Monday 14 January 2013

Tea Time Tuesday & A Giveaway


"It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all." ~  Laura Ingalls Wilder

Welcome to Tea Time, dear friends~ I hope you all enjoyed your weekend. I was sick with a head cold all last week and I'm happy to say I'm finally on the mend! So, do come in and get comfy.

Now that I'm back from my holiday on the west coast, an important date just sort of sneaked up on me. I realized that next week, is
Tea Time Tuesday's 3rd Birthday! 

I apologize for the short notice but next week I will be celebrating TTT's 3rd Birthday with another Tea of Roses, just like last year.

So, if you would like to share some tea things adorned with roses to help me celebrate, I would love it! It is not mandatory but if you can, wonderful!

"Life is like a cup of's all in how you make it." ~ Unknown

I guess you know by now that I'm using my Johnson Bros. Friendly Village tea set today; perfect for this time of year!

"Steam rises from a cup of tea
and we are wrapped in history,
inhaling ancient times and lands,
comfort of ages in our hands." ~ Faith Greenbowl

Also,{and I'm a wee bit hestitant to mention this as it has been some time since I made the first drawing}, but I am having another Giveaway!

With Christmas and then our trip out west, I lost track of time and realized that the original winner did not claim her prize after several attempts to notify her. So I am offering it again and the new winner will be drawn next week on Tuesday, the 22nd of January.
So, all my oldie but goodie Followers, as well as all my new ones, please leave a comment on this post and your name will be entered. You must be a Follower of Rose Chintz Cottage to enter.

My Giveaway includes: A gorgeous tablecloth, a set of Kindred Spirits - Anne and Diana coasters, and a copy of Laura Childs tea shop mystery, "Oolong Dead." If you are familiar with the tea shop mysteries, then you also know that at the back of each book are some wonderful recipes and party ideas.

UPDATE~  I have a winner! Jen @ Garden of Threads. Congratulations, Jen! Please email me your address and I will get your package in the mail. Thank you everyone for entering. Big hugs to you all!
Now, that I have all that out of the way, let's have some tea shall we...

I really love Friendly Village as each piece is adorned with a scene from days of yore. Introduced in England in 1952, it is a charming winter pattern depicting pastoral village scenes as delightful as a family heirloom discovered long-hidden in the attic. Old-fashioned  scenes of red barns, ice houses, covered bridges, and sugar maples, etc., tug at my heart strings.

Hubby is pouring the tea for us so I can take the picture.

We are having Cranberry Autumn tea which is a black tea infused with cranberry and orange with dried cranberry pieces. It is a tea which Nancy from Two Cottages And Tea sent me and it is delicious! Help yourself to some home made treats too. I have plenty.

I am so enamoured by scenic china patterns which is why I love transferware so much. Being the old-fashioned gal that I am, this pattern really speaks to me! There is something oh, so charming and genteel about them, don't you think?   
Friendly Village is one which whisks you back to a simpler time. This pattern always reminds me of my maternal grandmother who lived a hard life yet made the most of her time, tending to the needs of her family and neighbors. She was one of the most important people in my life when I was a little girl. 

She was gifted in so many ways as a seamstress, knitter, quilter, and a wonderful home maker. She lived simply, but was very much the Lady of the Manor. I still miss her and she ought to have a story written about her. Here's to you, Granny!
Thank you for visiting today and please remember to join me next week for my Tea of Roses. Also, if you are one of my lovely Followers, please be sure to leave a comment on this post and your name will be entered for the Giveaway. The Giveaway is open to everyone, no matter where you live.
"A joyful heart is good medicine." ~ Proverbs 17:22
I am delighted you have stopped by for tea today! Your presence always makes my tea party that much more special and I am happy to see all your tea things, whether you have shared them before or not. This tea party is all about sharing your joy of tea time and any thoughts you might have on the subject. You may be as creative, fancy, or as laid back with your tea time as you wish!

As a courtesy, please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit with all my lovely participants.

I am joining the following parties as well~

Heart and Home ~
A Return to Loveliness ~
Tea Cup Tuesday~
Tea Cup Tuesday ~
Tuesday Cuppa Tea~
Friends Sharing Tea ~
Share Your Cup Thursday~
Cottage Style Linky Party~
Home Sweet Home~

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. I love your Friendly Village tea service. I too enjoy my FV china during this time of year. So sorry your winner never responded. But your prize is certainly worth a second try :-)

    Have a blessed week!
    Jocelyn @

  2. I love your china, and your post, Sandi - and a true congrats on your 3rd Bloggaversay!

    I will definately join your for a roses tea. Today I am joining you as a loyal reader, but don't enter me in the giveaway, I won too many things last year and want to spread the joy to others. I am sad the original winner didn't claim, what a sad shame, indeed!

    Have a wonderful day!

  3. Aquí estoy mi querida amiga, me tomé una tacita de té y trozo de pastel en tu lindo rincón.
    Un beso y que tengas una fantástica semana

  4. Dear Sandi,
    What a shame the winner didn't follow up. I would love the chance to be entered again. Thank you very much.
    Xo Ruthie
    (That dessert looks divine!!!)

  5. Hi Sandi and Happy blog birthday! Amazing how time marches on. I love your Friendly Village...always so homey (or homely as the Brits say). Amazing the winner didn't claim your goodie! Please enter me... Have a wonderful week and glad you are feeling better.

  6. Hello Sandi. This china is one of my favourites and I wish I had some pieces. I'll just enjoy looking at yours when you use it. ;) I'll be joining the party today. Thanks for hosting and congratulations on your 3rd year of hosting Tea Time Tuesday next week. I'll have to get out my roses china. Blessings, Pamela

  7. "Happy 3rd Anniversary, Sandi."
    I love the Friendly Village china,too. I do not have one piece of it but maybe someday...
    Your desserts look amazing, always.
    Hugs, Deb

  8. I love your Friendly Village pattern, Sandi. I want to find more of that pattern because I just love it. The Cranberry Autumn tea from Nancy sounds wonderful. I'd love to be entered in the giveaway. Thank you for the chance. I will be planning my roses tea for next week's party. Congratulations on three years!!!

  9. Sorry Sandi. Something went wrong with my link-up. Please delete it and I'll try again later. Thanks, Deb

  10. Hello Dear Sandi, so lovely to join in again with you! How marvelous that you'll be celebrating three years of Tea Time Tuesday! So excited for you! I am a happy follower and would love to be your winner!
    I appreciate you sharing and hosting,

  11. Hi Sandi,

    Congratulations on your Third Anniversary!

    Beautiful post and a very lovely china set! Love your desserts! Thank you for all your hard work and for hosting TTT and HOME! It sure has been a pleasure to be able to peek at your world, and meet your wonderful family while following your blog.
    Blessings to you and yours, my sweet friend!

  12. Hola querida Sandi
    He regresado para tomar un té en tus preciosas tazas que me tienen cautivada como siempre desde hace mucho tiempo.

    Te dejo un abrazo y un beso bien grande y te felicito por regalarnos tanta magia, tanto encanto... Un mundo soñado para el alma.

    Muchos besos

  13. I am a current follower and would love to be the new winner.

  14. Hello Sandi,
    When I was teenager at home we used Friendly Village as our daily dishes. My mother loved the pattern. I have since started to collect it piece by piece. Thank yuo for your post today.
    I can't remember for sure, but I think you posted about Royal Albert Blossom Time a while back. You said you were interested in collecting it. My friend Wendy has some listed on I am just leting you know about that, too. I hope this is helpful to you.
    Four months until the lilacs bloom!!
    Kind regards, Laura

  15. Oh, Sandi, your vignette for TTT's 3rd Birthday is so beautiful!
    I'll try to find a suitable cup with roses to join you next week. Anyway, I'll certainly join you.
    And thanks for this week's cosy and friendly tea time with Johnson Brothers!

  16. Hi Sandi, I have luncheon plates in the Friendly Village pattern. Congratulations of Tea Times anniversary. Wow, 3 years, where does the time go. Blessing, Jen

  17. Congratulations on 3 years of blogging. There must have been plenty of cups of tea served up at Rose Chintz Cottage during that stretch of time!

  18. I have been a follower for some time now. Your blog has been listed on mine as a blog I recommend. I enjoy your tea themes and beautiful china. What nice prizes you are making available!! Congratulations on the three years of Tea Times.


  19. Hi Sandi, Your goodies look fantastic, and I too like Friendly Village. It's perfect for a fallor winter tea.
    Blessings to you, Beth

  20. Dear Sandi,
    nice to read that you feel well again. Where is the time gone, your blog has the 3rd anniversary next time. To make a post with roses should be not a problem for me. So I will join in for shure. Your Johnson Friendly Village is a wonderful set. Your grandmother must have been a very kind woman, blessed with many talents. You inherited so much from her, not only the china. Its amazing to read that the winner didn't claim the wonderful price. I would love to participate for the new drawing, if possible. Thank you for sharing this charming and cozy tea and for hosting this wonderful tea event.
    Best greetings,

  21. Sandi, I am happy to hear your cold is getting better. Happy 3rd Anniversary I am certain it is most delightful for you to look back the past 3 years of the Rose Chintz Cottage. I am amazed at how many different sets and Tea cups you have...from what I have seen they are all truly amazing. I can not believe the original winner had not made claim to your beautiful prizes, however I am happy to have yet another chance at them being my own, as they are all so very pretty and nice. Enjoy your day.

  22. Love your Friendly Village and the tea sounds yummy!

  23. Hi Sandie...My gosh, I love Johnson Brothers china patterns, too. The ones you showed today are very, very lovely.

    Can't believe the winner didn't claim the prize! It's such a great giveaway. Please put my name in the hat, okay? Thanks a lot.

    Great post! Susan

  24. Hi Sandi,
    LOVE your Friendly Village tea set. I wish I could find one around these parts, I'd snap it up in a second. Lovely photos, too. Glad to know that you are getting over the flu. Thanks for hosting!
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  25. All of your tea items are so lovely. I would love to be entered in the giveaway!

  26. Your Friendly Village Teaset is so perfect for this winter weather. It has snowed here a little all day. What a pretty post you have done here!

  27. Three years? My, time does fly. I wish you a Happy Tea Time, Sandi.

  28. Hi a super charming post!Beautiful images! My fave photo is the one that your hubby is pouring the tea..gorgeous and magical! Wonderful inspiring post..and generous giveaway!Fabulous tea time...
    Thanks !

  29. One of the most beautiful transferware it's got to be the Friendly Village!! Maybe you should just send me your give away..I'll be sooo terribly happy, lol! Ok, so I got a ceviche, but you will like the bowl, heheheee..
    Have a happy week.

  30. I'm a very happy follower and would love to win the giveaway! Congrats on your upcoming blogiversary - I hope to join the party!

  31. Hello Sandi,
    What a beautiful setting your Friendly Village china makes! I do love this set! Some day, I may find a set for myself. It just has such a lovely design, and it's nostalgic scenes are gorgeous.
    I happen to have chosen a rose cup today as well. Happy 3rd anniversary!
    Your giveaway is so very generous. I love all three of the gifts! Thank you for the chance : )
    p.s. I am glad you are on the mend!

  32. Love the Friendly Village, we sold the set on Friday evening at the auction, complete with everything but the teapot. Then Johny Be Good movie tonight, his mother is drinking out of friendly village. It's everywhere I look. What a lovely post you do. I take it you got your pictures on, what are you doing, I'm so frustrated still, they delete on me and pop around, to the beginning of the page. Have a good week and God Bless...

  33. It's great to get a second chance to win your giveaway. I enjoy following your blog and seing your pretty dishes. Roses are my favorite so I am eagerly anticipating next week's post!

  34. Hi: Love the Friendly Village, it is one of my favorites. Your post as usual is lovely. Happy New Year! Martha

  35. It's great to get a second chance to win your giveaway. I enjoy following your blog and seing your pretty dishes. Roses are my favorite so I am eagerly anticipating next week's post!

  36. I love transferware as well and this teacup is just perfect for this time of year. Thanks for invinting us to have tea with you!

  37. Friendly Village is wonderful anytime but you have really shown how perfect it is for the winter tea times! I will be here next week with some roses for you too. Congratulations on three years.

  38. I absolsutely love the vignettes and all the photos you took of your friendly Village set.... Gorgeous... and waht a wonderfuil thing to win this giveaway...someone will truly be blessed to win!

  39. The trifle is a gorgeous thing! I felt at home here today as I have two mugs in your dish pattern, a silver bird like yours, and I love Cranberry Autumn tea. Beautifully familiar and comforting....

  40. Sandi, thank you for hosting Tea Time. It is my very favorite party!

    I love your beautiful Friendly Village china.

    Linda and Jeannie
    at The French Hens Nest

  41. Hi Sandi, Your china is lovely as usual. Aren't Grandmothers wonderful. I have to say that I probably had one of the best. I lift my cup to yours. Have a great day.

  42. Hi Sandi,
    Your post is so beautiful and so perfect for a cold winter day. I love your Friendly Village tea set and I'm so glad you enjoy the tea! Thank you for mentioning my blog! I think I told you my sister gave me the teapot like yours, and my daughter-in-law gave me two cups and saucers in the pattern. I had two square dessert plates from my mom and on the way down to Florida I found another cup and plate at a antique mall. So now my collection is growing! Thank you for hosting your lovely tea party and so glad you are feeling better and had such a good time on your trip.
    Blessings to you,

  43. Hi Sandi,
    Congratulations on your 3rd year of blogging! Love your Friendly Village tea collection and your cranberry tea sounds delicious. Thanks for hosting.
    Have a wonderful week. Glad you are on the mend!

  44. Hi Sandi! It's been a long time since I stopped by. I pray you are well and will except my Random post. Yes, enter me in your giveaway I'll be sure to respond if I win. Sorry the last winner is missing out.

  45. I love that pattern of JB. And your right it is perfect for this time of year! Just lovely! I will hunt up some rosy things for next week. Glad your feeling better!

  46. Thank you Sandi for your post and holding TTT. I have always liked Friendly Village it reminded me of my Aunt and Winters back home and the Sugar Bush.

    I will work hard at joining in your roses tea next week. I may have to visit a shop down here in NC and sneak pic's of tea cups from shops, lol. Or I'll see if I have a rose tea cup in my library of pictures to recycle.


  47. Beautiful vignettes with your lovely tea service! I would love to enter your give-away! I'm already a member and will be back to join you for your roses tea.
    Have a wonderful week!
    sandy ;)

  48. Hello Sandi, I just found your blog today thanks to Aiken house, and it is so interesting and beautiful! I love the Friendly Village pattern and it is perfect for a winter tea. Thanks for a chance to win such gorgeous prizes! Egretta

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Everything is so beautiful! Congrats on your upcoming anniversary, Sandi!...Christine

  51. Your Friendly Village tea service is just gorgeous and your pics are so beautiful. I am a new follower:

    Please count me in your wonderful giveaway. I will also post about it on the sidebar of my blog.

    hugs, Kaye

  52. What a gorgeous tea set...and the table is set so lovely....
    Congratulations on your 3rd boggaversay....... I love the give away goodies,,,,, I love Laura Childs books...... have a great week.


  53. Hi Sandi,
    Hope you are feeling better now. I love friendly village too.
    Congrats on your 3rd year anniversary and thank you for hosting.

    Take care,

  54. Lovely giveaway. Love Laura Child's mystery books!

  55. I would love to be entered in your lovely giveaway!

  56. Hi Sandi! Please do enter my name for your giveaway. I always love a tea party, and I am a loyal follower of Rose Chintz Cottage! ~tina

  57. please enter me into your giveaway!!

    Congrats on blogoversary!! that's so exciting.

    i would love a cup of tea please. thanks!! good luck to all. big big hugs. ( :

  58. Feel better soon! I've been a little slow this week myself. No tea post, but I'll look for roses for next week! Will be happy to help celebrate your Blog Birthday! Throw my name into the sugar bowl please.

  59. I just discovered your blog and immediately felt at home with your lovely decor and all the tea here. Very impressive! I'm now a follower and would love to be included in the giveaway. Thank you so much for the chance.

  60. It's been an awesome 3 years sharing tea with you Sandi; congrats on this anniversary.
    I've missed the weekly gathering but will be back next week for the celebration.
    Too bad about your first winner, at least gives us another chance!

  61. I just discovered your wonderful blog and I am so looking forward to joining regularly for a cuppa tea. Thank you!

  62. You have such a lovely blog. I`d love the chance to enter your giveaway. I`m a new follower.
    pippirose59 at gmail dot com

  63. Hello Sandi ~
    I love your beautiful Tea Parties and would love to join!
    I have enjoyed viewing them more than you know. Your tea pretties make my heart go pitty ~ pat :)))
    I have recently started collecting the Old Country Roses pattern, my all time favorite. I would love to sign up for your Give Away. And thank you for all you do. I am having a Give Away on my blog as well. Please hop over and enter in. It goes until this Friday.
    Have a lovely week!

  64. I also Friendly Village,I have some of the china but not the Tea set yet, I think that may be my next!

  65. Your tea parties are so lovely. They are like having a daily visit.

  66. I love Friendly Village too.
    Theresa N

  67. Congrats Sandy! And I am glad you are feeling better. I love your friendly village! I only have the one thrift find piece. Hoping to find more. Thanks for joining SYC. Sorry that the original winner didn't claim her prize, but lucky for one of us I guess.

  68. Oh your lovely blog is absolutely up my street! I am a new follower and would like to be in your giveaway too.

    Thank you so much


  69. I love this set as well! It's on my wishlist :) Happy Blogiversary!

    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  70. Hello and a happy third birthday to my favorite blog!!!!! :) :) :)

    I hope I'm not too late to enter this lovely giveaway! 'Tis a pity indeed that the original winner did not claim it! Do enter me in, please!



I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.