Monday 12 August 2013

Creamy Dreamy Whites for Tea Time

"There are times when we stop, we sit still. We listen and breezes from a whole other world begin to whisper." ~ James Carroll

Hello my lovely friends and welcome to Tea Time Tuesday! As most of you know I have been on a blog break and trying to get rested up.

I am still not quite ready to come back to blogging so I will be easing myself back into it. There will be no HOME party this week but I should be able to resume it next week.

I wanted to post something today because I am hosting an Anne of Green Gables Tea next week, August 19, and wanted to be sure you all knew about it.

Hubby is still on vacation and we have been enjoying the break from routine.... 
We took a short trip to New Brunswick where we visited some family and browsed the shops. Of course we have been enjoying our beautiful beaches too.

My little tea today was inspired by this photo I found in Victoria magazine.

"Only in quiet waters do things mirror themselves undistorted. Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world." ~ Hans Margolius

I felt like a quiet tea time today so I am using  my creamy white Skye McGhie teacup called Chantilly Lace. I added a few sprigs of Queen Anne's Lace which snuggle up to my teacup, similar to the photo in Victoria. 

I arranged some creamy white roses in a silver coffee pot which has a golden patina on it.

Sometimes I rather like the patina silver develops, how about you? Sometimes I like lemon in my tea.

"The secret to a well balanced life is a cup of tea in one hand and a good book in the other." ~ Unknown

A good book or magazine makes a relaxing tea time even more enjoyable.

 "Better to be deprived of food for three days, than tea for one." ~ Ancient Chinese Proverb

Now I'm wondering what you might be sharing today. Please link up any teacup or teapot, coffee mug, or tablescape/teascape.

I will be sharing some new pieces over the next few weeks that I found this Summer. Hope you will stay tuned and share your own new finds and  pieces you have shared before. Remember we tea ladies never tire of seeing pretty china!

Happiness is sharing tea with a friend.

Once again, next week, August 19, is my Anne of Green Gables Tea and I invite you to join me for that. If you can't do an Anne of Green Gables Tea  that's fine. You are welcome to participate with whatever you wish. 

I will let this week's Tea Time link-up run until the weekend so you will have plenty of time to share your treasures. Enjoy your week everyone!

If you wish, you may do coffee instead of tea or the following is acceptable too: Hot apple cider, Hot chocolate, Lemonade, Iced tea or iced coffee, or Punch in a beautiful bowl.

As a courtesy, please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit with all my lovely participants.

"Be still, and know that I am God." ~ Psalm 46:10

I am joining the following parties as well~

Inspire Me Tuesday ~
A Return to Loveliness ~
Tea Cup Tuesday~
Tea Cup Tuesday ~
Tuesday Cuppa Tea~
Tea In The Garden ~
What's It Wednesday ~
Share Your Cup Thursday~
Home Sweet Home~

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. So happy to see you back Sandi. I hope you are enjoying your time of R&R.

    Jocelyn @

  2. Oh my, this is such a lovely and romantic setting. Love that hat, it is precious. Thanks so much for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  3. Dear Sandi,
    I had a blog break, too. I am back with the first Tea Time Tuesday and its also about a nice book. Your setting is really lovely. Shye Mc Gee is always very charming. Thank you for sharing this lovely tea post and for hosting this event. I will see if I get something to the Anne of Green Gables theme together next week.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  4. Hi Sandi,
    Your teacup display is absolutely gorgeous today! You are so very talented! Your roses are fabulous! I missed you and hope that you are feeling more rested. Thank you for hosting today! Take care,

  5. Beautiful and romantic, my friend! Beautiful tea setting, as always, specially with the gorgeous china. Thanks for hosting this lovely tea party, Sandi. Have a happy week.

  6. A beautiful setting for a cup of tea! I just love all your pretty whites. Thank you for hosting.

  7. Oh Sandi, this post speaks to me. I love the neutral colours and the calmness of white. Hope you are enjoying your holiday time with your husband. Summer is surely going fast. Deb

  8. Hi Sandi, continue taking care of yourself, it always takes longer than we would have ever guessed to heal and recover. I think of you often, your wonderful posts and your delicious teas and presentations. Beautiful today as always.

  9. Gorgeous! I love the look of white with silver. Perfect cuppa tea.Thanks for hosting.

  10. Your recreation is lovely and the cup and saucer are perfect sitting on the Secret Garden! Your pretty silver pot with the white roses are beautiful. I am glad you shared this teascape and hosted this party!


  11. Sounds like you're having a great time off.Looking forward to your Anne posts.

    Down time - The kids are helping at a local camp this week so I'll get plenty of laid back time.

    Hugs Sandie...enjoy your time off.

  12. I hope you are enjoying time with your hubby on your vacation...and thanks for being a gracious hostess! Love that creamy, dreamy setting!

  13. Hi Sandi
    Glad to hear you are getting some rest, and hopefully your back is much better.
    Your tea tray is charming and the roses in the silver pot a nice way to display them. I'm afraid I'm a polisher with my silver, enjoy doing it too!

  14. Your quiet tea is lovely, Sandi!

    Your inspiration pic? You beat it, and that's a fact.

    Love all your awesome quotes, too - always such a pleasure to join you for tea time.

    Glad you are enjoying your break, though, well technically you aren't breaking much, are you? : - )

    Next week will be wonderful, I shall try to do something for it - we shall see how life turns out time-wise I guess, huh?


  15. Hi Sandi: Welcome back. I always love to visit. Your white tea cup is so lovely. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  16. Hi Sandi,
    Beautiful photo's!
    Enjoy your vacation !!

    Wilma,Shabby Royale

  17. hello
    une invitation pour un thé ne se
    refuse pas
    avec une aussi belle présentation
    le livre " Jardin Secret " est un vrai délice
    bonne journée
    edith (iris) France

  18. Your creamy roses and china are lovely Sandi. Glad you're back Hope all well with you x

  19. White and beautiful, dear Sandi!
    I'm glad you're back! I'm not linking up 'cause I'm having a break of Tea Tuesday during August, but I couldn't help coming here to enjoy your lovely tea.

  20. j'aime beaucoup la phrase de
    elle est très juste
    et je l'applique tous les jours ::::
    à plus
    edith (iris) France

  21. Hi Sandi,

    I love your choice of whites today, a quiet, peaceful tea time. Very pretty!

    Thanks for hosting!


  22. Hi Sandi,
    Your tea setting is lovely. Victoria Magazine is always full of inspirational photos. Beautiful roses!
    Happy Tea Day,

  23. Hi Sandi! Glad you're back this week - and looking forward to Anne's teatime next week. I hope I can participate with a post. I will be visiting my grandbaby Mackenzie in New England that week and if I can prep something before I leave I will be able to post it next Tuesday. Looking so forward to the day when I can pass some of my Anne books onto that little one - but she's only turning three so there's some time yet. Enjoy your down time - summer is fleeting!

  24. Hi Sandi,
    I missed you last week and was hoping you were well.
    Your tea vignette is beautiful, as are those roses!
    As much as I love Anne of Green Gables I just don't know if I can come up with a creative tea post for that or not.
    Have a great week!

  25. Hello Sandi, I am glad you're having a great break - it is wonderful to be able to spend this time with your husband and to visit family - you perfectly recreated that lovely Victoria magazine photo - beautiful! I am delighted to join your party and appreciate you sharing,

  26. I am so glad you are back sharing your lovely tea's! You were missed! Your tea table is so pretty and I love all the soft whites. A wonderful way to relax. Thank you so much for hosting

  27. Hi Sandi, good to see you back. Hope you had a relaxing time with hubby. I love your white roses, so pure, so elegant! And yes lemon is a refreshing change in traditional tea.

    Thank you for hosting. I would love to do the Anne of Green Gables tea party but don't have a clue what theme it is. Hopeless me. I

    Have a good week.


  28. I just have to say that your blog is a real blessing to me and that using Queen Anne's lace around the base of a teacup is truly inspired. :)

  29. I just noticed all of your rose chintz. That pattern was my grandmother's and I inherited it! I do not have the coffee pot though. :(

    I have a plate addiction. I just bought a set of transfer ware at the thrift store. Like I need another set of dishes. I have so many my husband didn't even noticed them sitting all over the dining room for a week until I found them a home. I didn't tell either.

  30. Hi Sandie...I like the quotes. They remind me to stop...pause..think...wait...listen.
    Hope your weekend shines. Hugs from me to you. :)

  31. sorry to be late - I Didn't know you were back, but glad you've had the break and readying for Anne's Tea Party - will see if I can pull enough pieces together to post something. If not, I'll enjoy vicariously thru the others' postings..;)
    For now - Rest and Relax

  32. Thanks for sharing.
    I looks so delicious.
    I want to have a drink.


  33. Sandi, I hope that you are resting. Please don't overdo! Your health is so important, and we want you to get your strength back! I love your beautiful white tea setting. The roses in the silver are just gorgeous! I really need to do another tea post so I can join the party. Thanks for sharing with SYC.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.