Wednesday 11 September 2013


"A real home is a shelter from the storms of life, a place in which to relax, a place of peace and rest." ~ Dr. Clifford R. Anderson

Welcome to my HOME everyone! Hope you're all having a wonderful week.

This week I set a tea out on the lawn beneath our maple tree. I used my treasured Johnson Bros. Rose Chintz china and it was a perfect day filled with birdsong!

As most of you know, one of my very favourite places to be in the summertime is at the beach. Alas, our beach days are behind us for another year but I thought I would take you on a little tour of some of the beautiful shores on PEI.

We are blessed with so many lovely beaches here on Prince Edward Island because, you see, we are surrounded by water.

This past Summer Hubby and I spent time at several beaches; Basin Head, Brackley beach, Dalvay, and Stanhope. Brackley, Dalvay, and Stanhope are all on the north shore.




"Sit in reverie and watch the changing colour of the waves that break upon the idle seashore of the mind." ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Basin Head has been named the number one beach in Canada.

 Basin Head

This beautiful beach is on the south shore where  the ferry runs from the Island to the Magdalen Islands or Iles de la Madeleine.

The sand here is a beautiful shade and appears to be pink and white. 

But the most unique characteristic about this  beach at Basin Head is that the sand "sings" underfoot when you walk on it. Because of this extraordinary sand, Basin Head has been dubbed the 'Singing Sands.'

I will miss our beaches, and this winter as I snuggle into our home, I will dream about it, until once again, I can wiggle my toes in the soft warm sand.

"Our memories of the ocean will linger on, long after our footprints in the sand are gone." ~ Anonymous

Here are some features from last week.

Penny @ Penny's Vintage Home shared her beautiful dining room complete with antlers, lace and roses, burlap and pumpkins, and a deer head.


Michele @ The Nest at Finch Rest shared her wonderful aviary themed guest room.

Creatively Sam's shared an elegant tablescape in celery green.

Celery Green Tablescape Lit

Bernideen @ Bernideen's Tea Time Blog shared how she incorporated her new shabby chic decor into an Autumn theme.

Thank you ladies for your wonderful posts. And a big thank you to all of you who open up your homes to us week after week.

If you would like to have your post featured you must include a link back to my HOME party. 

I would love it if you linked up your home related post to my HOME party. Arts, crafts, collections, DIYs, recipes, tablescapes, etc, anything and everything which is HOME related is welcome!

We remember, 9-11!

"Lord, this humble house we'd keep
Sweet with play and calm with sleep.
Help us so that we may give
Beauty to the lives we live.
Let thy bounty and Thy grace
Shine upon our dwelling place." ~ Edgar A. Guest

I will be sharing my HOME with these parties ~

What's It Wednesday ~
Home and Garden Thursday ~
Share Your Cup Thursday~
Home Sweet Home~

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Thank you so much for featuring my Fall Dining Room! Always a pleasure to party here.....hugs, Penny

  2. Hello sweet Sandi! We are the first ones to arrive at your lovely party!
    Oh the beach! Your photos are beautiful. Maybe one day you can visit our beloved Emerald Isle and we can visit your beautiful PEI. What fun we would have!

    Jeannie and Linda at The French Hens Nest

  3. VERY hot and humid where I am today and I sure would love to be at one of your beaches right now! :)

  4. Lovely post and photos ! I have never been to PEI . one day Papa and I will tour the east coast . Wonderful features as well ! Thanks for sharing and hosting ! Have a good day !

  5. The beaches are wonderful. I love times by the ocean, renewing.

    Love the wonderful posts featured today. Such work !

    Thank you for hosting Sandi, I love having something to share.


  6. Lovely photos.. the beaches look so nice..with love Janice

  7. Here you are closing out summer by sharing your beautiful beaches and yes...I am in awe...and I'm trying to get all most coastal posts finished in the next week or so. Warm weather can stay for a while. The snow will come too soon. :)
    Glad to be back, Sandi. I missed partying with you and the gals.

  8. Thank you for hosting again, Sandi. Aren't we lucky to live around such beautiful beaches?..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  9. I like sand and the beach. My husband is always talking to me about your country because he visited it with his grandfather as a child. We are always dreaming someday live there.



  10. Hi Sandi! Just like Judy said, you are lucky for living around such beautiful beaches!
    Thanks for hosting and have a blessed week,

  11. Hi Sandi,

    Thanks so much for hosting! Your photos are evidence of a summer well spent! Gorgeous beach scenes and lovely features.


  12. Hello, Sandi! What a lovely tribute to your shores and the memories of summer beach days. You have really beautiful beaches in PEI. I had no idea!

    Wishing you a great weekend ahead.


  13. I miss living near a beach when I see blissful photos like these!

  14. I miss living near a beach when I see blissful photos like these!

  15. Such lovely pictures of the beach:)I love the ocean! Your rose chintz china set looks gorgeous in any setting, Sandi! Love it! Thanks for hosting! Have a wonderful week! Hugs, Poppy

  16. Sandi,
    I found your lovely blog via Jann! I am now following you and linked up a little post!
    Warm Hugs,

  17. Good evening Sandi
    PEI has such beautiful beaches, thank you for hosting again this week. Take care!


  18. hello
    la plage , le soleil et la mer
    quel joli coin
    j'ai envie de poser mes pieds sur ce sable
    j'ai mis une vignette , mais qui se
    rapporte à la lecture :::!
    bonne journée
    edith (iris)

  19. Hi Sandi, PEI beaches are so peaceful, so serene. The sand is so clean that I could feel my feet squeaked in every tread I make(wishful thinking). I love your Rose Chintz tea set. One day I might find something of the same kind. Thank you for hosting. I was trying to grab your button but it didn't work, I will try again.



  20. Gorgeous table and gorgeous beach shots! It looks like a wonderful place to visit.

  21. Your beach scenes are wonderful.

    The days are beautiful on our beach right now, but it is getting cooler at night and we are donning jackets when we take our puppy out for her night time run. If it wasn't for her, we would not be out on the beach at night so she is good for us.

  22. Your beach pictures are lovely Sandi! Thank you for hosting and for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  23. Beautiful beaches! Thanks for the party, Sandi :) Always fun to join in! Spring greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  24. What wonderful beaches! How lucky you are to have so many to choose from so close to home.

  25. Oh my! How do you choose which beach to visit - a beach with singing sand! So enchanting! So want to visit your lovely island!!!
    I do appreciate you hosting and sharing,

  26. I'm sure you know we have no beaches here in Colorado Springs. Yours are lovely and do remind me of where I am from originally, Hampton, Virginia where on the lowest of 3 peninsula's we had beaches everywhere and I only lived a few blocks from what is called Hampton Roads. Then in high school, I lived near the York River at Yorktown. I think you made me remember. I called recall any "singing sand" though". I am glad you were able to visit these places this summer! Your HOME post is lovely!

  27. Hi Sandi, I keep forgetting about your lovely Wed link-up! Looks to me like you found the ideal beaches this summer. This has been a wonderful summer, hasn't it? Here in Vancouver the lovely weather is still holding for about another couple of days and I'm basking in every warm, golden minute. :)

  28. We are so lucky to have so many wonderful beaches in such a short distance. I figure it is a good summer if you get to the beach and it looks like it was a good one for you both. I tried singing the sand at one of the other beaches and it works. Thanks for the features, great idea with burlap.

  29. the beach calls. I loved scrolling the pictures of it...and what you said resonates so much with my own heart -
    Woke up this morning and it's really chilly here. Summer is officially done!!!

    Hugs and wishes for a great week Sandi....

  30. Sandi, nothing like the feel of sand between my toes. Love the serenity of the beach! Gorgeous pictures! Thanks for sharing them with SYC. I too will miss summer.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.