Monday 20 July 2009

Blue Monday

Happy Blue Monday everyone!
Here we are gathered once again with Sally to celebrate Blue Monday. If you love the colour blue then please go visit Sally at and sign up. There are lots of blue sites to visit and we have lots of fun along the way.

Today I would like to share some photos of my son Jordan's trip to Portugal. He spent about ten days over there at a Math Conference and was able to get some great shots. He spent time in Lisbon and Porto and he gave me permission to share these with you all. The thing that struck me about all the pictures was how very blue the sky is. It is brilliant, almost majestic!
So, enjoy.........
This is one of the first sights he saw when he landed in Portugal. All the houses had red-tiled rooftops and they all looked very ancient. He thought it was pretty cool.

This is one of the narrow streets one will find in that country.

One of the many chuches he saw. He was amazed at the architecture, noting you don't see this kind of building any more! Some strange looking trees.Some of Portugal's vegetation. I cannot believe the vividness of the blue sky! Isn't it gorgeous?

Entrance to one of Portugal's Botanical Gardens.
A modern mansion built beside an old fort.
An array of different kinds of architecture can be found throughout the country; the old co-mingles with the new everywhere.
Taking a boat ride along the Douro River.
Another church.

Some Portugese currency.Finally, a view of the Atlantic Ocean from the other side of the world; Portugal!
I hope you enjoyed your little tour of the old country. Please take some time to visit Sally and all the other participants by clicking on the link above or the Blue Monday button on my sidebar. Have a wonderful day everyone!


  1. Hi Sandi,
    Portugal would be an interesting place to visit.It is so different from our little Island.

    Take care,


  2. Hi Sandi!
    Portugal looks like a beautiful place to visit. I have never seen skies SO blue! Very pretty!
    Happy Blue Monday!
    Mary :)

  3. Thank you for visiting h.p.s. week!

  4. How beautiful! I have just loaded your link. Happy Blue Monday.

  5. Beautiful pictures....I am longing to sit on the coast of "somewhere."

    Blessings, andrea

  6. Sandi, this is all so amazing! Just gorgeous! I cannot believe the blue of those skies. Looks like you had a fabulous trip. I would love to visit Portugal. I feel like I've been on a trip this morning.

    Happy Blue Monday!


    Sheila :-)

  7. Sandi, what a great trip! Thanks for the tour.

  8. What wonderful photos and such glorious shades of blue. I hope your on had a fantastic time.

  9. Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos. My husband is part portugese and I bet he has never seen pictures like these.

  10. What beautiful blue skies in every picture. He is a good photographer. Hop on over to my blog I am having a blue giveaway.

  11. Thanks for sharing your son's beautiful pictures from Portugal. i would love to go there for a visit. Yes, the sky is astonishingly blue in the photos!

  12. You saved the best for last (smile) I love the Ocean. It's my favorite place to be in the entire world, accept next to a brownie sundae (smile)

    Happy Blue Monday to you! Wishing you a peaceful evening with your loved ones and favorite things!

  13. I loved seeing the beautiful place in Portugal and what and opportunity for him to attend the conference there.

    Beautiful post!

  14. He did, in deed, get some great shots for your Blue Monday post. What a charming place to visit.

    I can almost see it from my beach front dreamy deck...

    Blessings, Candy

  15. Beautiful photos! Happy Blue Monday; )

    Say, MaidenShade Matters is having a give away and I'm letting people on my "where I wander" blog list know. Please, pass it on!

    Thanks, Jennifer

  16. Those pictures are beautiful! Because you're posting for Blue Monday, can't help but notice the clear, blue skies that made the pictures even stand out more. Thanks for sharing. God bless.

  17. Wonderful pictures. I almost feel like I made the trip too. I love the old church. I am always amazed at the work that went into those old churches. Thanks for posting these.

  18. Super great pics! Thanks for sharing!
    Hugs, Lisa

  19. Such gorgeous blue skies! Thanks for sharing your son's photos.

  20. Great post! It's wonderful to see what's on the other "side of the world!" Thanks for posting my give away - come see me again sometime! By the way LOVE your name!!!

  21. What??? The Portugese have a bigger MOON? How did they manage that? Wow!

    Beautiful over there, but so very different! What gorgeous money they have. And how QUAINT it all seems! Guess to them, it's just home!

  22. Howdy Sandi
    oh my goodness what a vivid blue sky !
    Happy Blue Monday to you .
    Thank you so much for sharing these amazing photos today.
    They are simply breath taking .
    Portugal is so beautiful.
    I had no idea how brilliant a sky could be..
    Thank you again and also to your son for sharing these inspiring photos :)
    Blessings to you and yours for the rest of the week.
    Happy Trails

  23. Dearest Sandi,
    I wanted to drop you a quick line. I received another call from Debbie. I am just sharing this with a few of you. The Dr.s are watching Amy closely. They thought she might have been having a small stroke as she started experiencing some problems with one of her eyes, but the dr.s upon further testing believe it is one of her migraines, as she is seeing spots also. The brain shows no signs of a stroke from either test. They just removed the line from the groin area, and have applied a pressure bandage. They are continuing the IV which is a blessing as she so needed to be fed and hydrated. (More than one way to skin a cat.) I can just hear her little body thanking God for the nourishment. Amy is exhausted, as she did not sleep much last night, maybe she will rest some this afternoon. They have moved them Debbie said to another room to be held until the Dr.s decide whether she can go home tonight or stay overnight. I am praying they will keep her overnight, as if they ran into problems on the highway she would not be able to walk, and she could bleed to death if that plug were to come out if anyone was to hit their car. That is the next thing we need to pray about. This is what happens when you are on state insurance. When you get cancer and can't work, when you insurance runs out because of that. This is the way we treat people who have no money. How sad is this???? Thank you for being a wonderful friend to both of us, as we cherish the friendship. Country Love and Hugs, Sherry

  24. Hi Sandi,
    One day I hope to go there, my grandparents came to Hawaii from Portugal to work in the sugarcane plantations over here. They never got to go back home to visit. The photos make me want to go even more now. Thanks for sharing them.

    Hugz Lorie

  25. Hi Sandi,
    One day I hope to go there, my grandparents came to Hawaii from Portugal to work in the sugarcane plantations over here. They never got to go back home to visit. The photos make me want to go even more now. Thanks for sharing them.

    Hugz Lorie

  26. Sandi, your son's photographs of Portugal brought back memories. My husband was sent there on business and we lived there for six months in 1995. We lived in Cascais, a beautiful seaside town just outside of Lisbon. The narrow streets brought back memories of a walk through Lisbon late at night on our sixteenth wedding anniversary. Your son is a fine photographer!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.