Saturday 16 July 2016

Company's Coming

Family is one of Nature's masterpieces. ~  George Santayana

Hello my lovely friends! I hope this past week brought many blessings your way. This week found me in my kitchen baking up a storm.

My family is coming home for a big Family Reunion. Descendants from Hubby's great- grandfather's line are getting together, many for the very first time, and folks will be coming from all over to attend. They are coming from Colorado, Ireland, BC, Alberta, Ontario, Florida, and New Brunswick as well as all those who are still living on PEI. It is going to be quite a Reunion!

With my own family arriving, my little Rose Chintz Cottage will be very full. There will be six adults, two little ones, and a pup. I mean, who could say no to that sweet little face? Boomer will be a novelty that's for sure because we're not accustomed to having a puppy in the house.

My family is flying in from Colorado and Vancouver. The fur baby in CO. will be staying behind and it's just as well. I'm not sure the pup and the kitty would see eye to eye.
My son who lives here on the Island with his family will be joining us too. So our usually quiet household will soon be bursting with excitement.

I have been busy as a bee getting ready for their arrival. I have been baking and freezing baked goods, cleaning, and we just finished painting the office and purging some stuff. Whew! I really need a break and I will be taking one soon while they are here as there will be no time for me to blog.

So far I have sugar cookies, cinnamon rolls, or Snails as my son always called them, and crispie chocolate squares made and in the deep freeze. I have peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, another batch of cinnamon rolls yet to make, as well as my spaghetti sauce. I must get my strawberry jam made too.

Krispie Chocolate Squares
3/4 cup honey
1 cup peanut butter
1 tsp vanilla
3 cups crisp rice cereal
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 cup salted peanuts

Combine honey and peanut butter in a large saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until smoothly combined and mixture just comes to a boil. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla. Add cereal, chocolate chips, and peanuts; stir well. Press lightly into a greased 8 or 9 inch square pan. Chill about one hour. Cut into squares. 

When I need a break from all the busyness, Hubby and I head for the sea shore. The solitude of the waves lapping on the shore calms us down and helps us to relax. 

Why do we love the sea? It is because it has some potent power to make us think things we like to think. ~ Robert Henri

We go there often because there is something healing about being out in the fresh air laden with the smell of salt, the crying of gulls overhead, and the soothing sound of the water gently lapping on the shoreline.  

There are any number of private spots available and that is where we like to go. Just sand and sea and sky. A couple of hours out there and we are refreshed and ready to go again.

As busy as we are right now, I still take time to enjoy those little moments when something special happens or Nature puts on a show for us. Like watching the fire flies dance behind our house at night; tiny specks of light twinkling in the darkness. I enjoy the sound of birds singing and twittering in the early morning hours when all the world is still asleep and I always take time to smell the roses. I don't want to miss a thing!

I have written this post to inform you of the goings on at my house. If I don't visit you it's because I am up to my neck in preparations. I know you will understand as we're all busy this time of year. Have a lovely weekend everyone and I'll see you on Monday for No Place Like Home.

Sharing with these lovely parties:

Bernideen's TTCG Blog Party
The Art of Home-Making Mondays
Home Sweet Home

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. Oh, Sandi, the beach photos are gorgeous! Even though I have become content living here in landlocked Idaho, I will always miss the ocean. A visit there is just so soothing to the soul.

    What a joy-filled week this is going to be for you. I know you will have a fantastic time with all your beloved family.


  2. Now relax and enjoy your family! I know they will appreciate all the special treats you have made...but they will appreciate YOU and your warm hospitality most of all. Be sure to take lots of pictures to remember the day and the happy faces that have come together for this special event. So happy for you. Family times are the best times.

  3. What a busy time for you, but will be so enjoyable when they all arrive! The pictures are beautiful. Have a wonderful family time...nothing more important!

  4. Sandi, enjoy your company. You are one busy lady. The pictures are great and the food yummy. Have a wonderful reunion.


  5. All your goodies look so yummy Sandi! Enjoy all the precious moments you have with your family....hugs...

  6. Isn't that what mom's always do, my friend, but make sure we have our loved ones special treats and foods that remind them of home? I'm glad that you and your hubby are still taking time to enjoy the beautiful seashore. Have fun with your family and I'll be making your Krispy Chocolate Squares soon!

  7. Hi Sandi! I do believe I have visited your blog before, but it has been awhile ago. It is so lovely here!! Enjoy time with your family and I will visit again soon. :)

  8. Your family is sure to feel welcomed with everything you are doing to prepare! Hope it is wonderful. All of your baked goods sound delicious!

  9. I hope you all have a wonderful time together. You are very smart to bake and freeze and get ahead of all the kitchen work! Great plan. Have fun!

  10. Dear Sandi,
    that will be a sweet reunion of the family. Including the sweet puppy. I wish you a blessed time together.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  11. Have a great week with your family. I'm having family also the next couple of weeks. It's been raining a lot here. I hope it changes soon. Blessings to you and your family Sandi.

  12. My sweet tooth is drooling over your Krispie chocolate squares. YUM! Have fun with your family reunion!

  13. Oh, I envy you your beach time. I agree, the beach is such a wonderful place to de-stress and relax. I'm so excited for you with everyone coming in; I hope you have such a good time with everyone. I'm sure they will enjoy the treats. I have to start putting things away in the freezer for guests coming for the wedding in September. We'll have 14 people and a dog! Yikes!
    Your Krispie chocolate squares look delicious, and mmm, nothing like homemade cinnamon rolls. Enjoy, Sandi! xo Deborah

  14. I can sense the excitement of family coming home and the pup will likely provide some humour to your full house.
    All your baking is going to come in handy for gatherings and visits and the chocolate squares look delicious.
    The lapping of water is mesmerizing and calming, an effect we seek at our inland lake at times, otherwise we sit by our pond with the waterfall.
    Have a good week Sandi!

  15. Hi Sandi,
    I hope you have a wonderful time with your family and I am sure they will enjoy all the goodies!
    Take care,

  16. I've copied the recipe for Krispie Chocolate Squares, they sounf yummy:) Hope you have a wonderful time at your family reunion.

  17. Enjoy your time with the family! Those chocolate bars will certainly be appreciated! Thank you for sharing with us on the Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth! :)

  18. Sandi,
    I just wanted to stop by to thank you for all your visits and kind words!! Enjoy your time with you family!!
    Hugs to you!!

  19. Yuuuummmm! I have all the ingredients so I'm definitely trying these!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.