Saturday 6 November 2010

Pink Saturday

Happy weekend everyone and Happy Pink Saturday! Hope you all had a wonderful week!

I had a lovely Giveaway come in the mail this past week from my friend Bernideen @ Bernideen's Tea Time Blog.

Yes, I know, I have won several giveaways in the past few months and Hubby says if I were to buy a ticket, I would surely win the lottery!

Among the many wonderful items that were included in the Giveaway was Tasha Tudor's book, a lovely coffee table book.
Now, I want you all to know that before I began blogging, I was not familiar with Tasha Tudor. Since my blogging began however, I have read about this fascinating lady and I am so happy to have won this book about her life. She was a very unique individual!

So, today I would like to share some pictures from this wonderfully written book. I love her wit and illustrations!

Tasha Tudor lived her life as she wanted, surrounded by all the things she loved. She always wore an ankle-length frock with an apron over it and her hair tied back under a kerchief. She always walked barefoot with her herd of corgis close at her heels. She loved the 1830's and lived life as though from that era; a very interesting character was she!

As you can see from the cover of this hard covered book, it is pink. There are many pinks throughout the book.

An excerpt from the book, "Have you ever noticed a gosling's face? The little buttonhole stitch around the eyes, and the way their down goes just so. Oh, they're exquisite! And their little dark beaks, and the tiny little scales on their perfectly formed feet. I think they're the most fascinating of all the young- other than goat kids and small corgis.
Have you ever brought up goslings in a box by the kitchen stove? Don't you love the noise they make, that funny little whistling trill when they're content. It's such a delicious noise, sort of a reedy twitter. Oh, it's very soothing."

A shot of her home which she had built by her son Seth, with a view of her gardens; watercolours to the left.

Of peonies, she says, "Peonies have an intoxicating smell, and they're so soft and creamy looking. I like the pale pink ones best......They die nicely, in other words; not like some roses that die like old dishrags."Tea time...Here she is pictured tying the ribbon on one of her antique frocks from her great collection of women's apparel.
Tasha Tudor's book is charming and it whisks me back to when I myself was a child and I played with critters and pretended there were fairies playing in the flower garden.
It is a lovely read accompanied by a cup of fragrant tea! You should get yourself a copy!

To see the rest of the Giveaway, you will have to come back on Tuesday for my tea party, Tea Time Tuesday. Lots of goodies to share with you!

I don't believe I have ever shared with you my Rose Chintz double egg cups. One end holds the egg before it's prepared to eat.
Flip it over and enjoy your freshly boiled egg. I have three of these cups which were given to me by my Auntie P. All three egg cups have some crazing on them which just adds to their character. To the left you see the butter dish which Auntie also gifted me with.
Thanks for visiting and do stop by Beverly's and visit her parade of pinkies.

Have a lovely pink weekend everyone and hope to see you on Tuesday for tea!
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. I greatly admire Tasha Tudor and the way she lived, and am pleased you won a book about her. She was a dear lady. I read that her home was up a very rutted dirt road, and was quite remote, which discouraged too many visitors.

  2. Sandi, Tasha sounds like a woman that was very secure in everything. She did what made her happy and lived life to it's fullest. I will have to read about her, thanks for sharing the book with us this week.
    I love egg cups and yours are beautiful, esp the butter dish. Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  3. Bernideen is very generous. I love your egg cup.

  4. That egg cup is delightful! Veyr pretty. I am glad you won so many fin giveaways! It is a great feeling! Anne

  5. Happy Pink Saturday Dear Sandi! I have never heard of Tasha Tudor until now and I am intrigued! She sounds like a fabulous woman and I'm going to google her once I finish my comments. What a great giveaway prize and yes, I have noticed how lucky you've been! Congratulations! Your egg cups from Auntie are beautiful. Have a great weekend! HUGS

  6. Congrats on all your wins! Your chintz china is beauteous!
    Happy PS

  7. Beautiful! Beautiful! Beautiful! I love books and would love this one I'm sure. Although your blog and this post appears to be mostly for lovely ladies. I really enjoyed reading this post today. I will not be back Tuesday but I know the lady who wins will be happy and thankful to you.

  8. Hi Sandi! I love the double egg cup!! So pretty. Love the Tasha Tudor book, too.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  9. ooh i love tasha tudor! had her books for my daughter when she was young ~ lovely to see the photos ~ thank you Sandi!
    and enjoyed your butter dish/egg cups! especially coming from the heart of your aunt..
    blessings on your PS :)

  10. Hi Sandi... what a beautiful post for a pink Saturday! love the egg cup.. so lovely!!

  11. I like Tasha Tudor and someday I would love to have one of her books. I was interested in her as well a couple of years ago. This lady was very interesting, I'm not so sure if what I read is true or not,it's not up to me but I still like her and like how she choose to live.

  12. I only recently hear of this Lady also from a sweet friend and hope to get the chance to read her book...Even more so now after seeing your photos and the quotes.
    Thank you for Sharing.


  13. HI Sandie...first congrats on all the wins. I haven't heard about this woman but that picture on the cover....awesome. I love the way she looks...thanks for sharing this. Happy weekend. Sarah

  14. What a nice giveaway! Yes, I have been familiar with Tasha Tudor for awhile now. I found her by seeing her art in children's books. Her watercolors just captivated me! More lovely pieces to your rose chintz pattern. Isn't it fun to get these pieces and to collect a certain pattern. Happy Pink Saturday!

  15. Congratulations on your wonderful win! Thanks for stopping by my blog and your kind words!


  16. Adore the egg cups!! I don't have any but have decided to collect some. I will be on the look out!
    GMAM Jane

  17. I never heard of Tasha, so I most enjoyed your post!

  18. This looks like such a wonderful book. I would love to have seen her wardrobe.

  19. I like that part where she says a rose dies like an old dish rag. That's true and the peony petals just float to the ground. Happy Pink Saturday

  20. What a nice treat this time of year to recieve in the mail.Perfect to cuddle up with.

  21. Happy Pink Saturday. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pink gifts. Loved the egg cups.

  22. It looks like a magical book and she sounds like she was a very special lady! Happy Pink Saturday and have a wonderful weekend!

  23. What a very lovely post... sounds like a wonderful book! Your egg cup is just gorgeous and congrats on your winnings!!! My blogging partner is launching her new website tomorrow and will be having some wonderful giveaways hope you can stop by and check it out! Happy Pink Saturday!
    Blessings~~~ Daphne

  24. Hi! what a cute pink saturday post!

    I love it!

    so sweet and very romantic!


  25. What a lovely post. I have never heard of Tasha Tudor until I read your post. I am mostly definitely going to find more out about her. She sounds like my kind of woman!!
    Happy Pink Saturday.
    Hugs, LisaKay

  26. Very gorgeous book. I love your egg cups. I have he one from when i was little but it has chickens on it! lol But still fun to keep. Have a lovely day!

  27. What an incredible lady she was-glad you won the book!

  28. Congrats on your wins! It's always fun to get a package in the mail.
    ~ Julie


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.