Wednesday 3 December 2014

Urgent Prayer Requests

Good morning dear friends~

I have a prayer request for my son, Jeff.
Tomorrow morning, Thursday, he is having ear surgery. 

Some of you may recall that he had surgery two years ago. Well, the growth has grown back and he needs surgery to remove it again.

I will share a little history...
He suffered hearing loss after a very bad ear infection about fifteen years ago and he has had numerous ear infections in that ear ever since. He also had tubes put in that ear but nothing has helped. Now, there is a growth in there and if left, will grow into his brain so it has to be removed. This surgery is hopefully going to repair the damage to his hearing as well. However, it is a risky operation...

Perhaps the surgery will not work and he will still be almost deaf in that ear. There is the risk of paralysis to his face as well as damage to his taste buds. 

Hearing is a very important gift and Jeff is very musical which  means he really needs his hearing to play his instruments. He plays drums and the bass guitar on the worship team at church.

So, I'm asking you to please pray that God will use the hands of the surgeon to repair the hearing damage as well as remove the growth with no damage to his face or taste buds. I believe that God can do that and I am praying this would be His will for my son.

Thank you so much for praying on his behalf.

Allan Garland

Also, on Friday morning, my Uncle Allan, who has been having treatments for lung cancer the past year, is having surgery.

They are hoping to remove his lung but first the surgeon will do a biopsy on the chest wall. Should he find it free of cancer, then he will go ahead and remove the lung. If they find cancer, then they will not go ahead with the surgery.

My uncle is very dear to me and because he is only eight years older than me, he is more like my big brother. 

It would mean so much to me and to my loved ones if you, my dear bloggy friends, would lift these two up in prayer. 

Thank you so much.

Those of you who are looking for this week's tea party will find it below this post.

Have a lovely day everyone and God bless you!

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. Dear Sandi - I will keep your son and uncle in my prayers. Sending you a hug, Deb

  2. I will pray for your family, I know how it is my son had surgery last year -he was in the operating room for 6 hours. Doing well but still not 100%.

  3. Sandi,
    Sending many prayers for you and your family your way!!


  4. Sandi: I will be praying for both your Son and Uncle!

  5. Oh, your son, uncle and your family will definitely be prayed for. Bless you, my dear friend.

  6. Praying for both your son and uncle that God will be with them both.

  7. I will be praying for both your loved ones Sandi. Blessings to you. xo Deborah

  8. I will storm heaven for your son and uncle! Best wishes and hugs. Trisha

  9. I am praying for completely successful surgery for your son and for the surgeon's hands to be guided by God, and also that your uncle will have good health news.

  10. Prayers for both your son and uncle.

    Take care,

  11. Sending prayers your way for both Jeff and y
    our Uncle!

  12. Dearest Sandi,

    As soon as I finish this comment I am getting into Prayer Warrior mode big time for your son and Uncle - and for all the world. We ALL need God and His Loving Mercy abounds!

    Have the faith the surgeon's hands will be steady and true, all happens under God, so it helps our stress knowing it.

    Hugs and comfort.

  13. Thank you, Sandi, for bringing these prayers requests to us. I am praying for Jeff and your uncle Allen as they face these surgeries. God bless you all with peace. Hugs. Pam

  14. Oh my sweet lady, my prayers are going immediately for your dear son and uncle! Everything will turn up just fine, you'll see, God listens, I know that!

  15. I will include your son Jeff and Uncle Allan in my prayers Sandi, but also a prayer of comfort and strength for you during this stressful time.

  16. I will definitely remember your son and uncle in my prayers, Sandi. We serve an awesome God, and nothing is too difficult for Him.
    Hugs, Phyllis

  17. I' ll pray for your son and your family

  18. Sandi, Wishing your son and your Uncle well.....

  19. I'll pray for both of your dear ones. I think as Moms we feel the pain and concern for our children so acutely. I pray for peace in your heart as you await the results.

  20. my prayers are sent ..prayers can be sent any time of the day.......blessings Lorraine

  21. I just saw this urgent request, my friend, and I've sent my prayers up to Our Heavenly Father. Love and special blessings are sent to you, also.

  22. Praying for your loved ones, Sandi. And may you feel peace and love.

  23. Sandi, I will be praying for your son and Uncle.
    God bless

  24. Praying....that no weapon formed against him shall prosper. For favour and much grace through this process.


  25. Father, I thank You right now for miracles on both Jeff and Allan's behalf. It is always Your will for us to be healed. Thank You that the blood of Jesus was shed on our behalf and that by the stripes laid on His back, we were healed because he took all sickness and disease for us. I thank You for Your peace to permeate this situation for surgery for Jeff and Allan, guide the surgeons' hands and mind as they are led by You and for that peace to overtake Sandi and her family. We believe and receive, in Jesus Name, Amen (so be it).

  26. It is already Thursday morning in France and I find your blog right now. My prayers are added to those of your other friends. May the Holy Spirit help the surgeons in both your son's and your uncle's cases. Sending a comforting hug to YOU as well.

  27. Prayers going up for your son and Uncle!

  28. hello
    chère Sandi
    je suis de tout coeur avec vous
    des gros problèmes de santé ou il faut faire face
    on es vendredi , j'espère que l'opération c'est bien passé
    courage avec toute ma tendresse et mon soutien
    edith (iris)

  29. Sending tons of prayers your way for them both. Stay strong


  30. Hello Sandi, I hope both surgeries are going to be succesfull. I wish you and your family enormous strength to overcome this harsh time. I dedicate you a comforting verse from Book of Revelation 21:4

  31. By now both surgeries are complete, and I am praying that they were successful and that prayers were answered on their behalf. Continuing to hold them up in prayer as they recuperate and face whatever the outcome may be. Thinking of you, as well...may God's strength be YOUR strength. Keep your eyes on Him...He will not fail you.
    Blessings to you and yours today.

  32. It's always a pleasure when someone asks for prayer for someone why not it doesn't cost us a thing and that way we get to spread some of God's Love. may the surgeons have magic in their hands and may God have healing in his.Susie


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.