Monday 24 February 2014

Something Sweet for Tea Time

If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome. ~ Anne Bradstreet

Hello ladies and welcome to my last Tea Time Tuesday in February!

We had a beautiful sunny weekend, yet I will be very happy to get this month over with because it has been a month of snowstorms and blizzards. I am counting down the days till Spring. March will be here by the end of the week; yay!!

To celebrate the end of February and the month of romance, I am sharing something very special.

Gifts can come in all sizes and shapes. Sometimes, they may be beautifully wrapped and tied up with ribbon, or presented in a plastic bag with tissue paper wrapped treasures inside.

Source- Victoria Tea Pleasures

It's not the size or even the presentation, although I think presentation is important, so much as the thoughtful and loving gesture on the part of the giver.

For Valentines Day, my hubby went into my favourite shop in town, Lori's "Time Worn Treasures and Antiques," and found these.
You can imagine my delight when I opened up his package to find....!

If a picture paints a thousand words.... David Gates and Bread

This is Royal Albert Petit Point China and I am simply loving this unique pattern. It reminds me of a Spring garden.

This pretty china has floral sprays of blue, pink, yellow and green made to resemble needle point and cross stitch. Each piece is trimmed in gold.

The registered pattern number is 778676. This pattern has been discontinued and was manufactured from 1932 until December 2001.

Hubby surprised me with a teacup, a dessert plate, and the cake plate. He really deserves to wear a crown!

The cup is so pretty with the needle point border not only on the outside rim but also on the inside.

Can you see the slight scallop around the rim? This teacup is made in the Hampton shape which sits on a bit of a pedestal and she has a very curvy handle with a thumb rest.

The dessert plate and cake plate both are a square shape which makes them very attractive to the eye. The next day I went back to Lori's shop and treated myself to a second teacup and a dessert plate. I guess one of the reasons I'm so smitten with this china is because it is different from anything else I have.

The most trying hours in life are between four o'clock and the evening meal. A cup of tea at this time adds a lot of comfort and happiness. ~ Royal S. Copeland

I have really enjoyed perusing the Victoria Tea Pleasures magazine as it is filled with beautiful pictures and wonderful recipes. One of the recipes which caught my eye was the Sticky Toffee Pudding.

No, I didn't make it but it inspired me to make my Sticky Date Pudding with Toffee Sauce. The recipes are almost identical with the exception of the pecans in the Victoria recipe.

If you're interested in my recipe you can find it here on my Christmas Pudding blog.

Now let's enjoy some pudding and warm toffee sauce with our tea. A little dollop of whipped cream on top finishes it off nicely. A sweet treat on sweet china.

The lovely doily you see is one which my niece crocheted for me.

Tea is a hug in a cup. ~ Patrick Jane- The Mentalist

Now if you come by for tea, I can serve each of us a cuppa from this lovely pattern.  

Next week I will tell you all about my next seasonal tea party which I will be hosting the week of March 17th. It will be a tea party to usher in my favourite season; Spring.

As I live each day may I make a difference
And touch one heart....
Each day it is my goal
To bring smiles and laughter
Into a soul! ~ Unknown author

I am joining the following parties as well~

A Return to Loveliness ~
Tea Cup Tuesday~
Tea Cup Tuesday ~
Tuesday Cuppa Tea~
Friends Sharing Tea~
Share Your Cup Thursday~
Home Sweet Home~

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Your hubby certainly knows what you like...gorgeous pattern! Have a great week....hugs, Penny

  2. Oh, Sandi! What a lucky girl you are to have a hubby who knows what you like. He's a keeper! Your "new" Royal Albert is a keeper, too. I love the petit pointe -- just like a cross stitch or needlepoint. Wonderful and different. I love crochet doilies and linens. Happy Tea Day and thank you for hosting.

  3. What a wonderful gift to give you. He really knows you well. "I love the pattern and the shape of the tea cup and dishes. To have a complete set of the dishes would be terrific.
    Your dessert looks so good. I can feel the pounds already.
    Have a wonderful week.

  4. Oh Sandi!
    You are so lucky your tea set is simply gorgeous. I love the petit pointe pattern and the dessert looks yummy. Have a lovely week.

  5. Sandi ... loving your new tea set ... what a lovely gift from your hubby. Thank you for hosting ..hugs and blessings c. (HHL)

  6. Hi Sandi,
    Your hubby is an amazing guy! Royal Albert's Petit Point is a very pretty pattern. My sister-in-law has the complete set and I enjoy having dinner at her home when she uses it. I have one teacup and the cream and sugar and hope to one day find more pieces. Your photos are just so lovely as always. Thank you for hosting tea again today. Have a wonderful week! Karen

  7. Oh my goodness, dear Sandi, my heart skipped a beat when I saw that beautiful pattern that your hubby bought for you. What a gem he is!!! Your sticky toffee pudding looks wonderful and would I ever love to share it with you. Thank you for hosting your special party. xo

  8. I LOVE sticky toffee pudding! And your husband is marvelous! I have always love Petit Point because i do counted cross stitch. I almost shared on this week, then decided to do the Diana exhibit post instead. Thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  9. Sandi, Your teacups are absolutely adorable! I love them! Your hubby is a very thoughtful guy. :)

  10. My friend Joan that passed away suddenly last summer collected Petit Point and many happy dinners were shared at her home with this pattern. Of course now, every time I see it, I'm reminded of Joan. I'm happy that your hubby bought you some Petit Point and that you like it too, a classic and pretty pattern.
    I am so ready for a spring tea.

  11. What a thoughtful husband, and a pretty tea set! That sticky pudding looks wonderful, perfect for a cold day with tea. And your niece made you a lovely doily. Thanks for hosting!

  12. Always a treat to stop by and thank you for the recipe!

  13. You have got a real keeper for a husband, he's so thoughtful! I love your teacup. I haven't seen one like it before.

  14. That is the cutest teacup and plates. I have never seen that design before.

  15. What a thoughtful and loving gift from your husband, Sandi. Blessings to you this day.

  16. Hi Sandi,
    I have some of that pattern too. I love it. Reminds me of days of doing cross stitch. I always love square plates too and have several in that pattern. Hmmm, something new to keep you eye out for. Your hubby is a keeper. It looks great with your teapot too.
    Blessings, Ruthie

  17. What a romantic and lovely gift from your hubby

  18. What a wonderful hubby and he has awesome taste... I love this Petit Point pattern....

  19. Sandi, what a beautiful gift! I love this pattern!
    Today, I went to one of our local antique shops and while there,found and purchased, a Rose Chintz cup and saucer :) I immediately thought of you and the wonderful collection of Rose Chintz that you have.
    What a beautiful doily your niece crocheted for you. Thanks as always for the pleasure of reading your beautiful blog, Wanda

  20. Your new dishes are so pretty, Sandi! I love their tapestry look. Your dessert looks scrumptious as well! Blessings, Bess

  21. Oh how pretty is that . Awe bless his heart . Oh sticky toffee pudding I haven't had that since I was in England with my Nana many years ago! Thanks for sharing and hosting even though I don't have a lot of tea cups and what not ! Have a good day !

  22. Hi Sandi! I was just thinking your readers might love a giveaway from my shop, since I carry a lot of teacup jewelry and accessories. If you would like to do a review or giveaway, or both, let me know, my shop is Thanks for your beautiful blog and linky party. You are welcome to message me on etsy or email.

  23. Hello, I really enjoy all your quotes! And the Tea cups and settings are really special.
    Your Hubbies gift was just beautiful! I did Link up and I am enjoying seeing these other ladies Blogs! Have a wonderful week!
    Blessings, Roxy

  24. That pattern is so sweet Sandi! Another pretty and relaxing tea today! Thank you for hosting!

  25. One of the tea bloggers has this set. I can't recall just the second but I think you may know that too. It is lovely and recently I saw a teapot too in a case somewhere. What a sweet and thoughtful gift!

  26. Love your teacup gift! So beautiful with that needlepoint pattern on it. My hubby took me to lunch and tea at a local tea shop on Long Island for Valentine's Day called Chat Noir. I love it, so I loved hearing you did the same!

  27. Oh Sandi! Where di you ever find this treasure. No, I don't mean the sweet china, I mean your husband. Isn't he a treasure?! Whow, I am completely smitten, too, by this wonderful pattern. Thats so cute. And I think it can be lucky to ive in your house. You have set a wonderful tea table with this supercute set. Thank you for sharing this delight and for hosting my favorite tea party.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  28. As always gorgeous tea cups and I love that pink tea pot I think I have a cup and saucer to match it .
    I am going to go play with some of my tea cups now LOL

  29. Hi Sandi,
    That is a beautiful pattern! I love Royal Albert. I like the shot at the end with the plates. The needle work print just looks like flowers from afar, it is just beautiful! Your pudding looks delicious! I got that magazine and the pudding caught my eye too. I will mark you down for the spring tea date. I am getting so all I want to blog about is tea. I have the two girls 3 and 1 that I watch every week, and their mother is expecting a boy in a few weeks, and of course I still have all my children here living in the house so, I don't have time to do much but set up tea. I get no complaints on the sweet treats I cook to go with it either!
    See you next week!

  30. What a darling tea set! Your Hubby is truly wonderful. And your niece is so talented. Sometimes I think crochet is a dying art. Enjoy them.

  31. Your husband certainly does know you well...what a wonderful gift!

    I have the same magazine and saw the recipe for Sticky Toffee Pudding. I LOVE these type of dessert and your recipe for Sticky Pecan Pudding sounds delicious. I'm off to check out the link you left for it.

    Have a blessed week, Sandi!

  32. Hi Sandi: I have seen this tea cup just once before. It is so stunning. What a sweet hubby to get it for you. Sending hugs your way, Martha

  33. Perfectly lovely teatime, Sandi! What a sweet Valentine's gift from a very thoughtful husband! Looks lovely with your niece's handiwork since the pattern is touching upon petite point needlework. But, that pudding! I admit - that is a weakness. I do love puddings! I will check out the recipe, too - any hopes that it is the least bit healthy?

  34. Oh Sandy!How sweet and caring of Your Husband.I just love that He did that for You.It's the best times ever when Our Husband's want to surprise Us with loving gifts. Your pudding is wonderful too-Thank You Sandi again-Hugs to You Denise

  35. I surely thought I had put in a comment. I guess I must have been dreaming. But I did want to tell you how much I love your Petit Point pattern. Since it is a Royal Albert you know I love it even more. You are lucky to have such a great hubby! I am lucky cause I have one too.

  36. Oh my, your hubby gets lots of points for this! I do love this Petit Point pattern, and you've shown it so beautifully here. You also educated me about its production, as I had no idea it was made as late as 2001!

  37. Gosh that sure is pretty Sandi and it reminds me of my ex-grandmother-in-law who had a complete collection of this petit point china. It has now been handed down to my daughter, her great granddaughter. Hope your week is shaping up to be a lovely one. Big hugs. :)

  38. Lovely Sandi! Your dear Hubby has given you a wonderful gift! He sure knows how to pick china! I have always loved this pattern. I am thrilled for you. I hope they brighten your winter days.

  39. Beautiful unique pattern, you are blessed to have someone special to gift you with it.

  40. hello
    vraiment superbe cette tasse
    votre mari a eu une attention
    pleine d'amour et de délicatesse
    edith (iris) France

  41. Wow Sandi, this is such a stunning pattern. Such a thoughtful and heartfelt gift. Yous post was truly beautiful today. Thanks for hosting.




I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

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