Wednesday 5 March 2014

Home Made Pancakes for HOME

Home is where you fit right in.~ Randy Alcorn

Hello friends and welcome to my HOME where my door is always open! 

Did you make pancakes yesterday? I always make them on Shrove Tuesday and they were so good!

I have been using this same recipe for pancakes since I was a new bride. Once again, the recipe comes from my old Purity Cook Book.

I prefer home made pancakes to a mix because there are no preservatives and they bake up much thicker than a mix.

Sift together:
1-1/2 cups flour
1-2 TBSP sugar
3 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt

1 egg, beaten
1-3/4 cups milk
2 TBSP veggie oil

Beat together and add to dry ingredients. Beat only until combined. I always use an egg beater to do this.

Heat your griddle or saucepan to 380 degrees. Drops of water will dance across the pan when it's ready. Grease lightly.
{I didn't have to grease mine because I used a brand new coated pan which made it a breeze to flip them.}

Use about 1/4 cup batter for each pancake.
Bake pancakes until surface is covered in bubbles and the edges lose their gloss.
Turn and bake until golden brown.

Note: If the batter becomes too thick, just add a small amount of milk and stir.

Serve hot with butter and maple syrup or molasses. Makes about 12 - 4 inch pancakes.

If you don't consume all the pancakes, you can freeze them for breakfast or a snack. Oftentimes I double the recipe so I can freeze some.

There are several ways to serve these pancakes, as a main dish which I did. But you could also add 3/4 cup of blueberries to the batter or as a dessert pancake spread with jam, applesauce, or a cream filling. Roll up and sprinkle with icing sugar. Sliced strawberries and whipped cream are wonderful too.

I often serve baked beans with mine but yesterday I served them with an omelet filled with cheese, green pepper, onion, and mushrooms. Delicious!
How do you like to serve yours?

I have a friend who makes pancakes and freezes them for her son who just helps himself to a couple whenever he feels hungry. Whenever I freeze them I place a small sheet of waxed paper between them to keep them from sticking together and then place them in a freezer bag.

Thank you for visiting today. I always enjoy your company and invite you to stop by often. Have a beautiful day! 

Lord, this humble house we'd keep
Sweet with play and calm with sleep.
Help us so that we may give
Beauty to the lives we live.
Let Thy beauty and Thy grace

Shine upon our dwelling place. ~ Edgar A. Guest

I am joining the following parties as well~

Home and Garden Thursday ~
Home Sweet Home~

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Those look yummy. ♡ I did not know about a pancake tradition.

    I buy paczki (Polish donuts) for Fat Tuesday.

  2. They do look good. I will have to give your recipe a try. Hubby and the kids love pancakes on a Sunday morning.

  3. Your pancakes look yummy! We had pancakes not once but twice (breakfast at home, fundraiser at church for supper!) Love the transfer ware even though it is pink!

  4. Thank you for this Sandi. I was just thinking that I would love to find an easy and delicious pancake recipe. I'll try these for sure. Deb

  5. Sandi,
    Your pancakes look delicious. I don't make pancakes very often, but when I do, I make a huge batch and freeze them.

    I have missed being a part of your weekly tea party. While I still have my classic film blog, I deleted my "Fill My Cup with Beauty" blog many months ago. I have considered resurrecting it, as I miss having a "beautiful things" kind of blog. However, keeping up with one blog is time-consuming enough. I was unable to handle 2 before, which is why I deleted.

    I have a question for you. A couple years ago, I was part of a Tea-related social network. You were a part of it as well. Is it still around? I no longer have the address bookmarked (thanks to a computer crash last year), and doing a Google search, I can't seem to find it. If it is still around, would you tell me how to find it. I'd really like to be part of it again.

    Thanks so much.

    Love and hugs,

  6. Your pancakes look delicious along with the omelet on the side. Yum. I just heard on TV yesterday that you can freeze leftover pancakes and just pop them in the toaster when you want one. Thanks for stopping by. Blessings, Pam

  7. Guess what we will have for breakfast on Sunday? These pancakes look divine! Thanks Sandi! Lulu

  8. Oh Sandi, your pancakes look wonderful. I serve mine with eggs, too, as I always need some protein. I'm like you and freeze the extras and I do the same with waffles. They do come in handy that way. Thank you for sharing your recipe. xo

  9. They look so yummy! Thanks for the recipe

  10. Delicious - nothing better than a hardy breakfast!

  11. I love to make pancakes, I usually make them on Sundays, always from scratch. One of our family favorites is oatmeal pancakes. Yours looked yummy! Laura

  12. I love pancakes. A great idea to double the recipe and freeze some with waxed paper in between.

  13. YUMMY ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  14. After using the Aunt Jemima pancake mix for years, I tried making pancakes from scratch and like them much better. Yours look delicious, usually I serve bacon or sausages with ours.

  15. Your pancakes look delicious!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  16. Who doesn't love pancakes?! We don't keep the tradition, but this looks delicious. I think I'll have some today!

  17. I grew up going to pancake suppers at church on Shrove Tuesday, and made them on Shrove Tuesday when our children were growing up. Now we buy Paczkis (big Polish donuts). We like bacon or sausage with pancakes. Homemade is the best!

  18. Hi Sandi. Those pancakes sound so delicious and look really pretty in your picture. I will have to try them. Sandi, I'm sure it's me but I have been trying to join HOME for the past two times and when I click on your post I don't get anything that lets me sign up. Is there some little thing I am missing as I don't see any other comments pertaining to this..Have a great day, Judy

  19. Yum, this sounds divine! One of my favorite meals is "breakfast for supper"!

  20. What a beautiful simplicity of the whites it looks so serene enjoyed it very much.Susie

  21. the pancakes look delicious. And Sandi....I can smell Spring around the corner. Pancakes remind me of maple syrup festivals around here which is always the first sign of spring. Wishing you an amazing weekend. Hugs from my heart straight to yours. :)

  22. This is my first visit, Golly those pancakes look so delicious, my
    Daughter loves them, but we have to lose weight for a coming wedding.
    Hummm maybe crepes??

    guess not


  23. Hi Sandi, yes I did made cupcakes for Shrove Tuesday. Mine wasn't as good as yours. I used buckwheat and it was a ready-mix pack. Yours look so yummy. But I haven't really tried serving it with any savoury sides. I'm happy with maple syrup or golden syrup.
    I guess it's an acquired taste.
    Hope you have a good weekend. Keep safe and warm.


  24. Good Morning, I just came from Judith's blog Lavender Cottage and so glad that I did. We are a pancake loving family and although I usually buy the Kruzty Pancake mix . . . I love having a scratch recipe. All things are better from scratch :) Looking at your photos made me remember that I haven't eaten breakfast yet, LOL. Yum!
    Have a lovely day.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  25. Dear Sandi,
    What a surprise to hear you serve your pancakes with baked beans. That is an idea I never heard of before.
    We always had pancakes too on Shrove Tuesday when my children were growing up. The youth group would make and serve a pancake dinner for all of the church.
    xo Ruthie

  26. Sandi,
    Just stopping in to thank you for your visits!! I apologize for not stopping by sooner but I have been so busy lately preparing for our church's Spring Craft Fair!!


  27. This looks delicious, Sandi - we love pancakes at every meal! I am delighted that you shared with Home and Garden Thursday,


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.