Friday 15 March 2019

St Patrick's Day Tea

Time is a great storyteller. ~ old Irish proverb

Welcome, Lassies, St Paddy's Day is upon us and I thought it a good time to bring out my green transferware again. I did a post a few months ago with these dishes but I love them and they're green, so why not?

Hills as green as emeralds
Cover the countryside
Lakes as blue as sapphires –
And Ireland's special pride
And rivers that shine like silver
Make Ireland look so fair –
But the friendliness of her people

Is the richest treasure there. ~ unknown

It's true about the Irish being friendly. My hubby has a lot of Irish in him and he's one of the friendliest guys you will ever meet. His whole family is like that. One big boisterous lot, they are! I remember the first time I met them, my middle hurt from laughing so hard. After all these years, he still makes me laugh and laughter is good medicine, as we all know. 
I'm a wee bit Irish but I'm also English and German, as well as a bit Scottish too.
May joy and peace surround you,
Contentment latch your door,
And happiness be with you now,
And bless you evermore. ~ an Irish Blessing

I made my hubby some scones yesterday. I had some fruit left over from making my fruit cakes and decided it would be a good way to use it up.

Spicy fruit scones with an almond glaze will be our treat for tea time today.

Would like like to join me? I don't own any shamrock china although I do have an Irish cup my son gifted me with one year. 

I love these green cups and saucers made in England. They are Staffordshire and with their green pastoral motif, they are perfect for St Patrick's Day.

Green is such a fresh and beautiful colour which signifies both St Patrick's Day and Spring. I am longing to see green outside my window. I can see the snow going down day after day so I know it won't be long. 

No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn. ~ Hal Borland

I wish you... a warm cup of tea by the fire.

Laughter to cheer you, those you love near you,
And all that your heart might desire. ~ an Irish Blessing

I had to turn my setting away from the windows because too much light was making the pictures dark.

Bright yellow tulips add a lovely pop of colour and a whisper of springtime. 

I have a yearning for some Irish soda bread so I may make that tomorrow. We usually eat dinner out on Sundays and I'm sure Hubby will have his corned beef and cabbage. What will you be having on St Paddy's Day? 

Happy St Patrick's Day, dear friends!

May the friendships you make,
Be those which endure,

And all of your grey clouds
Be small ones for sure.
And trusting in Him
To Whom we all pray,
May a song fill your heart,
Every step of the way. ~
 Irish Blessing

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. Hi Sandi beautiful dishes. The cup with the claddagh says it all. Love,faith and loyalty. My husband is Irish and when he bought me my claddagh I was honored, going back over 30 years.

    I have been thinking about your son and hope he is doing better.

    We will be enjoying corn beef Sunday.


  2. Thank you, Cindy. My son is still not doing well. I think he had one good day this week. It's frustrating for him. Enjoy your corned beef!

  3. Hi Sandi, I'm visiting via Angel Wings and Apron Strings. I love the green transferware cups. I must see if I have any green cups and saucers to put out for St Patrick's Day. It's also my GD's 16th birthday.

  4. I always enjoy seeing your beautiful is spring here in North Alabama and lovely sunshine today!!

  5. Love your Irish blessings interspersed between the pictures! And the green transferware is are the yellow tulips. The scones sound delicious. Makes me want one now with a cup of tea! I bought a corned beef brisket to cook on Sunday, and then my son requested pot roast and carrots and potatoes as we are going to celebrate his now I may cook the corned beef and cabbage tomorrow instead. Then we can have a choice on Sunday!! Praying for your son, and hoping that he is doing some better now? BTW, my hubby and I are both German and Scotch-Irish. Hubby may have some Cherokee Indian blood as well, and there's a rumor that my mother's side had some Pawnee blood, but that hasn't been proven, so I won't be calling myself a "native American" to get into colleges, etc., like one of our politicians did. Such a crazy world we are living in right now. We need so much prayer! Have a blessed weekend and St. Patrick's Day!! I'll be wearing green on Sunday!

  6. This is such a nice post. I love your pretty china and uplifting blessings

  7. Gorgeous post and beautiful transferware! Blessings to your son.Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  8. Your scones look delicious and I love your tree transferware dishes and the nice Irish Blessing.
    I hope your son is feeling better soon .
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  9. Happy St. Patrick's Day, Sandi! Your green transferware is so pretty and springlike. Those scones look delicious. Sorry to read that your son continues to struggle - it's a difficult time for you.

  10. Sandi,
    Love the green transferware dishes!! So pretty!! Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment on my post about Joe's Whimpies. I did google the name Whimpie and I found out it is commonly called that in the Coal region of Pa., which is where i am from and that it came from the Eastern European immigrants who came over to work in the mines like my ancestors did..... Your scones look scrumptious!!

  11. I'd love to join you for St. Paddy's Day tea and sip tea from one of your green and white transferwares. I'm not Irish, but did enjoy some corned beef today, as well as green tea!

  12. What a beautiful St. Paddy's Day post. I love the green china. Our family (and surrounding neighbors) sure enjoyed being Irish. I can remember wakes that were parties. lol Soda bread sounds good to me- I have not had any in years and years.

    Have a wonderful week, Sandi. xo Diana

  13. Oh I enjoyed this post so much. Love the green. Girl, everything you do is always so pretty to me. Hugs and blessings to you dear Sandi.

  14. I love your green Transferware, Sandi, and the dear cup from your son. I'd love to have a glazed fruit filled scone with my cup of tea, please! I trust you had a nice St. Patrick's Day meal out with your sweetie. Happy first day of Spring tomorrow, my friend! Love and hugs are sent to you.....

  15. Your china set out for tea looks so inviting, and lovely! Its great to see the sunshine isn't it! I'm so sorry to hear that your son is still having such a rough go of it! I will keep him in our prayers! Loving hugs to you sweet friend!

  16. Sandi, your green transferware definitely looks springy and fresh. Would love to join you for a cup of tea and one of those lovely almond-glazed fruit scones!

  17. Such an inviting St. Paddy's Day tea! I am in love with the green transferware. Blessings!

  18. Sandi...Your spicy Fruit scone sound delicious... I do love scones with my tea... The green transfer ware is perfect for St.Patricks... You always make teatime so inviting. My hubby thinks he's Irish... and you're right about the laughter ...It's so special to have a kind huband that can make you laugh.... It truly a gift... I'm stille sending healing prayers to you and your dear son... Wishing you a Blessed Day, Sweet lady....xoxoxox



I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.