Monday 8 April 2013

Soft and Pretty for Tea Time

"Spring had come once more to Green Gables....the capricious, reluctant Canadian spring, lingering along through April and May in a succession of sweet, fresh, chilly days, with pink sunsets and miracles of ressurection and growth." ~ LM Montgomery - "Anne of Green Gables"

Welcome my lovely friends to another Tea Time Tuesday! Springtime in the land of Green Gables  is very reluctant arriving this year but the temperatures will be a little warmer the next few days so it is looking promising.

I picked up these creamy white roses for half price at the grocery store. Aren't they lovely?

Have you gotten rested up from Easter? Like most folks, we spent a busy Easter with church services and enjoying lots of turkey and chocolate with our family. My favourite preacher, my hubby, gave a wonderful Easter message at our church on Easter Sunday, and now that all the festivities are over with once again, it is time to relax and enjoy a quiet respite.

Today I am sharing a soft and pretty tea vignette.

Here in my home, I like to surround myself with the things I love. Family photos, lace at the windows, and other beautiful things like my teacups and teapots. I find they bring me so much pleasure just looking at them. Of course, they bring me even more delight to use them!

"Good tea is a pleasure,
Good friends are a treasure."~ Irish Blessing

Oftentimes, I am inspired by a photo in a magazine or another blogger friend.

Today, my inspiration came from blogger friend, Janet @ Rosemary-Thyme, who shared a very pretty tea vignette a week ago.

I found it so romantic and peaceful that I decided to pull down my white Gracie China teapot with its sweet birdie perched on top....

....and my Skye McGhie Pierced Lace teacup.

I set it up on my little side table in front of  the window with a few of my creamy white roses and a string of pearls, surrounded by lacy loveliness. Where do you find your inspiration?

"The privileges of the side-table included the small prerogatives of sitting next to the toast, and taking two cups of tea to other people's one." ~ Charles Dickens

Of course when we have tea at my home, we have to have a wee nosh too. Just a little something to accompany our tea such as Chicken a la King served in warm puff pastry shells. Chunks of savory chicken in a lovely cream sauce; yum! 

I usually serve this tasty treat over tea biscuits or toast but today, I am serving it this way. It's just right for a spot of tea. On Wednesday at my HOME party, I will share my recipe. 

I am having Whittard of Chelsea Darjeeling tea. It is a wonderful black tea from India which a thoughtful blogger friend sent me. Whittard of Chelsea is based in London, England. 

Would you like a cup?

Happiness is sharing tea with a friend.

I am so happy you have visited today. If you have a pretty teacup or teapot to share, please link up below and share it with us. Or perhaps you have a lovely coffee mug or tablescape; they are welcome too.

"Spring flowers are in blossom all over.
The whole world's a choir - and singing!
Spring warblers are filling the forest
with sweet arpeggios." ~ Song of Solomon 2:12  from 'The Message'

I am joining the following parties as well~

A Return to Loveliness ~
Inspire Me Tuesday ~
Tea Cup Tuesday~
Tea Cup Tuesday ~
Tuesday Cuppa Tea~
Friends Sharing Tea ~
Homemaking Link Up ~
Share Your Cup Thursday~
Cottage Style Linky Party~
Home Sweet Home~
Pearls and Lace Thursday ~
Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. Thank you so much for hosting! Have a great week...hugs, Penny

  2. What lovely photos! I love the little bird that sits atop the teapot! Aren't fresh flowers cheering. I got a huge bouquet of fresh flowers the day before Easter for 1/3 off usual price. I'm still enjoying them.

  3. Hi Sandi!
    I have always loved your pretty white teapot with the sweet birdie and your white roses and teacup are lovely. Have a great week.

  4. Dear Sandi,
    your tea vignette in soft whites is wonderful. The roses are just fully blooming, thats the moment I love them most. The different shades of white in your tea setting are so calming and serene. Would be lovely to have a cup of this tea with the yummy little savory treat. Thats really a Royal tea Time (with Chicken a la King!). Thank you for having me for tea and for hosting this sweet event.
    Best greetings,

  5. What a beautiful, romantic tea vignette you've shared today, dear Sandi! Thank you so much for hosting and have a blessed week. XO

  6. Your tea and nosh look delicious, Sandi. I have always loved your little white tea-cup. It's a favorite of mine. Hope you are now feeling much better and soon will be 100%. Hugs, Deb

  7. Hi Sandi. I love the white china. The puff pastry vol au vents look wonderful. That's a favorite special meal thing for us....they look so wonderful and belie the fact they are easy to make! Lovely post, and lovely flowers! Thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea and hosting!

  8. A soft and feminine tea is always in order now and then. The tea pot and cup you chose are perfect, add some pearls and roses and it is that much more special.

  9. Sandi, Everything is so elegant .. especially with the roses (great deal). I've always loved the lacy teacup. The little bird on the Gracie teapot -- wonderful! Chicken-a-la-King ... I'll be back for the recipe. Happy Tea Day and thank you for being such a wonderful hostess.

  10. Oh yummy - those looks delicous! That teapot is always a favorite and I think Carolyn Aiken has one too? Very pretty posting!

  11. I would love to sit with you and chat over a cup of nice hot tea. Your pictures are wonderful. I love the faded look on the outside of your photos. Tell me what editing program do you use.

  12. Oh my Sandi,

    (I have not posted yet and likely will be posting tomorrow.It is my dear mama's 82nd b-day today so we have been celebrating)...

    Yet I just had to take an extra moment to say what a lovely and most exquisite post. Creamy white roses, pearls and that darling teapot. Beyond beautiful dear lady... Simply breathtaking!

    Thanks for hosting.

    Cheers, blessings and hugs from Wanda Lee

    P.S. ~ I am glad that little computer tip on reducing, (or enlarging),blog image sizes worked for you. Thanks for letting me know Sandi. I appreciate it.

  13. Ooh a very romantic and soft tea setting for sure. I am loving your white tea pot with the sweet bird, and it looks perfect with your SM tea cup.
    The chicken a la king looks very tasty indeed! That is a treat.

  14. Oh my my!!! I adore the light prettyness!!!! And that looks delicious!


  15. oh so pretty, very feminine, love it and have always loved that tea cup and saucer. hope you get some great weather, hope we do to. God bless

  16. WHite on elegant! Love the pierced saucer. Mmm, looks like you are having a hot, yummy lunch! Stop by my blog for breakfast- hee hee. Thx for hosting :)

  17. I say again, I love that teapot ! Your creamy white roses add romance to your lovely tea setting and the chicken in puff pastry makes me very hungry. Yes, I want the recipe, please ?

  18. Hello Sandi, Oh my there's so much creamy loveliness in your post today! I love cream coloured ironstone and it's really hard to find creamy tea cups and pots to go with it. The tea cup's perforated plate is also lovely. My grandmother used to love and collect something called ribbon plates and it reminds me of those. I hope you have a lovely week. :)

  19. Hi Sandi,
    How beautiful, soft and peaceful!
    The roses are amazing, so fit to accompany the delicate lace china... and the pearls crown it all! Not to mention the delicious looking treat that you offer!
    Thanks for sharing, dear Sandi.

  20. Sandi,
    Your pictures are beautiful! you did capture that soft light and such pretty tea ware! Thank you for hosting and for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  21. Spring has been rather reluctant in NY this year too, but today is glorious!

    Beautiful pierced saucer. Thanks for hosting.

    - The Tablescaper

  22. Sandi .. loving the white ... everything looks so wonderful. Thank you for hosting ... Hugs and blessings, C. (HHL)

  23. What an elegant teacup. And who doesn't look better with pearls on?

  24. Sandi, I do so wish we were neighbors! What a peaceful, lovely scene you have set. The peace of Jesus overflows onto everything you do! I love the teapot with the birdie and that cup is exquisite.

    I am setting up a little table in my guest room to take photos of my tea things so I can start joining the tea party on Tue. In the meantime, see you on Wed.

    Hope you are getting stronger every day.

    Linda at The French Hens Nest

  25. Lovely! Stopping by from Pearls and Lace Thursday :) Autumn greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  26. Sandi I do love this post. It is lovely ans serene. I am glad I wasa bit of an influence. I am flattered. Beautiful vignette and photos friend.

  27. That is a lovely teapot with the little bird on top and I love your saucer to the white cup! So dainty! Nancy

  28. Talk about inspiration! This is so lovely and yes, awe-inspiring. I know exactly what I will be doing this weekend. I simply adore the creamy white and all the little details.

  29. Hi Sandi!!!
    What a sweet post this week! I love that darling teacup and saucer..they are gorgeous. The whole effect is lovely. I can ALMOST smell that tea, but it's slightly overpowered by my wishful thinking of a plate of those chicken delights!!! OH MY!! Those look scrumptious!!
    I'm so excited that you joined me this week for my party!!

  30. Lovely tea cups and pot. I also like the Rose Chintz china in your first photo - I have that china and love it!

  31. Beautiful tea Sandy and the Chicken ala King looks yummy! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  32. What a lovely tea setting. Can I come for tea? I love your tea pot with the bird on top. sometimes White is just so beautiful and the pearls are always a special accessory.
    Have a wonderful week,
    @ Eclectic Red Barn


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.