Monday 11 April 2011

Tea Time Tuesday ~ A Cottage Tea

Springtime ~ A beautiful time of year. ~

Hello friends and Welcome to my cottage and another Tea Time Tuesday!

I'm so happy you have stopped by! We had the most lovely weekend here on the Island! I hope you did as well. Spring has finally sprung forth here and her magical wonders are beginning to be seen and felt everywhere. The green tips of our tulips are peeking out from the soil and in our garden out back, I can see bits of green. Such a welcome sight!
I have a wonderful tea to share with you today! My tea is one which my hubby and I shared with two of our favourite people; my Auntie P and Uncle Doug.

Auntie and Uncle Doug had come over to the Island one day last week to visit with my mother and me. After visiting my mother, they arrived at my home for tea. They also came bearing gifts. I will share about one gift later in my post.

Happiness is sharing tea with a friend. ~

This is the table all set before they arrived. As you can see by the photo I have not placed the refreshments on the table yet. I used a set of dishes which had come from Eatons before they closed. I had purchased a few pieces and my mother had bought the rest of them for me for Christmas one year. They go well with my Rose Chintz too.... Oh, I must get my chairs painted!

The flowers.
The napkins.
The teacup and silver.
The tea plate.

The water goblet is from a set of eight which I got at Winners years ago.

Just before we sat down to enjoy our tea, I replaced the tall vase of tulips with a smaller one; white carnations and three tulips. A smaller vase of flowers makes conversation easier.

If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden. ~ Claudia Ghandi

Everyone loves an English accent~ Auntie P is my mother's youngest sister and we are very close. It was at her home where I first fell in love with the Rose Chintz pattern. Uncle Doug is totally charming and he hails from England. We just love his accent and stories! He has seen much of the world so he has many stories to tell. They are such a delightful couple and we love them both very much! We hadn't seen them in a year but it's always like we had seen them just yesterday. We had a lovely visit.

So what was on the menu, you may wonder.
A nice orange pekoe tea steeps in my Skye McGhie Cream Lace teapot. I love this teapot because it holds a lot of tea and it's very pretty with its lacey cut-outs around the top. It also goes well with the china I am using.

There were two plates of finger sandwiches. One plate held cream cheese and cucumber sandwiches on white bread, the other had double-decker egg salad sandwiches on whole wheat.

The cucumber sandwiches went over very well! These are a real English tea sandwich!

Spread one slice of bread with butter and another with cream cheese. I find whipped cream cheese is easier to spread. Cut up an English cucumber into paper thin slices and place neatly over your cream cheese base. Then place the buttered slice over the cukes. Cut off the crusts and cut into triangles, squares, or fingers and enjoy. They are delicious and lovely with a tea!

Strange how a teapot can represent at the same time the comforts of solitude and the pleasures of company. ~

For dessert, I had made a Cottage Pudding.

This was a pudding my mother used to make when I was growing up. It is a white cake, made from scratch, with a lovely brown sugar sauce poured over it! Oftentimes, my mother would put sliced apples with cinnamon on the bottom of the cake to make upside down cake. Other times, she would put pineapple rings with a cherry in the center of each, on the bottom. Which ever way it was served, it was a delicious treat! I love the pool of sauce that surrounds the cake! Mmm!

So, do you want to see what they brought me?

This darling little teapot. Look at that elegant handle!

...and a matching teacup. There is no stamp, but no matter. It is a very sweet set, don't you think?

I love the pretty garland of flowers, gold trim, and scalloped shape! The teacup resembles a flower when you look into it. A gorgeous tea for one!

They brought this set back from their trip to Vancouver Island last Fall. They had kept it a surprise for me until they arrived last week. My auntie and uncle are precious and they know me well! Thank you, Loves!

Next week I will be sharing my Easter Tea and I hope you will join me then.

"Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him, and He will help you." ~ Psalm 37:5

Thank you so much for joining me for tea today. I love having you stop by! Should you wish to participate in my tea party, please use the inlinkz below. Please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit all my lovely participants.

I am also joining the many other parties taking place this week:

Kathy - - Victoria- A Return to Loveliness

Martha - - Teacup Tuesday
Terri - - Teacup Tuesday

Wanda Lee - - Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday
Pam - - Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday
Wanda Lee- - Tea For Two and Wednesday Tea For Me and Thee

Donna - - Tuesday Tea

Lady Katherine - - Teatime Tuesday

Donna and Miss Spenser - - Teacup Thursday

Marty- - Table Top Tuesday

You will find all of these gracious ladies with their links on my sidebar also.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Dear Sandi ~ Everything looks DIVINE! Love the cute little sandwiches and that Cottage Pudding ... mmmmmmm, delicious, I'm sure! Your table is very pretty too and you couldn't have asked for better company.

  2. Sandi,
    What a lovely post about two lovely people in your life!!
    Love the dishes and they do go well with your chintz.
    And the gift that your Aunt and Uncle brought you is stunning!! How beautiful and thoughtful!!

    Have a wonderful day!!


  3. Hello Sandi,
    that looks like fun. Nice and charming guests, yummy treats and a good cup of tea, what to need more for happiness. Your table was very pretty and I am enthralled about the wonderful china, they gifted to you. I am sure all of you will remember this nice visit for a long time.
    Greetings, Johanna

  4. Sandi - so lovely. Thank you for the rose dishes and pink and flowers. Enjoyed your tea so much. Family. Love.
    - Joy

  5. Oh sweet absolutely LOVELY! You set a table fit for a Queen and her King! Just beautiful. Thank you for sharing with us about these two wonderful people in your life.

    Love to you~


  6. Sandi, Your auntie and uncle do indeed know you well. What a pretty tea cup and teapot. Love your Cream Lace teapot too. Your table was set beautifully. Gorgeous plates and goblets. Looking at the cottage pudding is making me hungry! I so enjoyed this post, Sandi!
    Blessings, Beth

  7. Thank you for the charming tea visit Sandi. Love the pinks in the, teapot, cups...everything is just beautiful.

  8. Hello Sandi,
    What an enchanting table you´ve set for your tea! Everything is so lovely! The flowers are so beautiful!! I can´t help but fall in love with your teacups and dishes. Gorgeous shape, decoration, decoration color -- everything is just right. I didn´t forget your teapot; it´s the cutest!
    All the best,

  9. Oh Sandi! What a lovely tea to have ready for your Aunt and Uncle! Everything looks beautiful and the treats were perfect. And how sweet of them to gift you with such a gorgeous teapot and cup! You must have had a wonderful time!

  10. What a wonderful teapot & cup set from your Aunt & Uncle! I love your dishes especially with your Rose Chintz!

  11. What a sweet and thoughtful gift! You set a lovely tea party.

  12. Your Tea Table Setting looks perfect. I would love a piece of the divine pudding to go with a hot cut of tea. What a beautiful gift from your family.......All of your tea set pieces are lovely.....
    Thanks for hosting a lovely tea party

    The French Hutch

  13. What a lovely post, Sandi! How fun to see your relatives, too! Yummy food makes me totally wish I were there!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  14. Sandi: You keep on amazing us. You never fail to touch our hearts with your love and specially chosen comments. The delight was ours as we returned home to our friends and told of our afternoon tea served in English style. It was delightful and we loved it and we love you.....
    Auntie P and Uncle Dee

  15. You are such a sweet hostess and set such a pretty tea time. Perfect for family that you love! You mentioned painting your chairs-I just read about some new paint. Here's an address:
    Perhaps it would be something you'd like.

    Spring is here, but we do get some strong winds that are annoying. They literally give me headaches. I have a few flowers blooming and I just saw my first perennial pansy with a blossom in my front yard. ♥♫

  16. It's all so very pretty - the teacups, saucers, flowers. And the tea sandwiches and the dessert are making me even hungrier right this minute!

  17. What a beautiful setting and a sweet gift! I love your vase and napkin rings the best! Hope you have a wonderful week!


  18. Your teapot present isso lovely! What a loving aunt and uncle. And you are such a loving niece too setting a beautiful table like that...Christine

  19. Hi Sandi
    I'm glad I finally get to see your Auntie P you've talked so much about. The gift from your aunt and uncle is lovely, a good sized teapot for one.
    I really like the white lace teapot, I'll keep my eyes open for one to match a similar plate I have.
    It has been so wonderful here the past few days and I've been able to get out to start cleaning up the gardens.
    Have a great week.

  20. Dear Sandi, what a beautiful setting! Everything looks so lovely. It is always a pleasure to visit your blog. Thank you for hosting and for your sweet comment.
    Have a blessed week!

  21. Hi Sandi,

    What a pretty table, and you already know I covet that vase! lol
    Everything looks lovely, and I like the pretty white teapot. Love the lace edges. How wonderful you were able to have a special tea, with special people! Love the teapot and cup they brought you. Thanks for sharing, and for hosting this party.


  22. What a wonderful tea and what a lovely gift. The cottage pudding looks very good.

  23. Sandi:

    It looks like a perfect day! right down to the adorable tea pot you recieved.

    - The Tablescaper

  24. Dear Sandi: You never disappoint. You have such an eye for things. Everything is beautiful. I just love the gift for your family! Just perfect! Have a great week. Hugs, Martha

  25. What a lovely and elegant family tea. How special and beautifully done! Thakns for a rosy glow!

  26. Such a lovely tea setting, for your family. I love the white teapot,and sorry I missed a try of your cottage pudding, any chance of sharing the recipe! yvette@twistedvines

  27. Dear Sandi,

    I absolutely love your post! gorgeous table setting, lovely cream lace teapot, the teacups and plates are beautiful!! the pearl napkin ring is elegant, and the flowers? beautiful as well as the vase! the food is yummy especially the sandwich! you're so lucky to have such a sweet aunt and uncle that brought you a gorgeous tea for one! love it!! Thanks for sharing and hosting!

  28. Dearest Sandi,
    Everything at your tea party looks so devine! The food is amazing and the lovely lacey teapot is so perfect with all your other tea delights. How precious your aunt and uncle are and what a fabulous treasure they bestowed upon you!
    Have a wonderful week!!

  29. Tea time with beloved people is the best tea time of all! Everything looks so pretty , even the food.

    I do like the teapots, both of them. The pretty gift and your Skye McGhee. It does go well with everything and is a thing of beauty all by itself.

  30. Sandi,
    This is so very lovely! How wonderful for you to be able to spend time with your family! I always think when sitting with loved ones who are telling wonderful stories that I wish I had a tape recorder to preserve these stories. You always set such a lovely table - so glad you shared this with A Return to Loveliness,

  31. Sandi,
    What a special time you had with your Auntie P and Uncle Doug. . .they look to be such a charming couple. Amazing how those special people bring such joy into our lives! You are a lucky niece to have them bring you such a lovely gift...a gift of rememberance of a lovely day spent with family. Life doesn't get any better than this! Thank you for your sweet comments and visit On Crooked Creek. Stop by again soon, dear.

  32. All your pinks are lovely. The white tea pot is a stand out, as I love whites. And I have a small teapot for one like yours that my sister gave me! Enjoy!

  33. Oh how fun to be able to visit with dear friends. Your tablescape is stunning as usual and the sandwiches look so good. The cottage Pudding sounds devine. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  34. Hi Sandi!
    Unlike last week, this time I did find the place to leave a comment! :) As I told you when you visited my blog, I always find your chintz china so beautiful!!! And the way you display items is so attractive!
    Part of the inspiration for my post this week came from viewing and admiring your things...
    Thanks for sharing.

  35. Lovely! And now I am hungry. I've never had cottage pudding but it looks so good and so pretty that I will have to make some.

    Love your place setting!

  36. Your beautiful centerpiece from Tabletop Tues brought me over. There are so many more wonderful things here. What a beautiful occasion!

  37. Dear Sandi,

    So happy you could enjoy that teatime with your dear Auntie!Lovely as always!

    Thanks for joining Pam and I once again for this our 50th TTTT and also for my 78th Tuesday Tea For Two..,

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee

  38. What a gorgeous tea setting. I love your beautiful china. Everything looks so elegant and inviting.


  39. Hi Sandi, your tea time and table setting are gorgeous! I love the dishes you used. And how blessed you are to receive that pretty teapot/cup set. That will be wonderful for pampering yourself! Your sandwiches and dessert look yummy. I always enjoy the quotes and Bible verses in your posts, too. (And I know how much time that must add to preparing your post.) Have a beautiful week! Bess

  40. Hi Sandi, I enjoyed you beautiful Tea Party setting...your collection is gorgeous!. Thanks so much for sharing!

  41. Hi Sandi,
    Thank you for stopping by! I loved your tea table and how lovely to have such a wonderful visit from your beloved aunt and uncle! The Teapot and cup gift is beautiful. At our tea party we too were going to make those yummy cream cheese and cucumber sandwiches, but ran out of time. But I know they are so very yummy!! I look forward to your Easter tea! Hopefully I will join into your party too!! Hugs!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.