Monday 7 March 2022

A Little Bit of This and A Little That

Love seems to be something that keeps filling up within us. The more we give away, the more we have to give. ~ Mr. Rogers

Hello dear friends! Sorry I have been absent for a while. I have just had a lot going on.

Although we celebrated Valentine's Day in February and hopefully spread a little love around, who else is happy March is here? Just a few more weeks of snow here on little old PEI, and it will start warming up a bit. Already the few goldfinches we have had all winter are showing some bright yellow on their darling heads. I can't wait till they are all back!

I brought some of my cranberry glass collection out and set it on the mantel for a little pink in celebration of Valentine's Day. It has since been removed and put back in the family room where I usually have it displayed. The elegant pitcher on the far right is my oldest piece; a wedding gift from my aunt and uncle. The wreath has joined the rest of my Christmas decor until next November.

February was a busy month. Hubby and I had a lot of appointments and our New Brunswick family came over for a visit on the long weekend.

I baked a chocolate cake for Valentine's Day and we enjoyed it when our son and his family were over. I cannot tell you how happy we are to be able to see them so often!

My little granddaughter helped cut up the strawberries for the cake and helped decorate it.

I always try to have some treats made when they are over so the cake went over well. I also made more fudge and they took some home with them.

My son had not had "gunk" in a very long time so I made that for one of our meals. It is really goulash but when I was growing up, my brother always called it gunk, so here in our home, we still call it gunk. Sprinkle on some cheddar cheese and you're ready to go. I miss my brother! He will be gone two years this month but the "gunk" always brings a smile when I serve it.

The kids loved it because I had not made it before when they were here.
I also made some Potato Dogs which I knew the kids, including the big ones, would enjoy. These are just split beef wieners with creamy mashed potatoes and cheese on top baked in the oven.  

On the table is a pretty bouquet of yellow tulips from my hubby. What a welcome sight they are during these cold winter months! They just lend a lovely touch of springtime to one's home. I don't know about you, but fresh flowers especially this time of year just give you a little lift.

A little tea using my Royal Albert Tea Rose cup and saucer.

My sister-in-law, Norma, dropped in a couple of days ago with a sweet treat for me. She was cleaning out her cupboard and found this red transferware plate. She had noticed that I have a collection of it so she brought it over to me. I love it of course! The chocolate peanut butter balls she also brought, which was very thoughtful of her.

This is the stamp on the back of the plate and it was made in England. 

My hubby got his shingles vaccine on Wednesday and he had been laying low for a couple of days. I had to cancel mine because I had a bug and had to reschedule for the end of the month. It was a good thing that both of us weren't down. Come the end of the month, he may have to look after me.

As I was doing my devotions this past week, I came across a well known verse from 1 Peter 4:10.
"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others."

This has given me a little more clarity concerning some of the decisions I have to make. One of which, I am still trying to decide where to go from here with my blog.

Before I close, I want to share my sunflowers for the Ukraine people. God bless and protect them!

Till next time, take care, and remember a smile is the best facelift!

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. I am always so happy to see a new blog post from you, even though I understand you are not able to do them so often these days. They are still always a treat for the eyes and the heart, and I do hope you will continue to do them as long as you are able. I love seeing the pretty china and table settings, and the luscious delightful sweets you make. The flowers are so lovely too! And I love hearing about you and your family and what you are doing. I guess I feel a kinship with you because you are on PEI where "Anne" came from, and as you know, I was named Pamela ANNE after her, and I have red hair, although faded with age. So I just feel this connection with you because of that as well as we were both pastor's wives. Anyway, all that being said, I hope you are able to continue with your blogging. May the Lord bless you with strength and good health and happy days. We've had goldfinches here lately...they are passing through and maybe they are on their way to you!! They will bring you greetings from the sunny south when they arrive! Blessings to you and yours...

  2. I love the face lift quote, Sandi, and I agree!
    How wonderful that you get to see your family so often. What joy that is and to cook and bake for them. I can’t believe it’s been two years since your brother passed away. Favorite food dishes do bring back happy memories. I agree about the cheer of flowers. I hope you have a beautiful week with thoughts of Spring.

  3. It's always lovely to see a post from you, Sandi. You sound happy and contented with your family living so much closer to you now. The yellow tulips are a cheery sight, and go along well with the tulips. Have a wonderful week.

  4. Welcome back, Sandi!

    Glad to hear that you're doing well. Your food photos are making me hungry. Love the cheery yellow flowers and teacup.

    Gotta love it when family and friends think of us when they're finding new homes for their teawares!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.