Sunday 6 December 2015

Coffee or Tea Time with the Cardinals

Hello friends! I hope your weekend is wonderful and you're enjoying this lovely season which is upon us. 

It's quite a week I've had! I did some baking, some decorating, kept appointments, and I've had company. Then I went and got a bug of sorts for a couple of days. On Friday we had an ice storm with high winds which left us without power for about half a day which is why I am late putting up this post.

I finally have my tree decorated and now I'm just adding a few more Christmas touches here and there. 

My fruit cake is made and I am working on a few other confections for the holidays. When my children were growing up I made fifteen kinds of sweets for the holidays. I make no where near that now and who needs all that sugar anyway?

Today I am using a large sized cardinal cup and saucer made by 222 Fifth called Holiday Wishes. Hubby surprised me with it because he knows how much I like cardinals. I believe it is the same as yours, Judith!

Do you like my teapot with the cardinal on top and the bow handle? So do I, but I can't find it! Hubby and I have looked through every tote, bag, box and cupboard and it is no where to be found. I misplaced this teapot a few years ago. Wish I could find it! It would look nice with my cup, don't you think? *sigh*

I have a few cardinals in my home. 

A miniature gazing ball with a cardinal sitting on it and the cardinals my son gifted me with many years ago. I like to use them in different ways. This guy adorns a wreath. 

I have two cardinals that sing, "Walking In A Winter Wonderland," a gift from my oldest, which I also can't find!  

A cardinal teacup ornament

and this blown glass cardinal both of which my youngest son gifted me with.

He also gave me a cardinal thimble when he was doing his post-doc at the University of Illinois. I once collected thimbles, you see. I have collected a lot of things over the years. *smiles*

Maybe for you quilters, I will share my thimble collection one of these days.

My Auntie P, Uncle Doug and cousin Cynthia were over visiting from Moncton, NB this past week. We enjoyed our tea with pumpkin pie, butterscotch pie, and mincemeat tarts. 

The party's on, the feeling's here,
That only comes this time of year,
Simply having a wonderful
Christmastime. ~ Wonderful Christmastime by Paul McCartney

This is the back of the teacup. I like that it has two different looks; a cardinal on one side and pine cones on the other. I also like to capture the reflection of Christmas lights in my cup. The teapot with the holly motif was a gift from my son and his wife a few Christmases ago. My tea is Stash Holiday Chai.

Well, that's it for today. Please come back and join me tomorrow for my No Place Like Home party which goes up every Monday at 11:00 EST.

 I am joining the following parties as well~

Tuesday Cuppa Tea
 Bernideen's Tea Time, Cottage and Garden Blog Party
 Tea Cup Tuesday
 Share Your Cup Thursday
 Home Sweet Home

 Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. What a beautiful collection of cardinals you have Sandi! It's nice when your family knows you so well and picks up a few more for you through the years :) I've admired that cardinal teacup that Judith showed a while ago, and it does look the same as yours. Your Christmas decorating looks so pretty! I have yet to get my decorations up from the basement, but maybe next weekend I'll attend to that. Enjoy the rest of your weekend,

  2. all lovely ... gorgeous tree ... beautiful ornaments ... and of course all your teacups.

  3. I love your Cardinals, Sandi, I use them at Christmastime also!

  4. Sandi, I love your cardinal theme today. And oh my, I do hope that beautiful teapot shows up one day.

    Wishing you a beautiful Advent Sunday...

  5. I love all your cardinals! I have a bird post in process for next week. Just lovely! Aren't they such a wonderful symbol of Christmas with their gorgeous red! I couldn't find my Christmas tablecloth...but it turned up this week! Hope your missing teapot shows up too!

  6. Your bright cardinals are so pretty, Sandi. I especially like the tea cup your husband bought for you. Hope the teapot turns up one day. It's a bit frustrating to lose something for so long. Have a good week.

  7. Dear Sandi:
    Your cardinal theme is quite lovely. We don't have them here in Colorado but I will enjoy seeing them again in Missouri. I love all your pretty cardinal themed pieces and your tree is very pretty! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Sandi!! I LOVE all your beautiful cardinal pieces!! Did you know that if you see a Cardinal outside, it is supposed to mean that your Guardian Angel is watching over you!! My sister recently told me this and I love the thought, don't you!!


  9. OH Sandi, I hope you find that Cardinal teapot someday and your cardinals that play music. That is so frustrating! However, your other teapot looks so pretty with your teacup, too. You know I love that new plate of yours with the nostalgic design...perfect for your teatime treats!

  10. Cardinals have always been a favorite in my family and I love yours! Such a pretty display and using them must be just a winter treat, Thanks for sharing, Sandi from Sandi...I always giggle ...when I say that!

  11. Your cardinal collection is lovely, Sandi. Your hubby has excellent taste in teacups! I hope that the cardinal teapot resurfaces again one day. I saw a similar teapot at Value Village last year and now I regret not picking it up!

  12. Hello Sandi,

    I just love the little pies. Such a great way to entertain. I also love your gorgeous collection of cardinals. Especially the tea pots.

    Your tree is very pretty too.

    Wishing you a wonderful holiday season.


  13. Your cardinal teacup is very pretty Sandi! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

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