Sunday 7 November 2010

Spiritual Sundays

Hello friends and welcome to Spiritual Sundays hosted by Charlotte and Ginger.

The other day, I read this devotional from Our Daily Bread and it reminded me to put things into their proper place. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy things as much as the next person, and I am thankful for the many blessings that the Lord has poured out upon me. However, I need to keep in mind that these things are only on loan. I think we can all benefit from this message from time to time. It is penned by Jennifer Benson Schuldt.

"Rugs, lamps, a washer and dryer, even the food in the cupboards - everything was for sale! My husband and I stopped at an estate sale one day and wandered through the house, overwhelmed by the volume of belongings. Dish sets littered the dining room table. Christmas decorations filled the front hallway. Tools, toy cars, board games, and vintage dolls crowded the garage. When we left, I wondered if the homeowners were moving, if they desperately needed money, or if they had passed away.

This reminded me of these words from Ecclesiastes: "Just as he came, so shall he go." {5:16}. We're born empy-handed and we leave the world the same way. The stuff we buy, organize, and store is ours only for a while- and it's all in a state of decay. Moths munch through our clothes; even gold and silver may not hold their value {James 5:2-3}. Sometimes "riches perish through misfortune" {Ecc. 5:14}, and our kids don't get to enjoy our possessions after we're gone.

Stockpiling possessions in the here-and-now is foolish, because we can't take anything with us when we die. What's important is a proper attitude toward what we have and how we use what God has given. That way we'll be storing up our treasure where it belongs - in heaven.

Whatever we possess on earth
We have to leave behind;
But everything we give to God
In heaven we will find. - Sper

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Always a pleasure to visit with you Sandi. Wishing you a nice weekend.

  2. I agree with you. A relative of mine moved from an entire house full of things to one room in assisted living. There is so much stuff left behind in the house! And we aren't taking our possessions to heaven.

  3. HI Sandi, What a wonderful post and so true. Loved the quote/story you shared. In today's world it is hard to keep this perspective and hopefully your post has made many look heavenward not to what we have.
    Hugs, Noreen

  4. This was a great post Sandi and isn't it just the truth? We truly are just passing through, and if we could just keep this mindset instead of the constant need for more. We can't take any of it with us. This was a good reminder. Have a wonderful week-end. HUGS

  5. hi sandi! it's so nice to meet you and read
    your encouraging treasure. so true! i hope
    i am at least aimed in the right direction.


  6. Hi Sandi this is so true...thank you for this beautiful post!

  7. Lovely post, Sandi. Good reminder ~ I have never heard it put quite this way..we come into the world emptyhanded and we leave emptyhanded.

  8. Yes, so true. As we have been planning on downsizing we have been taking loads to Goodwill and to the garbage. I am amazed at how much one family in the US can accumulate.....quite convicting for sure.

  9. Hello Sandi,
    This just shows us that we should not hold on too tightly to these things we own and that they should not own us! What a blessing to know we can enjoy things here and let them go for something much better!
    God Bless,

  10. Visiting from Spiritual Sundays~

    Wonderful post and so true.. I recall waking up from my coma and it wasn'tthe material things that came to mind as being missed .. but of receiving dandilion bouquets from the little girl down the street. Moments, memories, and be kind to others is what is important... blessings.. HHL

  11. The older I get the more I want to simplify my things. Thank-you for this important post and scriptures today.

  12. This is so true. It is always sad to me when I see estate sales selling seemingly everything a person owned. It really does remind us though that all these things are just temporary for all of us. Thank you for this beautiful post. I really like your Pink Saturday post also. I had not heard of that dear lady before I started blogging either. I have learned so much here in blogland. I need to put this book on my want list. BTW I always enjoy your Pink Saturday posts. You certainly have a lot of beautiful pink in your life.

  13. What a wonderful post. Thanks for the sweet reminder.


  14. Great post and so true.Everything we have is simply on loan.It is often hard to remember this in this materialistic world. Thanks for sharing.

  15. I agree. We need to be good stewards of resources that God has entrusted us with and use them for God's glory.

  16. Thanks for the wonderful post. I really needed to hear this today, especially because I'm having trouble letting go of a few things. :o) New visitor from BloggerSpirit and looking forward to reading your posts. Happy Sunday! :o) Larri at Seams Inspired

  17. Hi. Thanks for sharing your devotional. I think of this often when at estate sales. We leave with nothing. Love your encouraging blog.
    ~ Julie

  18. We do sometimes get carried away with what we have and want and forget it is all extras and not the true value in life.

  19. I absolutely love this post.How true those words are.
    I truly enjoyed the read .
    Much Joy & Blessings,

  20. This is a great post, Sandi. I was just writing a blog post for this next week and thinking of those very verses.

    John Jacob Astor, one of the richest men in America, died on the Titanic. When they found his body, he was carrying around $2000 in cash. I'm not sure the exact amount, but in today's economy it would be a considerable sum. (Carrying 2000 in cash is a considerable sum to me - even today.) :) Anyway, all that money couldn't save him and none of the money he took with him.

    Like you, I enjoy nice things, but must never forget where true riches come from and where they are stored.


  21. Dear Sandi,
    Wonderful words...thank you.

    As I have supported my doula clients, some through pregnancy and birth and others with new baby care these last few days I find I do not have the time to chat with each of you individually and thank you for commenting or participating in our Tuesday meme. Please know how much we appreciate and anticipate your participation each week.

    Look forward to joining you around the tea table this week.

    Blessings, Pam

  22. Hi, Sandi,
    Yes, so true, I agree. We need to have the right perspective concerning our possessions on earth, God's not against us having possessions, but that we honour Him with what we have and bless others as well. It's definitely better to lay up tresures in Heaven. Thanks for sharing this post.

  23. Good Morning Sandi,
    as always such a blessing to visit.The thoughts from the story you shared are so true.We are on a journey and this world is not my home, though He lets me enjoy, I must always remember to set my affections on things above Thank you for reminding me of where my home is. What wonderful thought for me to ponder.
    Enjoy your week,

  24. Thanks for the reminder that things are just that...silly old things.
    It is wonderful to know that we have a home prepared where we won't need any of these things.

  25. Hi Sandi! Truer words were never spoken. Thank you for the gentle reminder. God always has a way of bringing just what we need to hear to our minds at just the perfect time. We serve an ON TIME God! Thank you for such sweet words on my blog. I appreciate your thoughts. I'm happy to have a sister in Christ as a follower. Blessings to you, my new friend. Have a wonderful week.

  26. By the way, I forgot to say that I have been a follower of your blog for sometime now. I'm generally a lurker and do read blogs but don't post often. I'll try to remedy that. I have a little more time right now than I have in the past. Blessings!!

  27. Hi Sandi
    I love to visit your blog
    Thank you for Spiritual Sunday. I learn something new each time I visit.
    Betty My Cozy Corner

  28. Such a touching story and all of your tea things are stunning. You have such lovely dishes and accessories. Thanks so much for linking to TTT. Hugs, Marty


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.