Saturday 26 June 2010

Spiritual Sundays

Hello everyone and welcome to my Spiritual Sundays post. I have been away for a couple of weeks and I have missed you all. Thank you Charlotte and Ginger for hosting SS every week. Please click on the link to visit all the participants and these lovely ladies.

One day the question was asked, "Why is there so much suffering in the world?" The answer is quite simple really. We live in a fallen world!

Jesus taught that the world seen from God's viewpoint is tilted in favour of the oppressed. This teaching emerges in the Sermon on the Mount and other statements of Jesus: the first will be last {Matt. 19:30; Mark 10:31; Luke 13:30}, and he who humbles himself will be exalted {Luke 14:11; 18:14}. But why would God single out the oppressed for special attention?

1. Suffering helps us realize our urgent need for redemption.

2. Suffering helps us experience our dependence on God and our interdependence with one another.

3. Suffering helps us distinguish between necessities and luxuries.

4. Suffering helps us respond to the call of the gospel because we may have become so desperate that we cry out to God.

The poor, the hungry, the mourners, and those who suffer are blessed {Matt. 5:3-6} because their lack of self-sufficiency is obvious to them every day. They must turn somewhere for strength. People who are rich, successful, and beautiful may go through life relying on their natural gifts. But people who are needy, dependant, and dissatisfied with life are more likely to welcome God's free gift of love.

"Blessed are the poor in spirit." Why? Because "theirs is the kingdom of heaven" {Matt. 5:3}.

- Phillip Yancy from Our Daily Bread


Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Thank you for post today Sandi - I do enjoy Philip Yancy's writings and often find them very challenging. Thankfully, during times of suffering and trials we can lean on Christ who upholds us. Judith

  2. It is so true that in our weakness we become more dependent on our God. Great post, Sandy. Missed you, but I've been out of town myself on and off!

  3. Thank you Sandi for this post. It is so true that our trials draw us closer to our Lord. Praise God we can lean on Him!

  4. A beautiful post, Dear, thank you. Blessings ~

  5. This was really good and oh soo true. Welcome back!


    AMEN to that for sure. Have a wonderful week-end.

    Hugs, Debbie

  6. Your concluding sentence is very true.

  7. A very good post, Sandi! I'm glad I stopped by today.. It is sometimes very easy for me to get down in spirit, as that is what I grew up with, constantly, and I almost worry it's genetic, as my brother and sisters all take meds! But my daughter comforts me by saying I'm ok, and I must have been adopted! ha! ha!.. But this is why i have my blessings blog (well, BOTH blogs really!); so that I can forget my troubles, keep my chin up, and remember what's most important in my life!.. And of course, God comes first, as I don't know where I'd be without Him! ~tina

  8. Such a great post. Everyone asks why man is allowed to suffer... this explains it beautifully.

  9. Sandi, this is a wonderful write ... so full of wisdom & truths.

    Have a lovely summer eve.
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  10. Hello Sandi, Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment. I love your wedding post, your wedding pics are adorable and I also loved seeing the pics of your dream wedding. You look like a sweet happy couple today! Happy Pink Saturday also.
    Blessings, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  11. Back again Sandi, I forgot to comment on this post. Very beautifully put! THank you!
    Shirls ROse Cottage

  12. In those times of trial and suffering, not only do we lean more heavily on the Lord, but we see him in our lives in ways that we otherwise would not. We experience his strength and provision in ways that we don't when we are not suffering.

    A few years ago, my husband was out of work for 25 months. We had never needed to rely on God before, as we had been more than comfortable. However, during those long months, we not only relied on the Lord, but we saw him working in our lives in ways that we never had ways that we would never have experienced had it not been for the trial we were in.


  13. I wish there was no suffering....but b/c of it....I definitely need Him more.

  14. Sandi - I have found that my trials draw me closer to the Lord. Jesus never promised that our lives would be without suffering once we begin to follow Him. Sadly, many today are teaching to the contrary - "follow Jesus and all your problems will be gone." So sad.


  15. Dear Sandi,

    Welcome back and enjoy summer for the time being! Always a pleasure to visit your blog.

    Greetings from Georgia/USA


  16. A beautiful write Sandi. So true ...
    Have a lovely & safe 4th ~
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  17. I like your explanation. Thank you for sharing this with us on Spiritual Sundays.

  18. Your post today addresses one of our greatest questions. This is excellent and will help many. Thank you.

  19. I often wonder how many times a homeless person will say I'm blessed. I think that it's easy for me to say that now, and I pray that I would say that if I were homeless. Thank-you for this thought provoking post today. By the way you were missed as well.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.