Monday 25 April 2016

No Place Like Home # 25

Hello and welcome my dear friends to No Place Like Home!

We had a couple of really nice days so Hubby and I took advantage of them and spent some time at Victoria Park and out at the North shore. Hence my blog post called North and South. 

We checked out the shore at Brackley Beach and found a few brave souls enjoying the beach in spite of the cold weather. We also enjoyed the sights at Victoria Park in Charlottetown. 

If you would like to see this post just click here.

Last week's party served up a cornucopia of home decor, ideas and recipes. They were all marvellous and thank you so much for sharing. You are a wonderfully talented group of ladies! I have broken my features down into categories and I hope you enjoy them!

Day Dreaming-

Judy @ Gold Country Cottage presented us with a lovely post filled with beautiful images and a trip down memory lane. 

Tea Time and Tablescapes-

Jocelyn @ Just a Little Southern Hospitality shared a beautiful table of white on white using fresh gardenias from her garden. 

Schotzy @ Wings of Eagles shared her gorgeous peonies and the makings of a tea party.


Mimi @ A Tray of Bliss shared her lovely French inspired pillowcases she made. Stunning!
Mrs. T. @ Across My Kitchen Table shared an exquisite tablecloth she embroidered. One of the prettiest I've seen!


Valerie @ Cottage Making Mama shared her recipe for Hobo Dinners. Great for a summer barbecue.

And Susan @ Culinary Envy shared a recipe for these scrumptious Caramel Banana Poke Muffins. Yum!

Congratulations, Ladies! 
Thank you everyone for participating last week. As a courtesy, and if you would like to be featured, you should have a link back to my party.

Now let's see what you are creating in your home to make it a cozy place to come home to for your family, your friends and yourself.

Lord, this humble house we'd keep
Sweet with play and calm with sleep.
Help us so that we may give
Beauty to the lives we live.
Let Thy love and let Thy grace
Shine upon our dwelling place. - Edgar A. Guest

 Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. Hi Sandi, Looks like you and hubby had a wonderful weekend! Thank you so much for having us each week, I always look forward to joining the party! Have a blessed week...hugs....

  2. Sandi,
    Wonderful features!! Wishing you a great week!!
    Thanks for taking the time to stop by!!

  3. Hi Sandy, the beach looks so lovely. I was there a long time ago and really enjoyed it. Thanks for hosting another great party with lots of lovely features. It is sunny here today but cool.
    Have a great week.

  4. Hi Sandy, What a lovely spot to spend time, the beach is beautiful! Such inspiration in the features. Thank you for hosting a lovely party……….hugs.

  5. Hi Sandi! I really enjoyed your island live in a lovely place! Such fun features, always so much creativity! Thanks for hosting! Have a wonderful week!

  6. Sandi Thank You so much for the feature. Your beach trip looks so fun.

  7. Your trip to the beach must've been wonderful. I love the pictures.
    Thank you for hosting the party. I love seeing all the featured posts. :D

  8. I enjoyed your vacation photos, Sandi. Thanks for hosting....Christine

  9. Always good to take advantage of good weather and do something fun! Good for you! Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful week!

  10. Sandi, we all had such wonderful weekend, thanks for hosting, and hoping for another great week for everyone.

  11. Thank you so much for hosting and for featuring my tablecloth this week! So sweet of you! Beautiful places you could visit. We visited Brackley Beach many years ago ... would love to return to PEI one day.

  12. Spending time with your hubby is the best, Sandi! Thanks for all the lovely features and for hosting your dear party. May you have a wonderful week.

  13. So nice you and your husband were able to take a few days to relax and see some pretty sights. Thanks for hosting; I always enjoy visiting the ladies here. Blessings, Deborah

  14. Hi Sandi,
    What lovely features and your island sights are amazing! Thank you for hosting No Place Like Home. Have a Wonderful Week! Karen

  15. Oh it still looks cold there! We have really warm days and then really cool ones. It has been a fickle spring. Thanks for hosting!

  16. I never tire of seeing images of your beautiful Island. Thank you for hosting and enjoy the last week of April!

  17. I enjoyed your tour of the Island, Sandi, as well as tea time with your beautiful yellow floral teacups. As always, it's fun to see the photos of the talented blogs you feature. Wishing you a wonderful week! ~ Phyllis

  18. Sandi, I am so honored to be featured on your blog this week...thank you so much and may you be blessed in all you do this week.... I know I am blessed to just come and sit a spell here... your blog never fails to delight the senses!

  19. hubby loves heading to the beach on the off season - less people so more beach walking :) thanks for hosting us!

  20. Great vacation you had dear Sandi and thanks for sharing such awesome pictures with us.
    Thank you for the wonderful party, it makes me happy to join you.

  21. Everybody is just so happy to be out and about in our wonderful spring weather. I should be outside right now planting some flowers in my pots instead of reading blogs but just had to say Hi

  22. Dear Sandi,

    the beach looks marvellous, what a fun to be there. I Hope you enjoyed the time. Thank yu also for all the inspiration of the featured bloggers and for histign this sweeet event.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  23. Thank you, Sandi, for having my post as one of your features. I really appreciate it and am very honored. Thank you for all the hard work that you do to put this party on. It is always a pleasure to join..Happy Week to you..Judy

  24. Sandi, I love the photos of your area. Of course, I have had a lifelong fascination with PEI but have never been there (yet!). Thank you for hosting.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.