Time Tuesday

Welcome dear friends to another Tea Time Tuesday~ 
How is everyone doing? I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful weekend.

Gratitude is a nice touch of beauty added last of all to the countenance, giving a classic beauty, an angelic loveliness, to the character. ~ Theodore Parker

Today's tea party is all about gratitude and a Giveaway I'm having. My Blogiversary is coming up on October 4th, so that is what I will be sharing about over tea. 

What a journey it has been these past three years for this gal on little old PEI! My very first post was on October 4, 2008 and I haven't looked back. I have grown and learned so much and 'met' so many lovely friends in the Land of Blog. You have warmed my heart with your visits and lovely comments.  And I have been blessed by your friendship, especially those of you who have participated so faithfully each week in Tea Time Tuesday. Now I would like to give you a little something back. 

So, do come in and make yourself at home while I will pour you some tea.

3rd Blogiversary Giveaway....
This Giveaway is open to all my Followers, both old and new! All new Followers are welcome to enter as well!

I have two teacups and they each have a little spoon accompanying them. I may add a couple other little items later. I will give only one teacup away. The winner must choose which one they want.

Both of these teacups you have seen before. The first teacup has a Split personality. It is creamy white porcelain with a pale green raised floral motif on one side and some sparkly crystals and a medallion embedded on the other side. It sits on a slight pedestal and has a fairly plain handle. I am giving away a little teapot-inspired spoon with it.

This is one side of the teacup....

This is the other side...

Happiness is sharing tea with a friend.

The second teacup is this pretty Ruffled one with its lovely ruffled saucer and white and lavender posies. It also comes with its own matching porcelain spoon. It has a slight pedestal and a pretty handle. This teacup is trimmed in gold.

So, there you have it. It's easy to enter... All you have to do is leave a comment on this post and let me know that you are a Follower. Then tell me which teacup you would prefer. YOU MUST BE A FOLLOWER TO ENTER .  I have had Giveaways in the past and someone would enter and win and I would never hear from them again. So, to be fair, this Giveaway is for my Followers only. Should you participate in any one of my tea parties with a post linking back to mine, between today's tea party and the third of October, your name will be entered a second time.

Since my Blogiversary is on Tuesday October 4th, that is the day I will announce the winner of the teacup. So, that means you have from today through to the third of October at midnight, Atlantic Time to enter. 

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Next week, I will be sharing more of an  AutumTea since it will be a change over in seasons. I hope you will join me then as well. 

Have a lovely day everyone and try to visit as many tea friends as you can. Everyone enjoys getting a visit!

"Come close to God, and He will come close to you." ~ James 4:8

I am delighted you have stopped by today and I would love for you to join me for Tea Time Tuesday!   All you have to do is share a favourite teacup or teapot, a coffee mug, or something tea related. Please no advertisements. If you wish, you may do coffee instead of tea or the following is acceptable too: apple cider, iced tea or iced coffee, hot chocolate, lemonade, or punch. The TTT button on my sidebar is available for you to use in your post or place on your sidebar if you wish. A poem, tea quote, or scripture verse would be more than welcome! Please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit with all my lovely participants. 

I am joining the following parties today:

Victoria - A Return to Loveliness

Table Top Tuesday

Teacup Tuesday
Teacup Tuesday

Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday
Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday
Tea For Two and Wednesday Tea For Me and Thee

Tea Party Tuesday

Teatime Tuesday


Teacup Thursday

Friends Sharing Tea

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Can european readres enter too? thanks
    lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

  2. So generous! I think I am drawn to the simplicity and elegance of the first one...who doesn't love sparkles?!


  3. Hi, Sandi, dear! I am a happy follower, and would love to win the white tea cup. It is sooo unusual! I have never seen one like that! I have also displayed your button on my side bar for a while now.....

  4. Hi Sandi, I'd love to take part in your teacup draw for your blogaversary! I think the lavender and white cup is very pretty and will choose it should my name be drawn. I'm going to post for TTT with a special from Kings Landing. I hope you like it. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Pamela

  5. Hi Sandi, just linking happy I found your darling blog long ago.

    Your post is delightful and many more happy years of blogging to you.

    Thank you for hosting such a happy meme.


  6. Those are both rather unique cups. I have not seen anything like them in the shops around here.
    I am a follower and hopefully this winter, when the cold keeps me in, I may do this party. Looking for something different.
    Hugs- Tete

  7. Hello Sandi,
    what a big anniversary! Is it too early to congratulate? Your tea cups are always very special and today both are beautiful. But if I should be drawn, I would love to win the lavender and white one. It is too cute with the ruffled saucer. I always enjoy your Tea Party and I am a follower since long. Thank you for hosting this nice event. I will preper an autumn post for next week, too, to join your party.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  8. Dearest Sandi,

    I just love your soft whites and pretty pastel blues. I adore Hydrangea as well and why not enjoy pretty sparkles any day!..,

    Congrats on your blogaversary dear lady! Also, have a very Happy Tuesday Tea day!

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee
    God bless!

  9. Sweet Blessings to you Sandi!
    I'm one of your followers and would choose the ruffled one. Both are very interesting.

    I hope to come back with a post about Tea. Have to have sweet hubby download for me. Then I'll share a Tea Party.

    Drawing close to God and He will draw near to you is the truth. Like this verse.
    God bless,

  10. Hi Sandi, I'm a follower but no need to enter me in the drawing. I have a few teacups but I don't really collect them so these beauties would be better served for someone who is adding to their prised collection :o)...I just wanted to stop by and say hi and that I enjoy your blog. Have a great day! Hugs, Jennifer

  11. Congratulations ...on your blogging celebrations.... How lucky I am to be a follower...Both cups are charming and unique... The little fluted saucer with the mauve flowers has won my heart. Thank You and have a blessed week !!!!

  12. Oh how pretty! The ruffled saucer is so sweet! Love the cups too....Christine

  13. Happyt blogiversary, Sandy. I have been a follower and enjoy your blog a lot!...Christine

  14. Hi Sandi,
    Oh what a beautiful and generous giveaway to celebrate the anniversary of your lovely blog. I would love to enter and have been a long time follwer too. Both sets are gorgeous and it is hard to choose, but I think I would pick the white one with the split personality.

    Thank you for being such a wonderful hostess and blog friend. You make blogland a special place and I wish for you many more wonderful years of fun and friendship. God Bless always.

    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  15. Hi Sandi. A wonderful post...blogging is so much fun and such a great opportunity to make friends all over the world! I can't remember when I started...guess I'd better go look! LOL!

  16. Hi Sandi! Congratulations on your Blogoversary!! And such a lovely Give-Away in celebration of the event, too!

    Consider me entered as a loyal follower - and how I would love to build a tea-time setting around the floral pattern in such lush shades of purple and lavender. I think I like the ruffled saucer best - very different. To be displayed, I would think - with much lace and ruffles mimicking those soft curves and the feminine nature of it.

    I've a very whimsical tea post today. Have fun with it!


  17. Hi Sandi! Congratulations on your milestone! What a lovely giveaway. Your green bouquet is so pretty with the teapot!

  18. Hi Sandi,
    I love both the teacups but I already have the white one so I would happily take the ruffled one off your hands if I was the lucky winner!
    I t doesn't seem like it is already three years since you started blogging.
    Thank you for hosting,

    I tried to leave a comment earlier but couldn't so hope this works.

  19. Sandi! I just about flipped over in my chair, how awesome is this giveaway. I am a follower and I have commented in the past how I love that rhinestone cup! They are both amazing but that one make my heart skip. I look forward to your autumn tea, I hope you have received the fall Tea Time, it is a great issue as usual. Blessings Sandi and Congrats on your blog anniversary, how fun. Take Care. Trish (and of course I link back my Tea post :)

  20. Sandi, I am glad you are here in blogland! Congratulations on your anniversary!
    Your giveaway is so generous. Both cups are beautiful! But since I have so many tea cups, do not include me, and we will let others have a chance : )
    Hugs to you,

  21. Hello Sandi! HAPPY Blogaversary! I am a Follower, but please do not include me as I have many cups also...but I DO appreciate your warm, generous nature!! Both cups are sweet. Have a great week~
    shawn :)

  22. Happy anniversary! I, too, started in 2008! Isn't blogging fun!

  23. Hi Sandi! Happy Blogaversary! how sweet of you to giveaway two beautiful teacups! i would love a chance to win one though i gotta say it's hard to choose which one! but i guess i have to pick one hmm..the white one maybe? thank you so much for hosting and sharing another tea time tuesday, always love and enjoying myself on your blog and i'm already your follower. xx susan

  24. Sandi, Congratulations on your 3rd year of blogging! That's a lot of creative thought you've put into Rose Chintz Cottage - amazing. Sandi, you have a beautiful blog and your teas are always attractive and inviting. I love the ruffled saucer with the purple posies and I'd like to enter your giveaway. I'll be posting a tea and linking up this week or next too. Thanks for celebrating your anniversary, with a gift to us! How generous!
    God bless, Beth

  25. Hello Sandi,
    Happy Blogiversary! So very glad you chose to blog some time back and have continued - you are a true Kindred Spirit! My life has been blessed since I chose to blog over a year ago. I never knew how wonderful it would be to share with gracious ladies such as you each week! You have been a blessing! Your teacups are delicious! I'd love to be your winner!
    Hope you have a Delightsome week,

  26. Hello Sandi
    Happy Tea Time Tuesday and thank you for hosting our tea parties all this time. You know I am a follower and if I had to choose between the two teacups, it would be the one with ruffles and lavender - of course.
    It truly has been fun to gather each week and meet friends for tea. Your parties have grown since the beginning when there were only a few ladies.
    Have a great week.

  27. I really like the simplicity of the white one, but the ruffled saucer is very unusual. Beautiful!

  28. Hi Sandi: Call me crazing but I remember that first cup so well when you listed it the first time. I have never seen one like that. I think I even commented on that fact. Your tea cups are so amazing. I would love to win it. I am going to have to put your button on my blog, because I have an awful time remembering to link. I think it is because I have such trouble doing every time. The frustration is high for me. Terri always does those kind of things for me. You know I love your blog. I would love to win that first cup. Blessings, Martha

  29. Hello Sandi,
    I love the white and the pastel colors in your tablescapes!
    And the ruffled cup with the violets is so sweet! That would be my choice...
    Thanks for another very nice tea.

  30. Congratulations on your blog anniversary! Both your teacups are lovely, as always:) Your blog is very inspiring, and you have been a wonderful host for Tea Time Tuesday...thank you!

  31. Oh I would love to win either teacup, the white is my favorite. Thank-you for the chance to win it. I am a follower and have been for awhile now. I love the quiet spirit of love,kindness, and hospitality that emanate throughout your posts. The hallmarks of one who loves Jesus!

    I know what you mean about the blessings of blogging. I don't think I can possibly express how much my life has been blessed by the encouragement of fellow bloggers. I also learn so much. I think I will probably blog as long as the mind wills and the fingers can type. Blessings to you today, abundant !

  32. Well of COURSE I follow you!

    I want your favorite teacup...whichever one that is. Might as well pack it up and put my name on the box. I'm feeling good things coming my way!

    You are so generous my friend. Now...GET A SEWING MACHINE!


  33. I love your blog and I am a follower, I have your button on my blog.
    I love teacups and will try to get some photos of mine so I can come to your tea parties

  34. Congrats on your blogaversary! I have so many teapots and teacups I need to participate in this party! I don't drink coffee or hot tea but I could drink hot chocolate or warm apple cider!
    I am a follower of your blog.
    I adore the ruffled teacup and saucer with the purple flowers! Cute!

  35. Oh Wow! I don't think I have ever seen a sparkle teacup before!! Congratulations on your blog anniversary.

  36. This is so lovely, Sandi! And how generous. Congratulations on your blog anniversary. I knew I would love it here when I first saw your Rose Chintz. :)


  37. What a lovely post! My first "Teacup Tuesday" post. I'm delighted to come visit PEI and bring greetings from Vancouver Island.

  38. I am one of your newer followers. I am a month and a half old blogger. Yours was one of the first blogs I saw and was very inspired! Congratulations on three years! I would love the cup with its ruffled saucer and puple color to add to my collection.

  39. I so enjoy coming over here for a visit and this week I am a little late, but made it finally. I just love both of your little cups so don't really mind which one. Thank you for sharing xx

  40. While the grandbaby naps, I am having a delightful viit to your sweet blog! I love to see your pretty teatime vignettes! I think I like the "Ruffled" one best! I will paticipate and link with you when I figure out how! I'm still learning! You do inspire me! Blessings! Linda

  41. Congratulations Sandi, both for your blogaversary, and your continually beautiful blog! I guess I am one of your "old" followers, it seems like I've read your lovely blog for ages...

  42. Good evening Sandi...I am in love with your post this week. I just wanted to thank you for taking so much time to post so often on my blog. You are so faithful and I know you have many many other blog friends.
    Much love, Linda

  43. Hi Sandi,
    I hope you are having a good day full of grace and joy in God.
    How kind of you to host a giveaway!
    Whoever finds one of your lovely cups in her home will be a blessed lady!
    You and your beautiful "Rose Chintz Cottage" are the true gift!
    Thank you for bringing such beauty into our days, dear friend.
    Congratulations on your up-coming blogaversary :-)
    Thanks for linking up to LACE.
    Love and blessings..Trish

  44. So beautiful, both of them but the one with the ruffled sauceer is my favorite. Thanks for hosting such a generous giveaway.


  45. Sandi, I am so happy that I found your blog and once I did, I became a follower right away. I love the RSS feed too, that way I know when you post something new, which is such a highlight. If I were to be lucky enough to win an official Sandi teacup, I would choose the first with it's creamy color and unique embellishments.
    ~Shari @ Shari's Paper Trail

  46. Happy Blogiversary Sandi! I am a happy follower! Please enter me. Thank you for the chance to win a beautiful teacup!

  47. Sandi I have been following you for a long time now and love all your china...especially the rose chinz.

    I think I care for the ruffled one, s'il vous plait.

    Sylvia FAye

  48. Hi Sandi! I am a follower. I love stopping by to see the loveliness you have to share. I would love to brew a wonderful pot of tea and then sip it slowly from the purple/lavender Ruffled cup.

  49. Sandi, I would love a little whimsical tea in 'split personality'. Congratulations on your bloganniversary, and have to admit I love visiting your blog and joining in your tuesday's a credit to you that you've found the time and spirit to post each week, displaying your treasures and sharing your elgance and creativity in your tea time.
    Blessings yvette x

  50. I love both of the tea cups but that second one draws me in! I just love anything with teacups and tea! Congrats a bit early on your blogaversary! Mine is November 1st. I better start thinking of a giveaway! Hmmm....I will display your button at my blog. Hugs Anne

  51. Hi Sandi,
    First, congratulations on your upcoming anniversary! I just started blogging about 4 months ago and I love it! What an awesome giveaway! It's difficult to choose, but I would love to win the lovely lavender ruffled one! Hugs, Cindy
    P.S. I'm a follower!! Love your blog!

  52. Congrats on the bloganniversary. What a wonderful giveaway. Of course I am a follower and I just adore the white cup.

  53. Congratulations on your Blogiversary. You have been such a gracious hostess and we all enjoy sharing a cup of tea with you :-)

    Jocelyn @

  54. I am a follower and I have posted on your Tea Party. I love the Ruffled Tea cup :-)

    Jocelyn @

  55. Hello Rose, I sat down at my computer don't know exactly how but I can upon your blog. An answer to prayer. I love your blog.I've been clicking and clinking to other links oh my where as my time went. I love tea cups, I love to have to parties.I would love to take part in your teacup draw. Love both cups you please choose if I should win. By the way don't know much about computer when I became a follower today, the e=mail address is linked to my husband, But it is not him it's me Susan Thanks Hugs and Kisses

  56. Good Morning over my cup of tea - thinking of you and your Bloganniveysary! Congratulations! Life is good and so are you to celebrate with us in blogland. I would love to be entered into your giveaway - lavender ruffles is my choice (if I should be chosen). On top of the celebration, I have been a follower for some time and love the spirit of your thoughts and the things you share. Thank you!

  57. Sandi, I would love to win the little ruffled teacup with the matching spoon. I am a follower and have been for a while, I don't have time to do the Tuesday tea thingie yet but hope to in the future. I enjoy reading your posts and comment from time to time. I sure would love to win, you can never have enough teacups!

  58. Dearest Sandi,
    Thank you for this lovely give-away and for blessing us each week by hosting Tea Time Tuesday...I would be delighted to give the Split personality teacup a home...white works for any tea occasion and sparkles...well you can never have enough.
    Blessings and Happy Blogaversary

  59. Sandi, I am a follower and another lover of rose chinz dishes! You ruffle tea cup is so pretty, I it must be a hard one to part with. Hope I am a winner, thanks Laura Cottage and Broome

  60. Happy bloganniversary! I'm a follower and would love the ruffled saucer & white and lavender posies!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  61. Sandi,I have had you on my list of favorite blogs for quite sometime but I am now a new follower. Lavender is my favorite color so that's the one I would choose. Thank you.

  62. I, too, am a follower, and I love the look of the ruffled teacup with matching spoon. Happy Blogaversary, Sandi!!!
    Warm wishes,

  63. Hi Sandi...

    I was just coming by to say hello, my friend...when I seen that you were hosting this lovely giveaway in honor of your 3rd blog anniversary! First of all...sending you many heartfelt congratulations for your anniversary, sweet lady! May you have another year filled with sweet success and much blogging bliss!!!

    Ohh my...I nearly missed out on your sweet giveaway. Both teacups are gorgeous but I really do like all the pretty embellishments on the white teacup and saucer...ohhh, and that pretty tea spoon! What a sweet thing to do for us, Sandi...thank you!!!

    Congratulations and warm wishes...

  64. I would be honored to give a home to one of your lovely teacups. I would choose the white with the green motif.

    I'm following!

    Congratulations on your blog and thank you for your offering of beauty.

  65. I have followed you through Google Reader for ages. Hope that qualifies as I don't use the Blogger Follower.

  66. Sandi,
    i have nearly missed your wonderful giveaway!! I have been so busy!

    I love both tea cups and you know I am a follower and I would be honored to be entered in the giveaway!!!!


    3 years!! It has been such fun, hasn't it???

    Con grats!!

  67. Sandi, CONGRATS! on your anniversary. It has been a delight knowing you & sharing our thoughts & lives, emotions & love of God.

    Your teacups are just gorgeous ... as are you.

    Of course, I am a follower, wouldn't have it any other way.

    Have a beautiful week ~
    TTFN ~

  68. A new follower. Have a fabulous blogversarry celebration!

  69. Hi Sandi
    I'm a new follower. I love your blog and happy blogiversary. Time flies when we are having fun.
    I love the purple flowered tea cup.
    is my blog address.

  70. Since I am so lucky, I am sure to win. That is a joke. I do not recall ever winning a giveaway. I keep trying tho. I am a follower and would love either of the cup sets. However, I tend to like the ruffled one best.

  71. Hi Sandi!

    Happy Blogiversary! Yes, I am a follower and I love the ruffled teacup with lavender posies.

  72. Congrats on 3 yrs! How generous. I love the ruffle one, such a unusual saucer!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.