Friday 19 August 2011

Come Tour Green Gables With Me

Hello everyone and welcome back to another tour of our Island vacation.

As promised, I am going to take you to a familiar spot on Prince Edward Island. I know most of you have heard of Green Gables; especially our Anne!

I will be your tour guide today so please pour yourself a cup of tea or coffee and join me as we tour this famous landmark on our Island.

When you first arrive at Green Gables, one can browse the Information area where they offer many photos,  mementos and artifacts from LM Montgomery's life and era. They also have a film to better acquaint one with her life story.

Below is a photo of L M Montgomery at age three-three when her book, Anne of Green Gables, was first published in 1908. Sorry about the glare.

Lucy Maud at age thirty-six when she married her husband, Rev. Ewan Macdonald. That's him to the right.

Reproductions of  Maud's trousseau

There is a book store and gift shop on the premises too as well as a small cafe.
Next we toured the barn where one can see all the equipment which was used back in the day. Also on display are many family photos. They did a really good job and one could spend some time just reading and looking at the photographs but I know you're anxious to move on, so we will!

Aerial view of Green Gables borrowed from the Internet.
They have the most beautifully manicured golf courses there.

Out in the yard is an old carriage. Hubby posed for a picture.

One thoughtful gentleman offered to take a picture of hubby and me both in the carriage but I won't share that today.

Are you anxious to see the famous homestead?

First a little info on the house: The famous house known as Green Gables is a 19th century homestead which stands in a beautifully kept property now owned by the PEI Government. Little has changed in the appearance of the house and the barns have been re-constructed to complement the house.

The Green Gables farm was owned by the Macneill family, who were cousins of Lucy Maud Montgomery. The farm's name is derived from the rich dark green paint of the gables on the farmhouse. Montgomery visited the farm as a young girl and based her best-selling Anne of Green Gables books on the Green Gables farm. She drew romantic inspiration from the house as well as the surrounding area, including the Haunted Woods, Balsam Hollow, and Lovers Lane.
This is the view of the back with all the amazing vines climbing on it.

The front of the house was difficult to photograph because there were so many people coming and going. I  had to stand on a bench to take the picture too because the land is so steep.

Are you ready to go indoors? The rooms are all roped off so taking pictures was a little difficult.

This is the floor plan of Green Gables so you have an idea what each floor looks like. This diagram is also borrowed from the internet.

The parlour...Love the wallpaper!

One side of the dining room.

China hutch in the kitchen...

The pantry, complete with a bowl of fresh eggs and apples.

The dishes and cookware were amazing and are the ones used from that period.

Now let's go upstairs to see Anne's room; a bright and cheerful room.

Of course there were other rooms; Marilla's, the guest room, sewing room, trunk room, and the hired help's room. Matthew's room was downstairs.

Now, let's go outside to see what the grounds have to offer.

This is part of the garden in front of the house. On the other side of this garden, down a steep incline, is the entrance to the Haunted Woods.

Here we go, the entrance to the Haunted Woods. It is about a forty-five minute walk from beginning to end through the woods.

Should one turn around, you can see the Green Gables house behind you sitting up on the hill.

Next to walking on the beach, I love walking through the woods! So peaceful!

I love the sound of leaves rustling in the breeze and the fresh air. There is always wildlife to see as well.

We had not gone very far when we came upon a clearing in the trees where this little fellow was. Mr Fox lingered just long enough for me to get a picture of him before he dashed off into the thicket.

Further on, once one gets out of the woods, is this charming book store surrounded by a white picket fence. It carries every book ever penned by Lucy Maud Montgomery. Isn't this setting simply charming?

All in this same area, is Lucy Maud's garden and the basement of her grandparents' house where she grew up.

This is the church where Montgomery and her husband ministered to their congregation. It is located not far from her garden, just a short walk through the trees.

All along the trail through the woods are placards with Montgomery's writings.

Now back through the Haunted Wood and over to another wooded area; to Balsam Hollow and Lovers Lane. This is about a thirty-five minute walk through this wood.

The ferns were lovely.

There were little streams everywhere. I loved the sound of the water bubbling over rocks and tree roots. 

Something I really appreciated, there were roses everywhere and the fragrance was amazing! The rose hips were huge!

Green Gables is enchanting and everything one could hope to find nestled away in our little corner of the world. If you ever take a vacation to our fair Island, you must see it. You won't be disappointed.

So, concludes our little tour of our famous Green Gables. Anne wants to thank you all for coming. Her spirit  walks about making everyone feel welcome.

Another day, I will share a daycation we took in another area of PEI.

I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Just took a peek at Jenna-Lynn again ... darling pinky.

    What a fabulous tour you have taken us on & so historical. Awesome pictures, feel as tho there with you. So love history.
    Thank you for sharing.

    Have a beautiful weekend ~
    TTFN ~

  2. Sandi, what a wonderful tour! I love Anne of Green Gables, and this post just reminds me of the beauty that surrounded her. Thanks for the beautiful pictures and description of your tour.

    Jocelyn @

  3. Hi Sandi,
    You certainly had some super days during your holidays.
    Your latest posts are full of beautiful photos of beautiful places.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Thank you so much for this fabulous tour!! PEI is on my wishlist of places I hope to visit.

  5. I could just about cry for happiness to read your post today! I love Anne so much. Thank you for the simply delightful tour. I love her sweet room.Thank you so very much.

  6. thank you so much for sharing !!! When Anne of Green Galbes came on tv my daughter and I never missed an episode!!!! How wonderful that all of this history has been preserved!!! sure do hope I get to tour for myself someday!!!! Terri in Florida

  7. Hi Sandi, thanks for sharing part of your tour of PEI. It's an island that appeals to me to visit after following Aitken House and Garden's blog for sometime. We are thinking about a trip to Canada in 2013 and I've been searching a bit about PEI. I didn't realised you lived there. Happy Pink Saturday!

  8. Oh, Sandi. What a marvelous time you had and thank you so much for taking us on a tour. Just wonderful!

  9. This is a fabulous post ... thanks so much for sharing! Enjoyed my tour!

  10. I so love history, it was a wonderful tour you've gave us, I've so enjoyed it! I love the house and the rooms are so pretty and so is the wall papar, you're right! I love Ann of Green Gables, you had such wonderful hollidays. Thank you for sharing. Hugs, FABBY

  11. Your tour is fabulous.. I loved Anne of Green Gables! Wonderful surroundings to write such compelling prose. thanks so much for sharing. xo marlis

  12. Oh, Thanks you, Sandi!! I do so love Anne and Lucy Maud's books, and Green Gables is definitely a place I would love to visit. I'm so glad it is preserved and the peace and beauty of the setting - as Lucy Maud knew - continues to bless people.

    Bless you for sharing your trip with us!!

  13. Thanks for sharing and the tour! It looks like an amazing place and one that I would love to visit! I love history!

  14. Hi Sandi
    I really enjoyed the virual visit to Green Gables with you today.The gardens are stunning and it was very interesting to be able to see the inside too.
    Happy Seasonal Sunday!

  15. Sandi, thanks so much for this wonderful tour. I worked in a bookstore for 4 years (long time ago), and we sold many of the Anne of Green Gables books. The house is just charming, as is all the period furniture and other decor inside. And the gardens are just spectacular. I really enjoyed this post! Happy Seasonal Sunday.


  16. So interesting! Thank you for the tour. I am so glad they allowed pictures.

  17. I sooo love Anne of Green Gables. I have such fond meories of reading the books as a girl.

    Great to have you being a part of Seasoanl Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  18. Last year we went to PEI, and would you believe we didn't go to Green Gables! That was the only place I had on my list of things to do, but the hubby wasn't too interested so....I guess he just didn't know what a favorite Ann of Green Gables was to many generations of young girls. Thanks for your post. At least I visited vicariously.

  19. Thank you, thank you!

    I truly enjoyed my tour...think I'll get in line and enjoy it again!

  20. Sandi!!
    Thanks so much for taking us along with you on your trip to Green Gables!!
    What a wonderful place and I so enjoyed all the history that you shared with us!!
    What a wonderful post!!

    Thanks so much for sharing!!


  21. Oh how I'd love to visit your beautiful island!!
    Some of my favourite people live there ;-D
    Thank you so much for taking us on a tour of Green Gables, Sandi!
    You are a wonderful guide.
    I love the history and the buildings and the woods - I'm sure I could happily spend days there!!
    It's so good to see it is all being preserved and taken care of so well, too.
    Just beautiful!
    bless you..Trish

  22. Hi Sandi,

    I write for - Sullivan Entertainment's official website, and I'm always looking for fans to share their feelings about Anne and the impact she has had on them. I saw the pictures of your tour of Green Gables and was wondering if you'd be open to sharing them with us on our site, as well as what you've written about your time at Green Gables. If you're interested, please email me at Thanks very much!


  23. Thank you Sandi for taking us along. I had no idea the farm and house truly existed! Was there a "White Way of Delight"?! I have always wanted to visit PEI. I have heard of it's beauty. One day I will see it for myself. You are blessed to live there. Our Father created so much beauty all around us. He is so awesome.

    Linda at The French Hens Hest


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.