Saturday 18 July 2009

Spiritual Sundays

Hello and welcome to another weekend of Spiritual Sundays hosted by Charlotte and Ginger. Please click on the link or the Spiritual Sundays button on my sidebar to be refreshed and encouraged in your spirit!

Today, I would like to share a devotional from Our Daily Bread. When I read this, it got me to thinking about the different ways people serve God. Some people serve Him quietly in the prayer closet while others such as the pastor, serve God in front of others; spending much time in the public eye. Maybe you lead a prayer meeting or work as the church custodian. Or perhaps your job is in the nursery looking after the little ones so the moms can enjoy the service.
Maybe you're one of those dear people who brings a meal to the new mother who just got home from the hospital with her baby.
Whatever you do, if you do it wholeheartedly as unto the Lord, then your job will not go unnoticed by Him. One thing I am certain of; whatever we do for Christ, whether up front or behind the scenes, is well worth the effort, and He will bless us for it.
I have served the Lord both in the limelight as a pastor's wife and I have served Him behind the scenes, and I have been blessed in both capacities.
I want to encourage all of you who think what you're doing is not important. If your motives are right, then you will be blessed and God will be pleased with your offering.
Today's devotional is called Behind the Building and I pray you will be ministered to by it!


"Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." 1 Corinthians 15:58

Where we were working was hot, dirty, and it smelled bad. We had traveled thousands of miles to do some work projects, and on this day we were painting the back of a classroom building at a school for the deaf.
The only people who would ever see this part of the building would be the guy who cut the grass and any unfortunate person who would have to work on the septic tank.
Yet, as the young adults diligently painted away, one of the girls, Melissa, put it in perspective by saying, "Nobody will ever come back here to see this, but God will see it. So let's make it it look nice." And so we did.
Sometimes we sit at our desk and think no one sees our work. Or we stand at a line assembling item after endless item. Perhaps we take care of crying babies in the church nursery. Or we live the best Christian life we can - without anyone noticing.

Often our work is "behind the building." But if that is what God has called us to do, we need to work with all our heart. As part of our calling to love others deeply {1 Peter 4:8}, offer hospitality and use our gifts to serve others, our task is to work with God's strength to bring praise and glory to God, not ourselves.
The important thing is that God likes what He sees. - Dave Branon


NOTE: I have put in a very busy week running back and forth from the hospital, visiting my poor mother. She is not doing very well today and is in a lot of discomfort. She really needs a touch from the Great Physician's hand! I would really appreciate your prayers on her behalf. Thank you and God bless you!


  1. Thank you for this awesome encouragement! At my workplace [prison], despite it very challenging especially the mental part, my comfort is knowing that I'm working for the Lord first. Being aware, I have no desire but to please Him and Him only.
    Sorry to hear about your mom. Prayed before posting this. May the Lord heal her and cover her with His strength and comfort, same for you. God bless.

  2. An encouraging devotional; thanks for sharing.
    Sorry your mom is not well. I will remember her in my prayers.

  3. Very good! I have you and your mother on my prayer list!
    Hugs, Lisa

  4. 'Just a note to say, I truly enjoyed your message this evening. Certainly, we're happy to keep your mother in our prayers!

    Sweet dreams,

  5. "No service for Christ goes unnoticed by Him." We must remember this as we journey on. Thank you for the beautiful reminder.

    Blessings and prayers, andrea

    PS: Urgent prayer request on my blogs.

  6. I appreciate all the "up front" people. God has blessed them with needed gifts. But over the years I have observed it's the "behind the building" people that make it possible for the "up front" people to do their work.( I will pray for you and your mother)

  7. I really like your Pink Saturday post and also your Spiritual Sundays one. It's always a joy to visit your blog.
    I like the story about painting the back of the building. It's nice to know that even when other people don't notice some of the behind the scenes things we do that God sees and that is all important.

  8. Hi Sandi!
    What a beautiful, encouraging post! I'm so glad I read this this evening.

    I love how now act of service done in Jesus' name goes unnoticed. Oh, may it all be done for His honor and glory!

    I'm praying for your Mom and strength for you as you run back and forth to tend to her.

    My Sunday post will be up in about an hour. (midnight)


  9. That is beautiful and very encouraging, thank you. I will pray for your Mom.

    God bless you Anne

  10. What a great post! I hope that I'm doing something to make our Lord smile. I will pray for your mom and for you too.
    God Bless,

  11. It hurts when we see someone we love hurt. I'm sorry to hear about your mom's suffering. I pray it eases today. Thanks for sharing. Happy Sunday.

  12. I love to read, Our Daily Bread...we pass it around at work(St.B.Hospital)
    My prayers are with your mom,Im sorry she not well.

  13. Great post! Such an encouragement. Please know that I'm praying for you and your Mom.

  14. Even my service as a mommy, wiping noses, kissing booboos, hugs and giggles, all a way to worship and serve my Lord.

    Thanks for splashing me today in His goodness.

    Hugs from Costa Rica,
    Sarah Dawn

  15. I will remember this when I am doing a task that I don't believe anyone notices or cares. It's not always about me! Thank you!

  16. This is such a good message. I like to remind myself that I'm serving Him so whether in front or in the closet, I need His power flowing through me to do His work. Thank you for your kind comments on my blog. Your mom is on my prayer list. Healing scriptures going forth every day for her!

  17. Great post! I loved the young girl's perspective. She was thinking! Hope your mother is more comfortable soon.

  18. Great post! I loved the young girl's perspective. She was thinking! Hope your mother is more comfortable soon.

  19. Sandi,
    I love "Our Daily Bread" I read it (almost) every day! It is very encouraging to me. Sorry your Mom isn't feeling well...I hope she is better soon.


  20. Sandi,
    I love "Our Daily Bread" I read it (almost) every day! It is very encouraging to me. Sorry your Mom isn't feeling well...I hope she is better soon.



I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.