Monday 25 January 2016

No Place Like Home # 12

Welcome friends to No Place Like Home! I do hope that those of you who live on the east coast of the US have stayed safe this past weekend. 

We are fortunate in that the storm missed us and went out to sea. Believe me when I tell you that I am VERY THANKFUL it missed us! After last winter, which has left many of us in the Atlantic region with PTSD symptoms, it was lovely not having to contend with another monster storm.

In my post the other day, I talked about HOPE.

I shared about my son's dear little newly adopted kitten with the broken hip. 

And I shared some pretty red/pink transferware.  

I also made some sticky date pudding. The recipe you can find on my sidebar under 'Search This Blog' because I have shared it before.

If you missed this post you may click here to read it.

Thank you everyone for participating in my party last week. You all have so many great ideas and shared some wonderful recipes. What a talented bunch you are! It is always difficult for me to feature just a few of your posts because there are so many wonderful posts to choose from. 

So, as I have been doing lately, I have broken them down into categories. 

Home Decor
Betty @ My Cozy Corner  shared her pretty guest room in blue and white with sunny touches of yellow. 

Debbie-Dabble shared her wonderful winter decorating for the outside of her home.

Judy @ Gold Country Cottage shared some wonderful ideas including what she did with two of her wooden stands.

Nora @ Teacup Tales shared her recipe for her lovely Tea Time Truffles. 

And Kitty @ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen shared her recipe for her adorable cottage cakes. 

Michele @ The Nest at Finch Rest shared her sparkling Winter's Eve tablescape.

And Janet @ Rosemary and Thyme shared a bit of colour and romance with her pretty tea vignette.

Crafting/Sewing, Crochet, quilting

Mrs T @ Across My Kitchen Table shared her wonderful cross stitch and needle work. A lot of love went into the making of these.

Congratulations ladies! Once the warm weather arrives, there will be gardening included. 

As a courtesy and if you wish to be featured, please include a link back to this party. 

Now let's see what you are creating in your home to make it a cozy place to come home to for your family, your friends, and yourself. 

Lord, this humble house we'd keep 
Sweet with play and calm with sleep. 
Help us so that we may give 
Beauty to the lives we live. 
Let Thy love and let Thy grace 
Shine upon our dwelling place. - Edgar A. Guest 

Please link up any of the following: Tea time, tablescapes, cooking and baking, recipes, antiquing, artwork, bird watching - because I adore our little feathered friends, ceramics, crafts, collections, crocheting/knitting, quilting/sewing, floral arranging, gardening, home decor, hospitality, photography, refinishing furniture, renos, thrifting, ect... Did I mention tea time? That also means a trip to a tea shop too because I love to hear all about that. Perhaps you have a new member of the family, a new baby or fur baby, I would love to see them too.

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. Goodmorning Sandi, I am so glad to hear that the storm missed you! I have been watching the weather in the east and it looks like a pretty nasty storm. hugs...

  2. Well you are lucky Sandi as we got dumped with 26 inches of snow. Lol! Thanks for hosting and have a lovely week.
    Julie xo

  3. Sandi,
    Thanks so much for hosting each week! And THANKS so much for the feature!! I will be giving you a Shout Out on Google + and in my next post!! Thanks again, my friend!!


  4. Good morning, Sandi. Again, thank you for the link-up, but more important, thank you for the inspiration this week!

  5. Thank you so very much for the feature, Sandi! Very kind of you!

    I enjoyed your post about HOPE very much. One of my favorite Bible verses is Romans 15:13 -- "Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Spirit."
    It is so encouraging to me that our God is the God of hope! And He is able to fill us with all joy and peace in believing! What precious truths these are.

  6. I'm glad to hear you escaped the storm. I love seeing those dishes. My mom had a set of Pink Vista and I always thought they were so pretty.

  7. Hi Sandi,
    I am so pleased that your mother has been moved closer to you to Charlottetown. My mother is in a home about 20 minutes away and my sis and I take turns going every other day so that she has a visitor every day. How old is your dear mother? Mine is 95 on January 29th. Your Mason's Vista teacup is gorgeous and your pics are perfect. I love all of your features too. Have a Wonderful Week Dear Friend. Karen

  8. Thank you for honoring me by featuring my cozy cottage cakes, Sandi, along with all the other wonderful features. I know you are so thankful to be missed by the snowstorm! Thank you for hosting your party for all of us and I hope you have a beautiful week filled with HOPE!

  9. So much for us to be thankful for this winter here as we have mostly mild temps and very little snow , rain for the evening and over night for us here . Lovely photos and post as always . Thanks for sharing , Have a good week !

  10. Whew! You were very lucky not to have that storm hit the island Sandi and we had no effects from it ourselves in Ontario.
    Thanks for hosting your much bigger weekly gathering. ;-)

  11. So glad the storm missed you! Thank you for the party, and hope the snow stay away.

  12. Hi Sandi,
    Thank you for sharing my favorite room with your readers today. We are receiving rain in Northern California and it is so needed. Keep warm.

  13. Oh my friend, I'm so glad you missed the storm in your neck of the woods.
    Thank you so much for this lovely party.
    Have a blessed and warm week.

  14. Glad you were spared from that storm. We, here in Ontario, have very little snow this year. I'm so touched to read about the kitten your son adopted. I wish the little fella a long and love-filled life with your son. Hope to hear more about him in the posts to come. :) Deb

  15. Thank you so much for hosting! I love the red chintz so pretty! Have a great week, Lynn

  16. Wonderful features this week!
    I pray for everyone effected by the winter storm. Keep safe and warm.
    Yesterday it was unseasonably warm and sunny here. Sweater weather.
    Today..... it's cloudy, windy and freezing!
    Thank you for hosting.
    Have a great week.

  17. Hi Sandi, good to hear that you were not affected by the monster snow storm. I can't believe how bad New York was hit. It was like a scene from a movie. Your sticky date pudding looks scrumptious (my hubby's fave). Aww the little kitten is so cute - so kind of your son to save him.
    Thank you for sharing. Hope I can link up to your fab party.
    Have a good week.

  18. Glad that your island missed the blizzard of 2016, Sandi! Tomorrow is supposed to be a balmy 5 degrees Celsius here. It's definitely been a bizarre winter season! Thank you for hosting and have a wonderful week!

  19. I so enjoyed all these special features and appreciate each one. Such a nice variety!!!!! Thank you for your party and yes - so glad the snow missed you.

  20. That red transferware is so pretty Sandi! The snowstorm went above us and below us but missed us almost, we got about 2 inches. I can live with that and it will be 50 this weekend! I am ready for summer! Thanks for hosting!

  21. ohhh such a sweet kitty!! How much love you will have from that sweet furbaby! Thanks for hosting us, great party!

  22. Hi Sandi, Thanks so much for hosting and have a great week!

  23. Sandi, glad the storm missed you! Don't know about you, but I'm counting the days till Spring. :) Thanks for the party!

  24. Hello Sandi,
    I am so glad you did not suffer in the storm! I read your post about HOPE and loved it. We all need hope! Everyday. Your pink transferware is lovely, and your dessert looks delicious. What a cozy tea during wintertime.
    Wishing you the best week possible. Thank you for hosting.

  25. So glad that you did not get hit with the crazy winter storm! What a blessing that is! Praying that you are having a wonderful week!

  26. I'm glad to hear the storm has passed and your home safe, Sandi !
    Now the injured kitty has a new, loving home. Thanks to your son !!!
    Wishing you a lucky week and thank you for sharing. Carmen

  27. I'm so glad you didn't have to suffer through another monster storm Sandi! You sure have had your fill there on PEI!
    Thank you for hosting, and have a good week. xo Deborah

  28. Sandi, I am so glad that you missed the storm. We are fortunate here also, but I can't believe the reports I'm seeing on the news!. Thank you for hosting this week and thank you, Sandi, for picking my side table(s) as one of your features last week. That was so nice of you and since I haven't been visiting like I should this past week, I will now go back and amend my post for this week. Thank you again, Sandi, it is always a pleasure to join in..Happy Tuesday..Judy

  29. Oh I love this transferware pattern Mason I call it,I have a few pieces of it.
    It just makes such a pretty vignette in any picture.

    I adopted a kitty and he is such great company for me, your sons kitty i'm sure is a happy kitty now.
    I like snow however i would not want 30 inches and 50 mile an hour winds

  30. Quietly sneaking in the party again!
    Thank you sweet lady.

  31. So sorry I'm arriving late to the party. Glad to hear you were spared the worst of the storm.
    Many thanks for featuring my truffle post! I feel quite honored for this post to be chosen. I certainly had fun making these truffles and hope my friends enjoy the tea flavoring.
    Wishing you a nice weekend now that the end of the week is upon us.
    Take care,


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.