Monday 19 September 2016

Sharing From My Heart

A friend is someone who opens doors for you - and if a door has quietly closed, dares to knock. - unknown

Good morning my dear friends! I have something I wish to share with you today. 

I have been doing much heart searching over the last number of months and I have come to a decision. I am cancelling No Place Like Home for a while.

I know this will take some of you by surprise and I'm sorry, but I hope you will understand when I explain why. 

Most of you are not aware of it because I don't like talking about it but I have a few health issues and I have not been feeling well since the beginning of the year. I feel at this time I need to step back for a while with my blogging. 

From my No Place Like Home party - Victoria Park

You see, I have been hosting blog parties since January 2010, almost seven years, with very few breaks and I feel I must take one now. Hosting a blog party takes a lot of time and preparation and as you all know, I try to visit every one who links up.

From one of my HOME parties

Those of you who have been following my blog and participating in my parties know that I take my obligations as a host very seriously. 

Treats from one of my Tea Time Tuesday parties

But to be honest, at this moment in time, I am exhausted. I haven't mentioned it until now but it has been a tough year.

Beautiful teacups from one of my Tea Time Tuesday parties

 I still hope to blog at least once a week but I won't be hosting any more parties for a while. Perhaps after the new year I will feel like partying again. We will see.

From my No Place Like Home party - Canoe Cove

I want to thank all of you who have been so faithful in linking up, visiting me and leaving your nice comments. I have loved having you and I still intend to visit you when I am able.

Brackley Beach

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou

I hope you all know how much you mean to me. You have made my blogging experience a delightful past time and I have learned so much from all of you. You are a very gracious and gifted group of ladies and I am honoured that you have linked up to my parties over the years.

The boardwalk at Victoria Park

Thank you for your friendship, your understanding, and for visiting today. Take care and may the Lord bless you all! I will be back soon.

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. Sandi, I'm so sorry to hear that you have not been feeling well. I hope that you are better soon, and you will remain in my thoughts and prayers. I'm new to blogging, and you have been so kind to me. You always visit my posts and leave such sweet and gracious comments. I will continue to follow your blog, and again I hope you feel better soon. Take care!

  2. Sandi:
    I will surely keep you in my prayers and know you made a good decision. I hope you have increased strength and health as the days go by. Your blog is beloved!

  3. It's totally understandable to take a sabbatical, Sandi. I always appreciated the friendship you extended to me when I first joined Blogland. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into hosting your linky parties!

  4. I understand.... your health is more important. You are so sweet and kind and take time to heal and feel better. Hugs and thank you.

  5. Oh, yes, you must do what is necessary to take care of yourself! Blogging itself can be quite time-consuming and draining, and adding in being hostess of a weekly party, the load is even greater. Time away will be good for you.

    Thank you for being a warm and welcoming hostess all these years. I have appreciated your friendship.

    With prayers for rest and healing,

  6. Sandi: I am so sorry. I will pray for you, believe me I understand. You have taught me so much and for that I am so grateful. Sending hugs your way, Martha

  7. Thank you Sandi! I trust you will find much needed rest and healing. I will be praying for you.

  8. Dear Sandi, I only found you just recently but feel I have made a blogging friend. I'll miss your party but am glad you are taking care of yourself first. I'm sure, with a little time, you'll be back to yourself again only better! Thank you for sharing yourself with all of us and take good care. Warm hugs, Pat

  9. So sorry that you haven't been feeling well. I certainly understand your needing a break. You have been a wonderful hostess. I pray that your health will improve and hope to see postings again. Long distance hugs from me!

  10. I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling well Sandi. I hope you take all the rest you need. I was thinking about you and your wonderful blog the other day as over the Summer my mom gave me my Grandmother's tea service and some lovely tea cups. I am hoping to share them on my blog and thought "how would Sani do it?". Thank you for all the support you have given me as a newbie blogger. Rest is a good thing. Thinking of you and sending lots of positive energy and healing prayers your way!!!

  11. I understand life is what we are living and you need to take care of you. Hope you are feeling better soon. Our health is the most important thing in our lives...thanks for hosting a party I looked forward to.

  12. Dear Sandi, I am so sorry that you haven't been feeling well. I do hope that discontinuing the weekly link party will help aid in your recovery and give you some much-needed rest. I have so appreciated your party and the wonderful ladies who link up every week. As I've mentioned before, the friends here were the first I met in blogland, and you and they all were so welcoming to me. I'll always remember that. I think of you often on your beautiful, idyllic island (well, maybe not so much during those long, long winters!), home of my favorite childhood friend Anne with an e. You have a lovely spot there, and have such a lovely place here online as well. I look forward to continuing to visit you as you have a chance to write. Love and blessings, Deborah ps I will pray for your health

  13. Oh, Sandi, I am so sorry to hear this news. Not that you are stopping the party, although I will miss you so much, but to hear that you are not feeling well. I can only imagine how much time it takes to put these parties together and do not know how anyone with children could do it. Take good care of yourself and look forward to hearing from you when you feel up to it. Enjoy that sweet PEI air and get to feeling better soon..Take care xxoJudy

  14. Sandi,
    I am so sorry that you are not feeling well. I know that you have your health issues, as do I and I understand about the party! I often considered hosting a party but not until I am no longer working. I realized that you had emailed me once and asked me a health question. I must have accidently deleted that email for which I am very sorry. If you want to , please email me again with your question and I will see if I can answer it ....
    Take care and do not worry about us, we will be waiting when you come back.

  15. Dear Sandi, I'm so sorry that you're not feeling well. I understand it must be a lot of time and work to host a blog party. You did an excellent job in doing so. Take the time to rest and get well. God bless. Thelma xo

  16. Take care of yourself Sandi. I certainly understand as I have been having some health issues since March. You will be missed, but know that your health is more important.

  17. Health problems are no fun. I'm sorry to hear you've not been well, and I will miss your party, but we all need a break sometimes! Hope you feel better before too long!

  18. Those teacups are sooo pretty ♥

  19. Sandi, I hope that whatever it is that's going on with you passes soon and that you will be back to your sweet self. Take care and keep us posted. You are a joy!


  20. Oh sweet lady, although I will miss you I can understand, your health is first, Sandi.
    If you can blog once a week, it's fine and when you can't, you can't.
    I will keep you in my prayers and in my Rosaries as well.
    Big hugs and take care.

  21. Dear Sandi, I feel so bad that you are not feeling well! I am praying that you feel better real soon! I know that having a large blogging party each week must be very time consuming and you always leave such sweet replies when we participate! I will miss your lovely parties! I do hope after you have lots of restful days that you will be able to continue your tea time parties. You have inspired me so much with your beautiful tea tables! I especially enjoyed your theme tea parties and your invite for us to join them. I am so glad you will still be posting so we can continue our special blogging friendship! Many prayers are sent your way!
    Hugs, Nancy

  22. Hi Sandi,
    I am sorry to hear you have not been feeling well.
    I can imagine the time involved in hosting a weekly party
    and I know you put a lot into being a good hostess.
    I hope and pray you feel better soon.

    Take care,

  23. Sandi, I hope that you will be feeling better soon. We have all been blessed by your blog and weekly party. Thank you.

  24. Sandi, I hope you take some much needed rest, and feel better. Thank you for hosting all of us for so long. I appreciate you taking your time to do so.

    Sarah @ Gypsy Girl Revivals

  25. Dearest Sandi, it is perfectlly fine with me. I understand completely. I enjoy your blog as well and all that I have learned from everyone who joins the party and you as well. Seeing are your lovely things. Thanking you for hosting the party. I hope what ever your health issues are your able to contain them. Sending much love.. Get all the rest needed for yourself.. With love Janice

  26. Pray you feel better soon. Your commitment to blogging and your blog parties have been greatly appreciated. Now it's time to rest and take care of yourself.

  27. Dear Sandi, I don't know how you've done it all these years! I'm going on 7 years of weekly blog posts, never more than the one post a week and NO hosting of a weekly link party (those look like a LOT of work!). Hope you get the rest and recovery you need. And I, for one, will continue to visit your blog and to visit the blogs of at least a couple of your commenters even if it isn't a link party. Take care of yourself.

  28. Sandi


    There are times in our lives as women we must try to begin to be selfish and I don't mean that in a bad way. We take care of so many people and responsibilities in our lives and we have to make the decision to take care of me! Please take all the time you need to take care of Sandi. I will certainly miss your sweet comments and more so your tea time. You have a beautiful heart my sweet host....

    Much Love

  29. Oh love, step back and take a rest. Sometimes it is all the body needs. I love reading your blog even though I don't always comment. x

  30. So sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I will miss the blog, but certainly understand your need to take some time and heal yourself. Am looking forward to the day when you feel well enough to come back. Your parties were always a delight. Take care of you and hugs.

  31. Dear Sandi ~ Rest and be well.

    Love, hugs & prayers ~ FlowerLady

  32. Very sorry to hear that are haven't been feeling well, Sandi, but I hope you feel better again real soon. Thank you for all you have done......I enjoy your writings and photos so very much. Take good care of yourself. Blessings and hugs. Have a cup, or two, of tea for me. Take care.

  33. Your parties have been absolutely lovely! Your return visits have been so kind and thoughtful. I know it must have been a tremendous amount of work. I found your blog through the party and am so thankful to have been here. I am so sorry to hear of your health difficulties. Get plenty of rest and know that you are in my prayers. God bless you!

  34. Sandi, suffering from health problems of my own I completely understand your decision. Health has to come first at times. We try to plug through t he best we can but at times the best thing is to take things easier. This is why my decision was made blogging has to fit into my life not the other way around. Sometimes I get many projects done and other times it can't happen.

    Take care of yourself first. I will always be here.


  35. Oh Sandi, I am so sorry to hear that you have not been feeling well. I am not one of your usual "No place like home" party goers, but I have enjoyed tuning in occasionally to see what you and others are sharing. I will miss this delightful tea time, but I totally understand your need to take a break. I will be praying for you and will look forward to seeing you when you are able to share a blog with us now and then. May the Lord give you strength each day, and speed His healing to you I pray. Take some time to just relax and have a cup of tea just for you!

  36. Dear Sandi, I am sorry for your health problems but I totally understand your decision. The real life is much more important than blogging. Take your time, we keep in touch with you although you make a break.
    Your tea post is again so sweet. Thank you for sharing and take care.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  37. I wish you good health and happiness. God Bless You !!!

  38. Oh Sandi,
    I am so worried about you! You are so strong this year - I'm sorry that I wasn't aware of your health concerns. What an accomplishment to have been hosting such a succeessful and well-loved blog. Your blogspot has helped me through some very difficult times in my life and it always made me go to a happy place when I visited Rose Chintz Cottage. Your inspirational words have been so appreciated but please look after yourself and get some rest. I know how time consuming this committment has been for you. I will pray that your health improves. Thank you so much for being such a kind and caring friend. Blessings Sweet Sandi! I will miss you. Karen

  39. You owe no explanation to us...just take your break( I;ve tried to about a thousand times but I miss everybody and what's going on so about 3 days is as long as I can go)...hoping your health improves with proper rest.
    Good wishes....

  40. Enjoy your break Sandi and get to feeling better so you can enjoy all of your time blogging or not. Hoping you are feeling better soon!

  41. Well, this is my opportunity to thank you for being such a gracious hostess! Even though I have not joined in lately, I am all admiration for you and the lovely service you do fellow bloggers. And for so long! We go back to the old days. Haha! But I am sorry to hear it has been a tough time for you. I hope this means you are taking good care of yourself! Thank you for visiting and the lovely comment. Happy Fall! It's still nice for us.

  42. Dear Sandi, I am so sorry to hear that you haven't been well this year and pray you will get the rest you need and strength to be well again. Even though I haven't participated in your parties lately I realize all the work there must be to hosting one, as even visiting all the participants is very time consuming which is why I stopped participating. As Jacqueline said above, you are a very gracious hostess and I know you will be missed by your followers, including me. Do take care of yourself and be well again. God bless you my friend 'next door'. Please stay in touch if you can. Pam

  43. My dearest Sandi, though I don't know to which extent, I know that you've been suffering for a while. I don't know if it's because people are experiencing similarities in their life are drawn to each other or just because I enjoy your wonderful presents so much, but I have so enjoyed our friendship in this weird and wacky blogging world. Having just come back to blogging after seven months I certainly understand your need for a break. My prayers are with you. You will be in my heart. And I will continue to pop over and find out what you've been up to and how you are. Sending you gentle hugs,
    Shoestring Elegance

  44. Sandi, you have to take care of yourself. Seven years is a long time to be hosting blog parties, and while they're fun, I can understand just how time-consuming they must be for the one who is making the plans each week. I will pray that everything works out for you.

  45. Dear Sweet Sandi, your health is most important my friend. And you must take care of you. You are precious and I am praying today that our Lord will keep you in His tender care and provide for your every need and that you will feel His presence more than ever. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  46. You deserve a medal for hosting your parties for this long Sandi - and commenting to all participants. Goodness, I barely lasted 2 years so certainly know how exhausting it is.
    My favourite memories are when there were only 6-8 of us sharing our tea wares etc. which was a long time ago. Small groups are more to my liking as they create a cozy gathering.
    I have to admit, blogging once a week is much nicer and I hope you will feel well enough to keep us up to date with your life and pretty tea tables.

  47. Sandi, you've been dear to host these parties for so long! And they are fun! I completely understand your need to take this time away and I do hope and pray that you will be able to rest and gain your strength. Drink lots of tea, enjoy the autumn beauty on its way, and the holidays to come!

    Thank you for all you've done.

  48. So sorry to hear of your health issues Sandi. You've been hosting the party for so many years, I'm not surprised it's such a success! For you to visit every participant is a major feat. I do hope that taking a break from it will help with your recovery. Hugs to you, and take care,

  49. Dear Sandi
    I am so sorry to hear that you have been experiencing health challenges. You have been such a generous hostess, welcoming those of us who came relatively late to your link party. I always enjoy my visits to your blog. I haven't been around much lately, due to family concerns that you know and understand. I pray that you will be restored to good health and I'm very glad that you are trying to take care of yourself too!
    Waving from the island on the other coast.....

  50. I am sorry to hear about your illness and I totally understand about the responsibilities of hosting a party. I co-host SYC with Jann and I had no idea how much work it would be.

    I hope that limiting your blogging helps you rest.

  51. Oh my dearest Sandi, I certainly understand your need to take care of yourself and your health issues. You have always been such a gracious, kind, loving hostess, and I certainly apprecIate that and your friendship. I hope you'll be able to share your pretty tea tables with us when you feel up to it. Love, hugs and blessings are sent to you, sweet friend.

  52. My dear sister...I certainly understand. We certainly understand and wish you the blessings of home, family, peace and fellowship in the Lord. Will be praying for the peace that passes all understanding to fill your body and heart and refresh you. You will be missed, but we have been blessed to get to know you through your posts and call you a dear friend and sister! Come back if and when you feel will always be warmly welcomed!

  53. Oh Sandi, I'm so sorry to learn that you have not been feeling well. Health is a top priority and I'm glad you are taking a break even though your parties will be missed. You have always been a gracious host and so kind to me as a "newer" blogger. Each week I'm impressed with your beautiful tablescapes and delicious baked goods. Take care of yourself and I look forward to your posts whenever you are up to writing.

  54. Oh, Sandi, with pouting lips I must say youa re going to be so missed.. I have always looked so forward to your encourging words, and the great talent you have for offering such beautiful, upliftiing posts... but your health and well being is the absolutely most important thing at this time and so as you take this time know that our prayers are with you for your complete recovery and speedy restoration... We will all look forward to any posts you are able to share... and we all are sending our love and hugs to you.... God bless you during this time you need to take foryourself and for your healing!! Hugs, Schotzy

  55. Oh dear Sandi... I do indeed understand the work that goes into hosting these weekly parties, and indeed you are a most gracious hostess, always visiting and commenting, which I know takes a lot of time and effort. Maybe sometime in the future, after a long rest of which you need, perhaps a once a month party or something like that... but doing it weekly is such a lot of work. I too like to respond and visit in kind to everyone who comments on my blog, and just keeping up with that at times can feel overwhelming. I pray that the peace of the Lord, and the beautiful seasons of beauty on the Island will refresh your soul. Will be praying for you that rest and healing come to you, my dear friend! Hugs, love and prayers to you :)


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.