Monday 30 October 2017

A Tale of Two Kitties

It was the best of times; It was the worst of times... ~ Charles Dickens from A Tale of Two Cities.

Hello dear friends! Did my title catch your attention? Well, this post is not about the book written by Charles Dickens nor is it about two cities but rather two kitties. My son's kitties to be specific.

I didn't realize when I was preparing this post that yesterday, Sunday, was National Cat Day here in Canada! So I guess I picked a seredipitous time to write this post. 

A year and a half ago, my son adopted a kitten from the Humane Society he named Merlin. Merlin was found on the streets of Denver and was suffering with a broken hip. Today Merlin has a home, he's healthy, and well loved. 

He is a Russian Blue and he's a big cat! However, Merlin sometimes gets lonely and requires a lot of attention. Attention that my son wasn't always able to give him because he worked all day and when he was home in the evenings, he often had work to do which he brought home with him from the office. 

A few weeks ago my son and his spouse adopted another kitty to keep Merlin company. 

Say Hello to Minnie, short for Minerva! This kitty was a four month old female. Isn't she cute? Love her booties!

She, being a kitten, just wanted to play. Well, Merlin didn't take too kindly to this strange cat in his domain. There was a lot of hissing going on.

Anyone who has ever owned a cat is well aware that your home is the cat's castle and whether you like it or not, the cat thinks you are his property. So, there have been some issues with the two kitties. Merlin wasn't fussy about sharing his castle and rather resented this newcomer. Minnie, on the other hand, wanted to play with him. Minnie is very affectionate and she probably didn't understand why Merlin was being such a "cat"! Apparently, Minnie gave Merlin's head a swat right after this picture was taken and that didn't go over very well.

Here you can see Minnie has been relegated to the bottom of the cat tree. One can just tell by the way Merlin looks here that his message is loud and clear, "I'm the King, don't bother me!"

But as they say, time heals all wounds and the two have been playing a little more. Minnie now has permission to snuggle on the rung next to Merlin so they're making progress. As you can see, Merlin still has one eye open however!

Anyhow, I am happy to report that the two kitties are beginning to bond although sometimes the play-fighting tends to get out of hand. 

Are any of you cat people?

Today's cup of tea is accompanied by my kitties. My china kitties, made by Avon, are very well behaved. I can set them anywhere and they stay put. 

The pink teapot was a Mother's Day gift one year. It is made by Ganz and a nice size for a couple of cuppas.

Come and share a pot of tea. There's just enough for you and me. And if by chance we drink it up, we'll make ourselves another cup. ~ unknown 

One last time using my October Cosmos teacup made by Royal Albert. 

And my stack of pretty teacups in pink for breast cancer awareness. A Serena on the bottom and next a Lady Carlyle both made by Royal Albert. October Cosmos on top.

This kitty is made of ceramic and was gifted to me by a good friend when my second son was born. She wanted to give me something different so she made this for me.

My ceramic kitty has weathered many moves and never sustained a scratch. She's getting up there in years but she's looking great!

This is my last post in October. It has been a pink month in honour of Breast Cancer Awareness and I hope you have enjoyed seeing some of my pink tea wares. 

When one has been diagnosed with breast cancer, life takes on a whole new meaning. I remember my best friend squeezed every little bit of joy out of each day. We would take walks through the park and be entertained by our little red squirrels scampering up trees while others busied themselves gathering acorns. 
We noticed how blue the sky was and how the laugh of a child was the best sound in the world. We enjoyed many cups of coffee at the coffee shop and always managed a giggle or two. Christmastime rekindled the joy of being a little child again and family was more precious than ever. I learned a lot from her; to never take life for granted! 

My friend lost her battle and I still miss her and all the times we spent together. Every season and every holiday brings back memories of lovely times spent with her and I remember how beautiful she was inside and out.

I used to wonder why she was taken and I was still here. I came to the conclusion that her job here on earth was done but God still had work for me to do.

The other night I was watching Chesapeake Shores where Mick and his son were in deep conversation about people they had lost. 
Mick said, "No matter the reason we're still here and they're not, we have a responsibility to live not just for ourselves but for them as well." I thought that a wise statement but I also think we should live in such a way that we are a blessing to one another; to represent God's love and grace here on earth. I know that is my heart's cry. 

I do hope you ladies are taking care of yourselves and please be sure to get your mammogram!

November is on its way and soon I will be preparing my home and my pantry for Christmas. It is wonderful to start thinking about the Holidays again.

Before I close I have to show off the bracelet my little six year old granddaughter made me. She made this all by herself and sent it in an envelope to me the other day. I wear it all the time. Of course, it is pink!

They invented hugs to let people know you love them without saying anything. ~ Bill Keane

Thank you for joining me today for tea and a chat. Have a wonderful week and God bless each one of you! Hugs to you.

 I am joining the following parties as well~

 Tuesday Cuppa Tea
 Friends Sharing Tea
 Share Your Cup Thursday
 Home Sweet Home

 Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. Dear Sandi: This was such a fun post and I am glad the 2 cats are "bonding". After that they will be great friends and it sure will be nice for Merlin to have Minnie as a friend. I would have cats too if they didn't make my husband sneeze. He has lots of allergies. I love your little kitty tea time too! The cosmos cup and saucer is lovely and familiar. Your kitty vignette is darling. I had so many cosmos in the garden this summer - they were huge and seem to survive the heat here. Have a great week!

  2. Sandi, yes, we are definitely cat people! So I really enjoyed this post. Cats and tea and beautiful china and lovely quotes.

  3. Hi Sandi. We are cat people, although without one at the moment, having lost ours a year ago tomorrow which is still hurtful. They just become part of the family, and ours was my husband's comfort cat, getting him through not so good Parkinson's days. Losing anyone close is so difficult. This is indeed a Vale of Tears at times, but I know Who is the Great Comforter, as I know you do. I love all your Teacups...all favorite patterns, and your teatime is a lovely reflection of your heart. Thanks for sharing, and thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea.

  4. I liked all of your post, from cats to pretty tea cups to your pink bracelet. When my husband died I adopted a dog in November. I got a cat tower for my cat in case she wanted a retreat, but she never uses it, my dog likes it.

  5. Beautiful post,Sandi!Love all your gorgeous porcelain and kitties!Hugs!Maristella.

  6. I'm glad that your son's kitties are starting to get along, Sandi. Your tea with your well behaved kitties is so pretty. I know you miss your friend still to this day. I watched Chesapeake Shores, too, and do love that quote from Mick, but I love your sentiment more on being a blessing to each other. The quote on a hug is such a dear one, and I'm going to write it down. Thank you for sharing with us, my friend. xx
    p.s. Your bracelet is darling!

  7. Your son's kitties are too cute! Glad to hear that Melvin is starting to warm up to Minnie. I've never heard of Chesapeake Shores--I'll have to see if my local library carries it. Your granddaughter's charming bracelet reminded me of the gimp bracelets that we used to make when we were her age. I like the new profile photo!

  8. The bracelet your granddaughter made for you is adorable. Of course you will wear it! I have some pieces that Zoe and I made. Glad the kitties are getting along...Minnie is just adorable and Merlin is a very handsome fella.

  9. A lovely post my dearest... I'm glad that you are still posting.. we have raised kittens and cats ever since I can remember and I'm going to be sixty in January ... we just lost a one year old to this rare disease.. His name was flash.. it was so sad he was so loving. I lost my grandma to Breast cancer when I was eight she lived till 68 all I remember that she was in and out the hospital over the years. And I lost a close friend to lung cancer who was only 34 and others so I totaly understand. We all leave at different times. I have learned that our lives are not our own but they belong to the Lord. We are here to preform his works not our own.. sweet bracelet , with love Janice ps.. I'm excited for Christmas..

  10. Olá, linda mesa, lindas flores e lindos gatos. Feliz semana. cumprimentos.

  11. Merlin is a handsome boy. It's nice to hear the cats are getting along better after a bit of upset in the beginning. At least Merlin has some entertainment while your son is at work ;)
    It's so hard to say goodbye to someone who we can see are beautiful people and wonder why them. I don't think we'll know the true answer until we leave this earth as well. Living here and trying to be a blessing to others is a beautiful notion and something to strive towards.
    Your granddaughter was very sweet to mail you a handmade bracelet. Nothing better ;)
    Enjoy the rest of your week Sandi.

  12. Sandi, Oh! I cried when I read about your dear friend. But you are right, we owe it to those who've been called home to live our lives to the best until we're reunited. I am a cat person, and miss the two kitties we lost last year. Our doggie just had to have a leg removed due to cancer, and is undergoing chemo right now. So, we're trying to get through the next year or however long we'll be able to have him with us.

  13. Glad the kitties are becoming friends! I love your gorgeous teacups and teapot. The figurines are so sweet as well. Yes, life does change when you are diagnosed with breast cancer. I truly do feel blessed that they found it and especially that I don't need to have chemo or radiation. Your dear friend must have been needed more in heaven that here on earth. I agree that we need to live our lives in celebration! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  14. Fun tale of two kitties Sandi! They are looking like they might have a promising future! I have 4 kittens that the mother abandon a few months ago and we have recently become pet owners. They are so fun to watch. They are outdoor kitties though. Your tea is lovely. I always have a love of anything pink. May God bless you friend. Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  15. Always enjoy a visit with you dear friend, to hear what is happening with you, and always love your tea parties! Love that pink teapot, it is a beauty! And what fun to have such well behaved kitties! So cute to hear about your son's kitties, hopefully they adjust soon and become best of friends :) We just got our first major snowfall of the season last night, and it is indeed the time of year to begin preparations for the holidays! Hugs to you today :)


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

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