Thursday 14 April 2011

Pink Saturday

Hello bloggerettes and welcome to Pink Saturday with Beverly @ How Sweet the Sound-

I finally finished decorating my mantel for Easter. It's not eggs-actly what I had in mind but it will have to do. Originally I had planned on using a pink flower pot but I can't for the life of me, find it. So the cream pots will have to do!

When last I shared this with you, I had only half of it decorated. I was hoping to find more chicks the same size as the one on my mantel but no one in town had them. So, he is playing all by himself with his friendly neighborhood bunnies. They are having fun regardless and they're all eggs-cited about Easter on the way!

So, here's my mantel for Easter; hope you like it! It was very difficult getting a shot without me in the photo too and we couldn't have that!

I normally decorate my mantel for Easter more formally but this year, I decided on a more whimsical one.

There are five pink- nosed and playful brown and white bunnies hopping about and one little chick has shown up to play hide and seek with them.

Pink Easter grass and eggs give the mantel a more festive look.

My bunnies were having such a wonderful time that they upset a potted rose.

And these two bunnies have upset a pot of eggs while Mr. Peeps looks on in surprise.

Sorry, it's not closer up but I didn't want me in the reflection of the mirror.

When I was taking pictures of the mantel, this cute little fellow showed up in my back yard so I took his picture too. It's not really clear because I took it from inside the house through the kitchen window. He was quite content just sitting there munching grass.

As you can see, he is basically the same colour as my bunnies. I am glad I got the pictures when I did because something scared him and off he hopped into the woods.

I'm also joining Sherry @ Home Sweet Home party. ~

If you enjoy flowers; pansies in particular, I hope you will take a moment to visit this new blogger I just 'met'. She has a gorgeous blog! Michelle @ Shabby Delights  ~ 

Well, those are my offerings for this week. Please be sure to visit the ladies hostessing these parties. I hope you have a safe and happy weekend and I invite you all to join me next week for my Easter Tea Party.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Sandi,

    Your mantel is lovely! The bunnies are very cute. Thank you so much for linking up today! I love your native bunny, he is a fancy fellow!

  2. Love the little Bunnies, the Collectibles & Nature Ones Too...

  3. Hi Sandi! Love your mantle. You should have that little chick sitting next to an open egg like he was just hatched! Love your bunnies, inside and out. Love the pink grass, too.
    It's hard when you have a mirror in the background to get shots without you in it! LOL
    Hugs- tete

  4. Your little bunnies on the mantle are just sweet as is the real one in the yard. Your mantle looks very pretty. Pamela

  5. Dear Sandi ~ What a darling Easter mantel you've put together! Those bunnies and wee chick look like they're having the time of their life, playing amongst all the Easter eggs! Your outdoor bunny is adorable too and he looks domestic, not like the 'wild' rabbits we have around here! Happy (Early) Pink Saturday! xox

  6. Bunnies, bunnies, and more bunnies. They all look so cute. Lovely decorating.

  7. So sweet little bunnies! Pretty!

    Happy Pink Saturday!


  8. Love your sweet bunnies! Thanks so much for your visit!

  9. luv the bunnies!
    had to look twice because i thought they were real.

  10. Your mantel is adorable - those bunnies are so darn cute :O)

    Happy Pink Saturday!! Have a great weekend :O)

  11. I enjoyed seeing your bunnies and decorations. They set the mood for me to look for my decorations. Apparently mine are packed away after the remodel to the house and the long await for dining room furniture.

  12. Your mantle is very whimsical and delightful,

  13. Sandi~ this is too pretty! I adore it!
    You have an extra place setting?

  14. Hi Sandi,
    I love your Easter vingette. The little bunnies are so cute.

    Looks like Mr. Rabbit showed up in your yard in the nick of time!


  15. So cute! I love how you've got your little bunnies upsetting pots here and playful!

    HaPpY pInK sAtUrDaY!

  16. Thankyou Sandi for visiting me and your kind comments. I feel very honoured that you have mentioned me in your thankyou.
    Have a great weekend,
    Kind regards Michelle

  17. Adorable, and fun the bunnies are cute and your mantel looks sweet. That is one big bunny outside. Happy ps.

  18. Hi Sandi, what fun to post your sweet bunnies and lovely mantel, only to have the real thing show up. I could get lost in my mind telling stories of how sweet it all is.
    Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  19. Your mantel is lovely! I think I may copy your idea, although I don't have those cute rabbits. Happy PS!

  20. Happy Pink Saturday Sandi Sweetie...
    What a precious share today. I love the completion of your mantel.

    These rabbits look so gorgeous. I love the pot and the watering bucket as well. Makes me think of Mr. MacGregor and Peter Cottontail as they played and scurried about his garden. Oh it is absolutely breathtaking. I do SO love it.

    Your little chick, delightful. He can be moved around each day, as he plays about. What fun you can have with this vignette sweetie.

    Thank you for sharing today. I SO enjoyed myself. Hope you have a beautiful weekend. Many hugs and SO much love, Sherry

  21. Happy Pink Saturday, Sandi,
    Your mantle turned out so pretty!
    Love,love,love your little bunnies and of course our outdoor bunny friend!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  22. Sandi your decorations are adorable. Gosh the bunnies look so real! Happy Pink Saturday!

  23. I love the mantel and that backyard bunny is sweet too! I have not been over for quite some time. I love stopping by. HPS and have a great weekend Come visit soon. Anne

  24. What a great mantel you have created! So cute and so cheerful! I really love the "real" bunny though, ha!

    Happy PS,

  25. I love the pinks you have showed us so far...Cute liitle buunnies
    onyour mantel..put in in the Easter mid

  26. Your mantel is sooooo sweet - as Easter should be! You have a great collections of bunnies. They are all so cute.

  27. Sandi dear, such a lovely Easter display! super cute! love it.. Happy PS!

  28. Your mantle looks lovely, Happy Pink Saturday! Love the real bunny! Hugs Marilou

  29. Hi
    What a beautiful mantel. I so enjoyed looking at the photographs.
    It is a Spring like morning in Scotland, which is rare lol.
    Wishes for a Happy Pink Saturday.

  30. Sandi, I adore your springy pink mantel! Your bunnies are darling. The rose pot is the perfect touch!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  31. Hello Sandi, Happy Pink Sat. I just join this group and your Pink Mantel and Bunnies are very very lovely. Your blog is also very pretty. I just visited your glorious PEI last Summer ( a Dream Come True) and had the most fantastic wonderful time. I even fell in love more with PEI and it warm and friendly people. Hugs Judy

  32. The mantel is beautiful, you did an awesome job. Love it!!!

    Have a wonderful PS and an awesome week.
    Warm Wishes, CindyLew

  33. good morning, sandi... visiting here with you today, i become so excited about easter's soon arrival - thank you! bouquets to you today! -xok.

  34. Hi Sandi, Wanted to stop by and say hi since I have not been at tea for a few weeks. I so love the bunnies getting into trouble! How creative you are. What a delightful mantel. I like the whimsy myself. Happy PS. Blessings

  35. I love your whimsical mantel. Each bunny is just adorable. You are lucky they held so still so you could photo them!!



  36. Love your little bunnies, Sandi!! Thanks for stopping by and also your kind comments,

  37. Your Easter mantel is all decorated for Easter. Glad you were able to get a shot of the bunny before he went off. I don't see many bunnies here and around. Pink is just the right colour, soft, soothing and just pink, thanks for sharing. Please check out our new "all about" PEI blog at

  38. Pretty mantel! The bunnies are so cute!...Christine

  39. Once again, we are gathering to enjoy that yummy is the most delicious color I know.... have a safe and pleasant week end...God Bless You...

  40. How perfect, Sandi. You even have a bit of blue!

    Happy Easter, my blogging buddy!

  41. Hello Sandi,
    your mantel decoration is so sweet. And I guess, this was the true real Easterbunny, you saw in your yard. It has a very different color to the other bunnies.
    Greetings, Johanna

  42. Hi Sandi, What a sweet Easter tea post. :o) I love the real bunny in it. I had a pet named Satin Aussy. He was a red satin Australian breed.

    Frankly, I love the yellow tulips. Yellow has become my new favorite color.

    That white lace tea cup really is my favorite...and I can't decide if hubby chose candy or cake. I think my hubby would choose the candy. Hmm...

    Easter is such a special time--the most important one for us as believers. We will be attending a passover seder that our pastor friend hosts every year. I'm so looking forward to it!

    Lovely post!
    Donna @ Comin' Home


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.