Monday 6 July 2009

Blue Monday

'Morning friends~ Here it is Blue Monday again and I just cannot believe how fast the weeks are flying by! In any case, here we are gathered once again to participate in Sally's fun meme.

Sally is all settled in her new apartment awaiting the completion of their new home and she is to be commended for keeping up with her posts and visitations to our blogs. Thank you Sally, you're very much appreciated for all you do!

Today I have a few blues to share with you all.
The first is a book I won in a giveaway about three weeks ago. Becky K at "Hospitality Lane" drew my name and I received my book "Sisterchicks in Sombreros" last week. It is a fun read, written by a Canadian author, and I'm enjoying it very much. Thank you Becky! I love curling up with a good book and as you can see, there is some blue on it!
Next on my list is something I'd rather not have to use much more in the coming weeks! The umbrella!
Lots of blue here! Actually, it makes me a little blue to have to use it these days! Since the beginning of summer, we've only gotten to the beach twice. Either it is too cold or it is raining, and we Islanders are all rather annoyed about it. You see, our summers are so short here that we feel jipped when the weather doesn't cooperate!

Last, but certainly not least, is a photo of an airliner in a bright blue sky, making its way across the Atlantic Ocean to Europe! My youngest son Jordan is flying from Toronto, Ontario to Newark, to Portugal today, to attend a nine day Math Conference there. He is concerned about making all of his connections on time. He has a very small window of time to catch his flight to Portugal once he lands in Newark. So please, all you moms out there, pray that his connections and flights will all go smoothly! He has never flown overseas before and even though he is looking forward to the Conference, he does have concerns about the traveling itself.
Now that I've pleaded for my son's safe arrival in Portugal, please go visit Sally and all the other blue participants at or click on the Blue Monday button on my sidebar. Thanks for stopping by and God bless you. Have a great day everyone!


  1. Sandi, I wish you could send us some of your rain. We've had a really dry summer so far here in Mississippi. I hope you have some blue skies soon.

    May God bless Jordan with blue skies, too ... and a safe and smooth journey to and from his conference.



  2. Sandi, we had our first tiny bit of rain in weeks yesterday. It barely wet the ground. I sure wish you would send us some of your rain! I will be glad to send you some of our sun and heat, as we have plenty of both.
    Great Blue post. Happy Blue Monday!

  3. I will join you in praying for your son's safe arrival. Thanks for sharing all of your blues. You're going to love that book! Happy Blue Monday.

  4. Oh, and praying for you, too. Moms must receive special grace as we let go of our children. What a wonderful opportunity for Jordan.

    Thanks for sharing about your new book. I am so glad you are enjoying it.

    Have a simply awesome day. Hopefully, warm and sunny!

    Becky K.

  5. Hi Sandi,
    What a weird weather day we are having -one minute sunny the next it is pouring.Thankfully it sounds better for the rest of the week!
    Hope all goes well for Jordan.
    Take care,

  6. Could have used your beautiful blue umberella here, yesterday (in Richond, Va.).
    Blessings and prayers, andrea

  7. I'll join in your prayers for your son's safety. I love the blues you've chosen to share with us.

  8. Sandi:
    Yes, these rainy days are almost a temptation to get depressed but we have a better hope! Our SON is always shining on us!
    Actually here in NB (only 2 1/2 hours drive from you) it is sunny and we are getting our driveways freshly tarred today. My our days always be Sunny! God Bless...Auntie P

  9. Lovely blues! Best wishes for your son's safe travels!

  10. First of all thank you for your comment on my blog. I hope that your son has a safe trip! We have had so much rain here it is unreal. It is so green here! So far, the river is still high and the mountains still have snow on them, so it might be green until our first snow. (Which is by Oct.)
    Have a great day.

  11. Hi Sandi, it seems everyone is either in drought or flood this year. We're dry. Too bad we can't all share and even things out a bit! Your blue umbrella is lovely but I hope you get to put it away very soon!

    I've added your son's safe journey to my prayers along with my husband's who is on a plane to Japan right now. Isn't it amazing how fast we can travel around the world these days!

    Happy Blue Monday,
    Robin@Miscellaneous Thoughts

  12. Cold and rain??? Sounds pretty wonderful to me. 100+ temps and NO rain here. Please send your weather this way and go enjoy the beach.

    Thanks for stopping by my blue post today.

    Happy Blues,

  13. Howdy Sandi
    You can always count us Moms to pray :)
    Happy Blue Monday to you.
    What a great selection.
    Congrats on winning the book.
    Blessings of joy to you for the coming week.
    Happy Trails

  14. Everything you have on your post is super great. However, the airplane picture just blows my mind. You did good. I appreciate you taking the time to visit my Blue Monday. Trust all goes well for your son.

  15. I love all these blue selections, especially the umbrella. We are in a cool spell at the moment (high 80s) but soon enouogh triple digits will be back and we will be begging for rain and/or a cool breeze.

  16. Hi Sandi, we've had no rain for weeks. Typical for the SF bay area this time of year. Love your bright colored umbrella!

    I hope you son has blue skys, his guardian angel on his shoulder and comes home safe and sound!


  17. Super blues! Congrats on winning the book!
    Hugs, Lisa

  18. Hi Sandi,
    Congrats on the win! I hope your son is safe and you get some beach weather soon! Cindy

  19. Hello Sandi, love your blue today. I am happy for rain sometimes but not a big dose of it. The umbrella is very pretty at least. I hope all goes well with your son's trip. My dh is a math professor.


  20. Here too - it's been raining and raining and . . . :-) And when it rains, it rains hard. It's still high noon but when you look outside the window it's as if it's already early evening. As pretty as the umbrella you have there, I think I'd still get wet with the accompaniment of wind too. Oh dear. I hope where you are the downpour is not that bad.

    Oh and I'm not a Mom but I too hope not much trouble on flights happens on your son's travel. And that he'll arrive safely to his destination and enjoy the conference and the place too.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.