Monday 28 June 2010

Tea Time Tuesday

Hello my tea lovin friends~ Welcome to my 23rd Tea Time Tuesday!
Hope you all enjoyed your weekend.

This past week one of our young ladies who attends our Bible study celebrated her 30th birthday, so for refreshments on Wednesday night, I made her a wonderful Trifle instead of the usual cake.

It is a decadent concoction of chocolate cake, pudding, whipped cream, and berries. It went over very well, as you can imagine!
My roses snuggle up to the trifle bowl to add a bit of prettiness and I didn't notice it until I took the picture, but they also match the pink birthday candle in the dessert.

Please help yourself to a big bowful of Trifle; there's more than enough to go around. A nice hot cup of tea awaits you in the teapot.

The birthday girl, Lisa, {not her real name} is an amazing young lady. She has overcome many obstacles in her life and it is her faith in a big God that has brought her to where she is today.

When my hubby and I first met Lisa at our church eleven years ago, she was still a teenager who taught Sunday School, and she was carrying the burdens of the world upon her shoulders.
She was emotional, overweight, and very needy due to the fact that she came from a very dysfunctional background.
Today she exercises regularly and is a slim and well-balanced young lady. She is confident in who she is and she sparkles with vitality. She also is not afraid to share her faith with others.
We love her very much and she has become somewhat like a daughter to my hubby and me.
I am amazed at what the Lord has done in her life!


We encounter people from all walks of life every day and in interpersonal relationships, we sometimes misinterpret a situation. Some people need a lot of nurturing such as Lisa. Some people we oftentimes regard as an enemy. But given a little kindness and understanding, we could end up having a friend.

I went outside to find a friend
But could not find one there;
I went outside to be a friend,
And friends were everywhere! - Payne

"A friend loves at all times." - Proverbs 17:17

Thank you for stopping by for tea today. I hope you have enjoyed your visit here. I want to thank all my participants who each week help make this meme what it is; a joy to me!

If you would like to participate in Tea Time Tuesday, please let me know in your comment and I will add your link to my post.

Just share a favourite teacup, teapot, or some china used in a tea. A scripture verse, poem, or quote would be most welcome too. Either of the two Tea Time buttons near the top of my sidebar are available for you to use in your post if you wish.

As a courtesy, please link back to me so that others may find their way here and visit all my other lovely participants. I wish you JOY today. God bless you!

Happiness is sharing tea with a friend.

There are other Tea Parties taking place in blogland too. The links with the stars ** are those parties. Be sure to check them out as well. The participants listed below are in the order in which they first started participating.

Katherine~ {yellow depression glass}

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Oh the trifle looks delicious and displays so well in the clear glass bowl. I like your white ceramic bird and the cute teapot too. That is so good to hear about "Lisa" being transformed, and for her church friends to see the changes.

  2. Happy birthday to Lisa! Love your teapot. The trifle looks amazing! Chocolate, whip cream, and berries. YUM! Thanks for hosting.

  3. Oh, that trifle looks delicious! And the white tea pot is darling. I'd like to link my Mad Tea Party to your Tea Time Tuesday this week. Thanks for linking me up. ~ Sarah

  4. What a blessing you have been to your young friend, I am sure.

    The trifle looks so good.

  5. I'm so excited to find your blog. I love the trifle and your tea pot with the word TEA. Cute.
    Please me to your Tea Time Tuesday. http://bettycozycorner.blogspot/2010/06/tea-with-st-patrick.html
    Betty @ My Cozy Corner

  6. The trifle looks so good. I hope your friend had a very Happy Birthday. I just love that white teapot, so pretty.


  7. Such a decadent dessert this week Sandi.
    I like the cute white teapot and enjoyed your story of a young girl who became a happy woman.

  8. Now, now....the trifle is a tad too don't want to wreck Lisa's transformation...just kidding. NICE!

  9. Your trifle is beautiful and the tea pot too.
    Plese count me in on tea time tues.
    Blessings, Sharon

  10. Hi Sandi... Just when I was trying to eat fruit.. You taunt me with that delicious trifle!! Happy Birthday to Lisa too!
    Please add me to your party this week:-)

  11. oh love that trifle.. sooo delish! keep some for me, I am coming with my teacups and tea! teehee.. Hi Sandi, I am in for your Tea Time Tuesday :-)

    wishing you great week!

  12. What a great birthday gift for Lisa! I can almost taste it. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement, you are so thoughtful. Have a wonderful week, feel better and remember you are loved! Blessings, Martha

  13. Oh, just love the trifle! The teapot on the cake plate looks so pretty! Happy Birthday to your Lisa! How wonderful of you to take her under your wing! I love the friend saying. Yes, it find to link me to your Tea Time, anytime you like. I haven't been visiting much lately as I got hurt, but I am mending. I would love to have a dish of the trifle about now.

  14. Sandi, that trifle looks delicious. I love desserts in those large clear bowls. Always elegant looking.

    What a blessing that Lisa has been transformed by the love of Christ and the love of His people. A very happy birthday to her.

    By the way, because of your sweet invitation, I linked up with you this week, but I dont' see a place to put in my link. Do you have to do it on your end?

    Thanks for inviting me to join in your fun.

    Patti (Fill My Cup with Beauty)

  15. Hello! I'd love to participate but It looks like I didn't get you notified in time! :( I'll have a tea post up tho! :)

  16. That trifle looks absolutely yummy! I would love to participate again this week in Tea Time Tuesday. It is such a fun blog hop and I thoroughly enjoy it! Thank you so much for hosting! :)

  17. Just love that white teapot!!! Please can I pull up a seat tojoin you??

  18. Hi Sandi - what a delicious looking cake *yum* *yum* and obviously made for a delightful young lady - thanks goes to you and hubby for caring for Lisa and helping her become the person she is today. Judith

    I am participating today.

  19. Hi Sandi, The white teapot is so pretty and the trifle looks great! Hope this will be a good week for you and looking forward to coming for tea again next week.
    Hugs and blessings, Beth

  20. Hi Sandi,
    Your trifle looks so good and I love your pretty teapot!
    My sister,Pauline is coming home for a couple of weekson Thurs.-I think you would remember her from our old school days. There is a reunion in a couple of weeks -are you going?
    I had no tea ready for today but I can enjoy yours!


  21. WOW! Your Trifle looks so yummy and this is the time of year for fresh berries. What a delicious departure from cake!

    You better hide your teapot that says "Tea" on it....I WANT THAT TEAPOT! lol!

  22. Oh My gosh!! The Trifle looks soooo delicious!! And you didn't save me any :( I LOVE CHOCOLATE!! I am a confessed chocoholic, and very proud of it, LOL !! I love your white tea pot :)

    Happy Teacup Tuesday!

    Warmest, Brenda

  23. This is just a dream of loveliness, a confection of delights dear Sandi!..,

    I just adore the deliciously yummy and elegant looking trifle, presented ever so artistically in taht beutiful glass footed dish, as well as the delightful vignettes of the white teapots and pink roses; exquisite as always my dear lady!~ Thanks for hosting yet another delightful Tuesday Teatime!

    Please also come visit and join in the fun with this my 37th,'Tuesday Tea For Two',and also my 28th,'wednesday Tea For Me And Thee', tea parties at the Plumed Pen Sandi!

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee @ The Plumed Pen

  24. Hi Sweet Sandi!
    I am late in joining in today! So sorry, but I did finally get my post done!

    Wished I could have been with you as you celebrated a special birthday! I LOVE oooooey and gooooey desserts like that and would have love to meet such a special girl! God DOES heal us and make us whole!

    Have a blessed day my friend!

  25. Happy birthday to Lisa. Her birthday trifle looks delicious - what a treat. I really like that unusual teapot and your pretty roses.

  26. Hello dear Sandi,

    Blessings to that young girl. You are both lucky to have bonded in friendship. That dessert looks delish!!! I have made one like that, with no berries, but little pieces of hershey chocolate. It was called Death by Chocolate! I like your idea of the pretty fruit in there better. thanks for sharing!


  27. Hello, Love your blog and adore your tea posts. I have one today - don't know if it's too late for this week

    Love Trifles! Yours looks absolutely scrumptious!

    God Bless,

  28. Wow, that is quite the dessert! Your tea pot is very sweet, and your roses beautiful.
    Thank you so much for sharing in Tea Cup Tuesday today!

  29. Hi Sandi! Late as usual.. Sorry. LOVED your post today!!.. and the quotes about friends too! Dessert looked delicious too!... I think God watches out for us. I can relate in a way. Where there is need, God provides. I never had a good relationship with my parents, but when I was old enough to leave home, I met a friend, through work, who has been like both a mother and best friend to me ever since! She is a wonderful blessing to me!... Thank you for hosting, Happy Birthday to "Lisa", and hope you're enjoying this beautiful day today, Sandi! ((hugs)) ~tina

    My Tea Time post is here:

  30. Hi Again! YES!.. you recognized Rapunzel! I can't remember exactly when I got her, but I do remember she was the first "expensive" (or at least I thought in those days) porcelain dolly I had ever bought myself! She's held up well, but her dress IS due for a good cleaning.. Have a good night! ((hugs)) ~tina

  31. Such a pretty teapot. And I like your added spiritual encouragement.

  32. That trifle looks so delicious! Everything is so pretty, I really like the tea pot too!

    Sweet story about Lisa!

    I didn't know you had the Tea Time Tuesday, I thought I had linked to most of them, but don't see my name on this one. Can you link me to it? My yellow depression glass tea party. (I'll be gone most of the day tomorrow and can't do it.)


  33. That trifle looks so delicious and your teapot is adorable. That is a beautiful story about "Lisa". Thank you for sharing everything. Take care.

  34. Dear Sandi,I came from your sweet comment on Rose Tea Cottage.
    It´s my first visit to your blog and I have really enjoyed your Tea Party, the trifle looks so yummy!
    Have a wonderful day!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.