Monday 2 December 2013

Tea Time Tuesday

"The heart, like the mind, has a memory. And in it are kept the most precious keepsakes." ~ H. W. Longfellow

Welcome dear friends to my first Tea Time Tuesday in December! The days are quickly passing and soon Christmas will be here but there is much to enjoy in the meantime.

Before I begin my tea today, I will share a few teacup ornaments hanging on the tree.

The first and second teacups came from Winners a few years ago.

This third teacup was a Christmas gift from my youngest son last year. He got it at The Cracker Barrel. He knows I love teacups and cardinals and it's also Illinois' state bird which is where my son  lives.

A very thoughtful gift!

Speaking of gifts; I consider special people in our lives as gifts too. Today would have been my beloved grandmother's birthday. What a wonderful lady she was! Every fond memory I have from my early childhood, she was a part of. 

I had written a post in her memory about four years ago and you may go here to read it if you wish.

Do you keep your greeting cards? This sweet Christmas card is one Granny sent to me when I was a little girl. It was probably the last card she ever sent me before she passed away.

It is vintage and adorned with a real feather and she signed it Love, Granny, Grampy, and Uncle Allan.

My Uncle Allan and Aunt Judy, who live in New Brunswick and Florida, visited over the weekend and I showed the card to them. I think my uncle was quite touched by it, especially  seeing his mother's own handwriting on it. He is more aware than ever of just how sentimental his niece is.

Grandparents play such an important part in the lives of their grandchildren. The love that was lavished upon me as a little girl by my Granny has always stayed with me and I know I'm a better person for having known her.

Are you ready for a cup of tea?

"One of the shining moments of my day is that when, having returned a little weary from an afternoon walk, I exchange boots for slippers, out-of-doors coat for easy, familiar, shabby jacket, and, in my deep, soft-elbowed chair, await the tea tray. How delicious is the soft penetrating odour which floats into my study, with the appearance of the teapot! What a glow does it bring after a walk in the chilly rain!" ~ George Gissing - "The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft" - 1903

I have set a little tea time out in front of my unfinished Christmas tree. I have been so busy this past week with getting my mother settled in her new home that the decorating has taken a back seat for a few more days. But I'll get there. Do you have yours finished yet?

This is a vintage creamer from Bavaria which I found in an antique shop.

Happiness is sharing tea with a friend.

The teacups are both adorned with little roses.

The first one is a nameless vintage Royal Albert. I love the brushed on gold trim and the tiny roses. It also has a very soft scalloping around the rims of both the cup and the saucer.

The other is one that I won several years ago from a porcelain artist blogger friend which she created herself.

We will enjoy some icebox cookies and some Holiday Chai tea.  The little Johnson Bros. plate is one my Aunt Judy gave me a few years ago.

Icebox cookies are so festive with their nuts and green and red cherries, don't you think?

"Christmas is forever, not for just one day,
for loving, sharing, giving, are not to put away
like the bells and lights and tinsel, in some box upon a shelf.
The good you do to others is good you do yourself." ~ Norman Wesley Brooks - 1976, from "Let Every Day Be Christmas"

Next week I will be hosting my
"Celebrate the Season ~ Christmas Tea."

Every week until Christmas, I will share a Christmas tea setting accompanied by a different theme. I would love it if you could join me for any or all of them! You are not obligated to share a Christmas tea but since it t'is the season, it would be nice to take advantage of the lovely decorations and goodies this time of year.

Thank you for visiting today and if you have some tea or coffee things that you would like to share, please link up below and I will be happy to visit you.

 "The Lord bless you, and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine on you....;
And give you peace." ~ Numbers 6:24-26

I am joining these hostesses as well this week~

What's It Wednesday~
Share Your Cup Thursday ~
Home Sweet Home ~

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. I love your teacup ornaments, Sandy, and of course your regular tea cup collection too. They are all very pretty. Thanks for hosting!...Christine

  2. Hi Sandi. You are way ahead of me...decorating not begun! I love your precious teacup ornaments! Happy birthday for your grandmother! A special day for you. And I love your teacups...of course!

  3. Hello dear Sandi!

    Beautiful! The teacup ornaments are awesome my friend, adorable, wish I had one or two for my tree! Many blessings for your dear grandmama's bitday; wish I still had my Stella, she died in 1998 and was 93. Your 'real' teacups are lovely, of course! Have a nice Dcember. Thanks for the great party.

  4. Your vintage card, signed by your grandma is such a treasure, Sandi. I love your teacup ornaments. Coming to your tea is always a wonderful time of love and reflection. Thank you for hosting, sweet friend. xo

  5. A beautiful, beautiful post.

    I loved my grandmother a lot, too. I feel very blessed to have been loved by her.



  6. Your teacups ornaments are so beautiful..i adore them! Happy birthday for your grandmother

  7. Dear Sandi,
    it was so touchy to read about your sweet memories to your Grandma. She must have been a very sweet lady. The card is so precious. Its somehow her birthday tea. Happy Birthday to her. The tea cup ornaments are cute and the tea cups are so pretty. You have set a ssweet and lovely table for us. Your Grandma would be proud of you. I haven't finished my decoration yet. Thats not unususal here in Germany as we decorate the tree not that early. I enjoyed all your sweet items for Christmas. Thank you for sharing them and for hosting this sweet event.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  8. A lovely teatime today Sandi, I also love the vintage Christmas card. I have a few here from my childhood too and it's fun to look at them once in a while. I love ice box cookies and haven't made them in years. These ones look so Christmas-y too. Have a lovely week. Pam

  9. A lovely teatime today Sandi, I also love the vintage Christmas card. I have a few here from my childhood too and it's fun to look at them once in a while. I love ice box cookies and haven't made them in years. These ones look so Christmas-y too. Have a lovely week. Pam

  10. The teacup ornaments are sweet Sandi, as is the card from your grandmother. I have a number of cards from my childhood too.
    Icebox cookies are an old fashioned favourite that always make a tray of sweets more festive.
    Thanks for hosting.

  11. Thanks for hosting Sandi! Your cookies look delicious!

  12. Hi Sandi,
    Your mini teacup decorations are lovely. I also put teacups on my tree every year but I still haven't got my tree. How precious to have kept a Christmas card from your grandmother. How I wish I had one like that. Your card is really a collectible. All of your teacups are so pretty today. Thank you for hosting Tea Time Tuesday. Have a wonderful week! Take care,

  13. Hi Sandi,
    I so enjoyed your little tea cup tree ornaments. I'm enjoying smalls these days. What a special memory of your grandmother and to have a vintage Christmas Card, lucky you. I remember those but don't have one.Beautiful post Sandi, thank you for hosting.

  14. Beautiful post Sandi. I am very, very sentimental too. More so now since so many of my loved ones have passed away - love the card. I'm a card, letter keeper too - I do appreciate you hosting and sharing,

  15. Blessings, dear Sandi, and greetings of the season to you! What a great way to start off our Christmas teatimes with teacup ornaments. Nostalgic memories of granny - that card is too precious! And, yes - I'd love to try one of your cookies! The cups you've chosen are beautiful - especially the handcrafted one. Actually, you have touched upon a number of things in your post that are on my list to feature this month - beginning today! Joy to you!!

  16. Hi Sandi,
    Your cookies look very festive and your tea is lovely.
    Thank you for hosting,

    p.s. Glad your son and family were not hurt but always a scare!

  17. Hello Sandi,
    What a lovely Christmas post! I enjoyed every bit of it!
    Your tree is already looking marvelous. Your ornaments fab! And I am loving your new vintage creamer. It is always wonderful to hear that a child was well loved, and to know that you were well loved by this dear woman, well, that is priceless. It lifts my soul to hear of such loving relationships.
    Your tea cups are always so pretty too. Thank you for bringing some Christmas cheer to us today.
    I am planning on joining your next week : ) Yay!

  18. Hi Sandi,
    Thanks for the gentle reminder!


  19. Sandi your teacup ornaments are brilliant! Your teacups are lovely ... thanks for sharing tea and hosting. xo C. (HHL)

  20. Such a sweet post. I always love love love your pretty china and goodies - but I just got the biggest kick out of that cute vintage card and your Uncle Allan's reaction to it, how cute is that?

    Thank you for hosting a lovely tea time, Sandi - my favorite linky party of the week, wish I could join more often. Hugs.

  21. Hi Sandi: I too keep cards from loved ones. Your tea cups are so pretty today. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  22. Hi Sandi: I too keep cards from loved ones. Your tea cups are so pretty today. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  23. Hello- HAPPY December! Hope Thanksgiving was serene and blessed. THANKS for hosting each week. I love your cup ornaments, especially the one with the cardinal. Sweet cards, sweet memories of grandmother, sweet cookies! The Royal Albert cup is lovely.

  24. Love the sweet card, Sandi. Special memories! Your cookies look good and your teacup ornaments are adorable. Merry Christmas!

  25. Hi Sandi, I had a looong blog break, but would love to join your tea party today. Your beautiful post put a big smile on my face, and I would like to invite you over to my blog and you will see why ;) Thank you for hosting this wonderful tea party.

  26. I love the teacups, this has been a joy to scroll through! I will have to wait to offer my own...I'm off in a few hours on a trip, my first of three this month, plus hosting Christmas this year! I hope you enjoy my mugs. I love a good coffee mug and bring one or two home almost every thrift store run!

  27. How sweet to honor your grandmother. It is a special role and I love your memories! That green background teacup and saucer looks so unique. A lovely Tea Time Tuesday!

  28. Beautiful tea Sandi. That card is absolutely precious! I'm sure granny is smiling down on you! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.