Thursday 18 August 2011

Glimpses of Our Summer Vacation

Good morning blogging friends. I hope everyone is having a good week. I thought I would give you a  few glimpses of our Summer vacation. As most of you know, Hubby and I just finished up our vacation and we spent most of it taking what I like to call, daycations. Don't you like that word? Definition: A day spent away from home but back home to sleep in our own bed.

So, pour yourself a cup of tea or coffee and join me as we tour some of our fair Island.

A visit to one of our beaches is always first on our list. We didn't get there much this year because the weather was rather cool and wet. Love our beaches!

One of the places we have visited several times this Summer was The Prince Edward Island Preserve Co. where my favourite Tea Room is located. This charming spot is situated in New Glasgow.

We enjoyed a lovely breakfast several mornings there. We especially enjoyed our morning coffee and watching the hummers flit from feeder to feeder.

This is one of the views from the window. The River Clyde and a church stands looking over the community.

Scrambled eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, blueberry pancakes, and coffee; my favourite breakfast when we eat at the Tea Room. Now, please understand me, I don't eat like this every day and I rarely eat bacon! 

Friends of ours joined us on several occasions. This lovely couple is one that we have known for many years. Heather is a local artist and her husband Keith and I had hung around together in High School.  

There are shelves of teacups and teapots as well as a variety of teas and preserves. I didn't buy any tea things this year as everything was too pricey. But it was fun looking.

Another day we drove to Summerside, which is a small city towards the western end of the Island. There we visited Spinakkers Landing, a row of brightly coloured shops on the waterfront.

They had a huge replica of a lobster trap there and my hubby got inside for me to take his picture. He's such a good sport!

More trips to the beach, where we relaxed and kicked back.

The beach is our favourite place of all. The sound of the waves and the smell of the salt air is so wonderful. I love to dig my toes in the warm sand and I wish I could bottle this feeling up and savor it all year long, especially when the ice and snow are with us.

This is where I can go and just empty my mind of all the busyness of our lives. I wish I could live there year round!

One day we went to Woodleigh Replicas, which was once a wonderful tourist attraction. It has since closed and is up for sale but we still enjoyed walking through the grounds where replicas of English castles and churches still stand. Some of the buildings allow one to walk inside. There are towers and dungeons too.

Shakespeare's Birthplace below

Next, we drove through French River where there is a quaint fishing village and fields of canola.

Very pretty!

In New London, stands the birthplace of Lucy Maude Montgomery, author of the famous Anne of Green Gables stories.

Front view of the house.


Another nice day we went for a walk through what was once a children's theme park called Rainbow Valley in Cavendish.

Dappled sunlight through the trees made this almost magical. I could almost hear the ring of the children's laughter as they once played about in this beautiful area.

We went for a long walk and found a parade of Queen Anne's Lace along the trails.

Aren't they beautiful? I love their lacy loveliness.

Being on vacation gave us time to drink in the beauty of nature as well as shop the antique shops and enjoy a nice meal at my favourite tea room. It was lovely for the two of us to get away from our everyday routine. 

Well, that's our tour for today. Next time, I will share some photos of an area that most of you are familiar with. So, please come back soon.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Sandi - A dream vacation for me - and right in your back yard! Your rainbow fishing village is a tempting landscape to painters, I would think. And, how could you leave that tea shop without something in that purple pansy pattern - lovely!

    As to your breakfast - glad you don't do that everyday. I'd only be allowed the eggs. Ah . . . me . . .

    Prince Edward Island has always been a place I've wanted to see - next to England, Scotland, and Ireland. The replica village was fascinating - I'd be able to take the best of all these destinations in at once! Too bad it is closed - hope someone can steward it. It reminded me of the little replica village in The Borrowers. Did you ever see that movie based on the books by Mary Norton? It was a perfect haven for Arrietty and her family!

    As to your teaser about a coming post on a "familiar" place - I'm hoping for a glimpse of Green Gables . . .


  2. Thanks for sharing. I loved traveling with you!

  3. Sandi what lovely photos you have shared..We have such wonderful places in our country ... you have inspired me to plan a vacation out east...

    Catching up on blog reading after our vacation to Vermont.... your HomeSense and thrift store finds were amazing!!! and what a beautiful tray you set up!!! Wishing you a blessed week..xo HHL

  4. Hello Sandi,
    thank you for sharing this lovely tour. I like the idea of your daycations. The area is fabulous and I would love to have a tea at this wonderful tea room, not at least to shop there a bit. That was a pretty relaxing time and with all those nice photos, it last even longer.
    Thank your for sharing and have a good week.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  5. Good morning Sandi...thank you for sharing your vacation photos. I can't wait to show my husband as this one place I am longing to see. We are hoping to take a long trip that way for our 40th in a couple years and want to start planning now. I love summer relaxing and refreshing, and so special when spent with loved ones.
    Lady Linda

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. What a wonderful and restful holiday in a lovely place! Looks like exactly the place to stroll, recharge, nibble and be with friends & loved ones! Thanks for sharing a glmpse of your lovely corner of the world!

  8. Nice to see that part of Canada from your eyes. Visited that area once about 34 years ago when we were young and free.
    - Joy

  9. Seems like such a lovely vacation...I think I'm in great need of one of those...lovely pictures I enjoyed visiting with you and seeing what you did even the hummingbird feeder...I love them they are my favorite little bird...Happy Thursday.

  10. Wow- love the tour and I had not seen any of these places before. Love the shops on piers! It is all so pretty, and I love the castle.
    I love daycations. I love sleeping in my own bed. For years we traveled so far to see things that weren't that great, so we started seeing things around here that were so cool.
    Great post!

  11. Sandi~ how wonderful!!!!
    Your photos are beautiful!
    I have a lobster just like that..except a tad smaller..
    Enjoy your weekend..
    Gypsea Nurse

  12. Hi Sandi, thanks for sharing photos of your vacation. We've been to all those places over the years. I'm sorry to see Rainbow Valley and Woodleigh Replicas are both closed now. They were such great places to go. I went to Woodleigh as a teenager and our kids to Rainbow Valley. The beach photos are beautiful - can't beat PEI Beaches! I look forward to your next post on???? Hmmm. What's it going to be? Hugs, Pamela

  13. Hi Sandi, I enjoyed travelling Looks very relaxing! Your beach is stunning, and that warm feeling of your feet buried in the sand - priceless!

  14. Thanks for sharing those photos taken during your summer vacation. My favorite is the French River. It's a peaceful place and perfect to unwind.

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I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

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