Tuesday 7 July 2009

A Big Thank You!

Good afternoon! Please come on in and have a cup of tea with me!I would like to thank all of you who prayed for my son Jordan yesterday! He caught all of his flights and he emailed me this morning, saying he had arrived safe and sound in Portugal. He will rest up today and tomorrow he will attend the Math Conference taking place there.
He will be there until the 15th, after which he will return to Canada and the University of Toronto where he is studying for his PhD in Math. So thank you again for all your prayers on his behalf! God bless each one of you!

I thought I would share a few of my flowers today.
These are just some of the lilies that bank the side of the house. Hubby loves the orange; I would prefer pink, myself! *smile*
A little bed at the top of our driveway. You can't tell from the picture, but the bed is actually in the shape of a heart! A Weeping Cargana is the center of it.

This is a cozy little corner by the clothesline pole; Hostas and pansies.
One of my many Begonias.
Pink begonia.

Pink-coral begonias.
One of several Bleeding Heart bushes.
One of several rose bushes. And yes, I love cutting them and bringing them inside to enjoy!This is my hubby watering the new bed we put in this year. We have gotten so much rain lately that they won't need watering again for a few days!

These are the Buttercups that the Lord planted. I think they're very pretty and friendly little flowers! I couldn't help but take a picture of them too!
Well, thanks for your visit! Please come again soon and have a lovely day everyone!


  1. All your flowers are stunning*! I was going to try to pick a favorite, but that's impossible.
    ((hugs)) _Ashley*

  2. All your gardens & flowers are gorgeous. So good to hear your son is safe in his travels. TTFN ~ Marydon

  3. Praising GOD Jordan's flight went well.
    Beautiful pictures, andrea

  4. Your flowers are all so pretty! And how precious to have a garden in the shape of a heart!

  5. Glad Jordan arrived safely. Your flowers are pretty but the red and white teapot really caught my eye!
    Finally some sunshine!!!

  6. Hello from Ontario...sooooooo good to meet you,there are so few Canadian blogs out there,your is just lovley!! Do stop by often,as I will ...all the best,Chrissy

  7. Your gardens are so pretty,you must have a couple of green thumbs.
    Isnt is wonderful when our hubbies help out,thank the Lord for them.

  8. Oh tea and a garden tour!! I'm so glad your son is safe and sound!

  9. Your flowers are all so beautiful! My husband likes orange flowers too! It must be a guy thing :-)

  10. your garden is beautiful!!! you should join my group for Fertilzer Friday/Flaunt Your Flowers!

  11. I've been enjoying your blog entries so much. I'm a pink girl myself but side with your husband about the orange flowers because they look so good there. And, isn't it awesome when God plants us a treasure...those are beautiful. I've been gettin' sunflowers. :0)

  12. As a new visitor to your blog space, got to stop and say how much I am enjoying reading all your lovely posts about life on the island and finding the beauty in every day moments.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.