Wednesday 8 January 2014

HOME ~ Welcome Back!

Home is a place where we fit right in. ~ Randy Alcorn

Happy New Year and Welcome back to my  HOME, dear bloggy friends! I hope you all had a splendid Christmas and you're looking forward to this brand new year.

Here at my HOME, I am simply delighted to have you visit. If you have anything at all HOME related, I invite you to share it with us by linking up below. I will be happy to visit you.

I do not have a recipe to share with you this week because I have been down with a virus but I did share a review of this past year's tea parties. If you would like to see more, kindly visit the post below this one.

My features this week are from my last HOME for the Holidays party and I hope you enjoy them.

Carol at Art and Sand made these sweet little stars  napkin rings. She shared her tutorial in her post.

Alessandra at My Romantic Creations shared her very pretty Christmas vignette using her collection of angels.

Linda at Beautiful Ideas shared her lovely Christmas vignette at the end of the hall. Beautiful and festive!


Jennifer at Jennifer's Petal Palace shared some gorgeous creations such as this snowman ornament.

Dawn at We Call It Junkin set a Christmas tablescape using items she picked up while thrifting. Very festive!

Christmas tablescape table setting

Thank you ladies for sharing your wonderful posts here at my HOME and thank you to all of you for welcoming us into your lovely homes every week. You make us feel so welcome.

Lord, this humble house we'd keep
Sweet with play and calm with sleep.
Help us so that we may give
Beauty to the lives we live.
Let Thy beauty and Thy grace
Shine upon our dwelling place. ~ Edgar A. Guest

As a courtesy, please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit with all my lovely participants.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Hi Sandi!
    Here we are whith a brand new year in front of us!
    May your 2014 be Happy and Full of Tea Time Parties!

  2. Hi Sandi,
    I hope that the virus will be leaving you soon and you'll be feeling better.
    All the features are wonderful and so inspirational. Thank you for hosting and I must say that I love the poem/prayer you shared. Isn't that a beautiful one?
    Hugs and blessings sent to you, my friend.

  3. Happy New Year, Sandi!

    Hope you are feeling better! It seems that there's a nasty bug making its way across North America! You'd think that it wouldn't survive, given the below freezing temps!

    Thanks for hosting and get well soon!


  4. Sandi,
    Looking forward to lots of great posts and parties in 2014, my friend!!

    Thanks so much for this wonderful party!!

    Happy New Year!!


  5. Sandi, thank you so much for featuring me! What a lovely surprise, I really appreciate it. I hope your holidays were wonderful, and you have a happy and blessed new year. -Dawn @ We Call It

  6. Sandi, thank you so much for featuring me! What a lovely surprise, I really appreciate it. I hope your holidays were wonderful, and you have a happy and blessed new year. -Dawn @ We Call It

  7. I'm so sorry you have a virus, Sandi. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

    This week I joined the Project Inspire{d} hosting team. Our link party goes live every Monday night at 8 EST. I'd be delighted if you would consider popping over when you feel better and linking up some of your fabulously inspiring posts:

    Wishing you An ExtraordinaryDay!!

  8. Hi Sandi! Happy New Year! Great features, I'm going to go check those out right now.
    Have a great week and I hope you get to feeling better real soon.

  9. What a sweetie you are to feature my star napkin rings. I had to debate about keeping them downstairs to use again or put them in the attic until next Christmas. They went to the attic and so now I will have to make some heart napkin rings for February.

    I am posting about our new table top in the dining room so I think I can link up because I do feature our table setting on the first night we used it.

    Thanks again.

  10. All looks so pretty ! Oh I hope you fell better soon . Thanks for sharing . Have a good day and drink lots of cups of tea it's good for the body lol !

  11. Lol! Posted my comment in the wrong place, scrolled down to far! Duh...Hi Sandi...I'm a bit late. Lovely choices! Have a great weekend and thanks for hosting!

  12. Happy New Year Sandi. Sorry you are feeling too great right now, hope you get over the virus asap. Thank you for hosting Home, I love the gentleness.

  13. Thanks for hosting and once again thanks for featuring my little stars.

  14. All the best in the New Year hope you feel better soon. Thanks for hosting.

  15. I just love coming to your blog. You sweet, gentle spirit shines through in everything you say here! I hope you feel better soon. God's peace be with you always! Love, Cheryl

  16. Feliz año Sandi!!!
    Me alegra encontrarme nuevamente contigo para compartir tantas cosas bellas, sobre todo tus tazas tan maravillosas y tus reflexiones profundas con fe en Dios y en todo lo que te rodea.
    Un beso grande amiga desde Argentina.

  17. Dear Sandi, thanks for hosting and for feautiring me! All the pictures are so adorable. I hope you fell better

  18. another party to link up to! thanks, Sandi, and I hope you feel better.

  19. Hi Sandi, Hope you are feeling better. I love the photo you posted of your gorgeous teacup and pretty pink cookies. Take care.
    Be blessed, Beth

  20. Dear Sandi,

    I am sorry to learn you are ill with a virus - that's never fun. Get well soon.

    Sorry I have been absent again - life gets so darned busy sometimes.

    Thank you for hosting, it is a pleasure to join you and your HOME.

  21. sorry to hear you've been sick with a virus, Sandi. Us too. It's one of the reasons I'm not a fan of winter. Everyone seems to get sick. Anyway, feel better asap and wishes for a great weekend.

  22. Sweet Sandi, I hope you are feeling better! Thanks for hosting and hope the New Year will be a great one!

  23. Thank you for stopping by my Pink Saturday post! I'd love to join your linky you have a reminder list? Have a great week filled with many blessings!



I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.