Monday 24 September 2012

An Autumn Tea for Tea Time

"Don't you love New York in the Fall? It makes me wanna buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address." ~ Joe Fox - 'You've Got Mail'

Welcome to tea time, dear friends! I don't live in NY but I thought the quote was cute!  Autumn has arrived and with this new season comes a wonderful warm colour palette.

It's time for picking apples and running through the pumpkin patch. My little grandson enjoyed himself at the pumpkin patch....

The leaves are changing into vibrant shades of orange, red, and golden yellow.

And it is the natural beauty of the season which has inspired my tea setting today. I really don't have any Autumn inspired china so I just used what I had for today.

Please make yourselves comfy and let's sit and enjoy a pot of tea together if only for a few moments before we get on with our day.

Pumpkin muffins are fresh from the oven; please help yourself.

I think one reason why I enjoy tea time so much is because I feel like a little girl again playing with my tea set. How about you?

"Would you like an adventure now, or shall we have our tea first?" ~ Peter Pan

I have been having fun decorating pumpkins. Adding glitter to some of them just makes them look like they have been kissed with frost...."When the frost is on the punkin" .... James Whitcomb Riley 

The pretty table covering you see is part of a fabulous win I received from our friend Bernideen a couple of years ago. Every Autumn I bring it out and it stays out until the Christmas season.

This beautiful teacup is called Buckingham made by Royal Stafford of England. It was a shower gift from my brother. I guess it would be classed as vintage now. Isn't it stunning?

Tea Tip: To help prevent a fine teacup from cracking while pouring in your tea, try using a silver spoon in the cup and pour the tea onto it. 

I envision every teacup as a little work of art. You see, I come from a family of artists so I appreciate each one; its shape, size, and pattern adorning each lovely receptacle.

Take for instance this famous Royal Albert teacup! Everyone is familiar with this Old Country Roses pattern but I have a story which goes along with this beauty.....

My father appreciated beautiful things but he never indulged in his favourite china pattern because he didn't want to infringe upon the pattern that I had started for my mother years ago. He did however purchase a couple of pieces for my mother just because he liked them....

A little china basket.

And this darling little boot which I sometimes place my tea spoons in.

When he passed away and my mother down-sized, she passed on to me the china I had started for her as well as the pieces my father had. 

Daddy did not have a teacup in the Old Country Roses pattern and I always wanted one because it reminded me of him.

On my Daddy's birthday this year, my darling hubby gifted me with a teacup in the OCR pattern in remembrance of my father. So that is how I acquired this beautiful teacup.

I cherish it, and the one who gifted me with it, as well as the memory of the one it reminds me of!

I think it looks splendid with the Autumnal table setting, don't you? Deep rich red and pink, and golden yellow roses make it the perfect teacup for today.

"It is at the tea table that soul meets soul." ~ Unknown

For your sipping pleasure, there is Chai tea.

In the little OCR basket are almonds. Please help yourself.

This time of year when I am drinking spicy teas like Chai, I often  use a cinnamon stick to stir my tea. It adds just a wee bit of flavour to the tea.

Tea time is a time to pamper oneself and taking time for these little extras helps to make your tea time more enjoyable.

A lovely little treat at tea time can be some simple strawberries dipped in luscious chocolate; Yum!! Little tea bag holders make a perfect serving dish for one.

"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower." ~ Albert Camus

All of the lovely Autumn magazines are coming out and I like to sip my tea and peruse these issues leading up to my favourite holiday, Christmas!

Next week I am hosting  "What's In Your Cabinet?"  for Tea Time.

Do you have a special piece of china or a collection that was gifted to you or passed down to you which holds much sentimental value? Perhaps you have something very unique which you have found at a thrift shop or flea market and you're simply bursting to share it with us.  Well, this is your chance to do just that.....

Simply share your special treasure/collection with a cup of tea or coffee and write a post about it. Your treasure doesn't necessarily have to be made of china either. It can be glass or crystal, ivory, metal, silver, or even wood, such as a tea cart, a special table, or the cabinet itself.

I am looking forward to seeing all your special treasures and I hope you will join me next week for that!

The button is available to use in your post or place on your sidebar if you wish.

"You have made known to me the path of life;
You will fill me with joy in Your Presence." ~ Psalm 16:11

I am delighted you have stopped by for tea today! Your presence always makes my tea party that much more special and I am happy to see all your tea things, whether you have shared them before or not. This tea party is all about sharing your joy of tea time and any thoughts you might have on the subject. You may be as creative, fancy, or as laid back with your tea time as you wish!

Do you have a favourite teacup/teapot or mug that you would like to share with us today? I would love to see it and I'm sure others would too!
If you wish, you may do coffee instead of tea or the following is acceptable too:

Hot Apple Cider
Hot Chocolate
Iced Tea or iced coffee
Punch in a lovely bowl.
No alcoholic beverages please.

The Tea Time Tuesday button on my sidebar is available for you to use in your post or place on your sidebar if you wish. A poem, tea quote, or scripture verse would be more than welcome!
To be sure everyone has a visit, it would be nice if you visited the participant before and after your name.

Inlinkz is available below for you to sign up for my tea party.

As a courtesy, please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit with all my lovely participants.

I am joining the following parties as well~

Heart and Home ~
A Return to Loveliness ~
Table Top Tuesday~
Tea Cup Tuesday ~
Tea Cup Tuesday~
Tuesday Cuppa Tea~
Tea in the Garden~
Tea Cup Thursday~
Home Sweet Home~
Potpourri Friday~

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Hello Sandi
    Your husband just gets better and better! The OCR teacup was a thoughtful gift from him and it's nice your mom gave you the china pieces from your dad.
    I too love the colours of autumn and wish I were there to sip tea with you. I'd definitely want a pumpkin muffin (I made 4 dz of them a couple of weeks ago for various occasions and didn't photograph a one!) and a chocolate dipped strawberry would be nice on the side.
    Thanks for hosting weekly, and the themes are fun.

  2. Thank you for sharing a lovely cup of tea on a beautiful, crisp, autumn day. Autumn is one of my very favorite seasons too, and teatime is the best time of every day.

    The story of your dear father purchasing a few treasured items of your Mother's beautiful OCR china pattern, is so sweet. Even sweeter, is your wonderful husband, knowing how much you would appreciate the lovely OCR teacup and saucer.

    Today, as I sip my favorite cup of tea, I will think of you and wish that we were sharing cups of tea and eating your delicious pumpkin muffins!


  3. Sandi, I love Old Country Roses. Any Royal Albert Rose pattern really. Chai tea is my favorite too.

  4. Hi Sandi,

    I do love New York in the autumn as it is where I reside. Vermont is even more beautiful. Your pumpkin muffins and dipped strawberries look delicious. Enjoy these first days of fall and thank you for hosting.

  5. Thank you for inviting us to tea again, Sandi. Your table is so lovely with the autumn theme and your glittery pumpkins. The beautiful teacups go so well together and your teabag holders are so sweet. Speaking of sweet, what a sweety of a grandson you have! Wishing you a wonderful tea day!

  6. Oh, now I have to go watch 'You've Got Mail!' lol

  7. Hi Sandi, Your pumpkin muffins look great, and your teacups are so stunning! I am a fan of OCR, but love your other teacup as well. Your hubby is definitely a keeper! I enjoyed seeing Zachary at the pumpkin patch too.
    Hugs, Beth

  8. What a beautiful post Sandi! Beautiful words and beautiful photographs!

  9. Hi Sandi, such and enjoyable Tea with you today. I love your rose covered boot! Now I'm wanting to make pumpkin muffins.


  10. Hi Sandi. A lovely fall tea! Zachary is so cute! Aren't we blessed to have such bounty in our lives! I love your teacups. I think I'll be making some fall flavor muffins for tea this afternoon! Thanks for hosting, sharing and linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  11. Hi Sandi, A cup of tea is wonderful on a crisp autumn day. The story of your father is lovely and so sweet of your husband to by you a teacup of remember him by. Take care, Jen xo

  12. What a great husband you have! Old country roses is my "good" china pattern. We don't use it often enough. I should take it out and use it!
    I loved the story of your father and mother and the OCR.
    My husband actually picked this pattern out for us. He had always liked it when we saw it on our visits to Canada. When we got married we got a very plain set, white with a platinum band. (Wedding Ring by Syracuse China.) My daughter now has it because she likes the simpler style. And she now lives in a suburb of Syracuse where it was actually made (as a matter of fact)!
    I am presently sipping a cup of Tetley Tea, Earl Gray with Vanilla. It is my favorite flavored tea these days. I can only get it in Canada. They sell Tetley Tea here but not that flavor.

  13. Beautiful cups, Sandi. They look so dainty.Thanks for the beautiful stories you shared with us. Your dad and your hubby are both so sweet...Christine

  14. Nice story about the china...I like the last picture with the would be nice to curl up and browse through them while enjoying tea. Thanks for hosting a special tea party again!

  15. What sweet stories you share, Sandi. I always love visiting you. Your little grandson is adorable...cute as a punkin!! Thanks for hosting.

  16. A beautiful post Sandi. I didn't get one done for your party today and I even had 2 friends for tea! I didn't want to take pics when they were here. Perhaps I'll get to join you for next weeks party. Have a lovely week! Pamela

  17. Hi Sandi,
    I love your story about the china. I so love this pattern and have been eyeing it for over a year. It is such a gorgeous color combo. Thank you for hosting this lovely Autumn Tea and I will have to come up with a post for next week too! Also, thank you for joining me at HSH!

  18. Dear Sandi,
    Tea time at your blog is always a serene and comforting moment. I love your carefully chosen quotes as much as the stunning china. And all the sweet addings, like the nice items with memories to you parents or the wonderful win from Bernideen. You know how to make it comfortable for everybody. Thank you for this wonderful autumn post, which I enjoyed so much. And for hosting this sweet event.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  19. Hello Sandi,
    It's always a pleasure to come over and a delight to see your beautiful china and sweet treats. Thank you for hosting!

  20. Hi Sweet lady!
    It's been awhile since I wrote on your blog. I think the white pumpkin is adorable!

    Just love the Country Rose teacup. I'd love to have a set of those. It's on my wishlist! LOL

    Thank you for setting a beautiful fall table!


  21. Hi Sandi,
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful teacups and treats. Your muffins sound delicious. One of my all time favorites. Your grandson looks so adorable on the pumpkin patch. Thanks for hosting. Have a wonderful week.

  22. Hi Sandi!
    Your Autumn tea is just beautiful and the OCR. pattern is just perfect for it. I think that pattern is good for any season. Love the white pumpkins . Thank you for sharing your story and hosting.

  23. Hi Sandi!

    Zachary is so cute and look at those pumpkins! i always look with envy on your collection of teacups, they's lovely! the strawberry treats are so mouthwatering, thank you for sharing those beautiful quotes and useful tips on tea making!

    Have a lovely day!


  24. where have I been?
    Love love love your rose cups among many other delights here
    merci carolg

  25. Yum!!! Pumpkin muffins....great photo of Zachery with all the pumpkins!!! Both your teacups are lovely and so perfect for welcoming the autumn season!!xo C. (HHL)

  26. I think I can smell that delicious chai tea that you stirred with a cinnamon stick!!
    What a great idea, Sandi.
    And what a lovely tea you served us again today!
    Your cups are all so pretty and special and your pumpkin muffins sure sound good.
    Little Zachary is a real sweetie - the cutest pumpkin patch kid I've seen :-)
    Thanks for hosting this cosy Autumn Tea, Sandi - I joined you because I'm loving all the 'Fall' photos everyone else is sharing, lol!
    Have a very blessed week, my friend.

  27. Mmm chai tea!
    I am there.

    LOVE Old Country Roses, and own absolutely not one piece of it myself. The story of how you came to get yours is charming and so delightful.

    Now I want to go bake something autumn-y. You are leading me astray.

  28. Wonderful fall tea setting. I have that teacup too but not all the fun accessories. Beautiful


  29. Hello Sandy,
    Your post today is very lovely! And your grandson is so adorable! Pumpkin and apple picking are the best part of crisp fall days! So much to enjoy this time of year.
    Here the weather is getting so lovely with the cooler temps in the mid 70s and low 80s.
    The two tea cups you shared are very beautiful. Of course, OCR is always stunning! And your second cup too is gloriously dramatic! I have one or two like it and they are a joy to have.
    Thank you so much for sharing with us all!

  30. Hi Sandi,
    Cute picture of Zachery in the pumpkin patch.
    The OCR teacup always makes me think of my MIL as she had a whole cabinet full of beautiful pieces.
    Enjoy yhis beautiful day and thank you for hosting,

  31. Your little grandson is cute as can be sitting there in the "Punkin' Patch"!! I, too, love Old Country Roses, my friend. I enjoyed my delightful tea with you as I always do. Have a beautiful day!! Vicki

  32. Sandi what gorgeous cups - you deserve it! Autumn is a season of joy - I love the change and cooler temps - perfect for sipping tea. Hugs.

  33. what pretty closeups of those cups and saucers and that tea looks like I would love a cup right now! This is a very pretty post as they all are and I so enjoyed my visit here!

  34. Oh, Sandi, I loved seeing Zachary at the pumpkin patch. He looks so adorable!
    This Autumn tea of yours is lovely!
    A beautiful story, beautiful china and very nice colours, yummy treats...
    Thanks for hosting, dear friend.

  35. Dear Sandi...
    Your grandson is adorable...and looks quite content in his cosy autumn garb...

    I love your fall teatime display ..the colours are so warm and inviting . I'd love a pumpkin muffin as I didn't get around to baking .Renos leave little time for creative cookery... so I'll simply enjoy yours.
    Such a lovely post..Thank You for sharing.

  36. Dearest Sandi,

    Greetings from the cruise ship! Satellite connection WAY too slow to do much blogging but wanted to say I was in St. John today and thought of you big time - amd what a gorgeous day, yes? Blue skies- WOW!

    I accidentally put Michele instead of Finch Rest above, haha, oops - so weird using these pcs!

    Wanted to include my last post, to get as much exposure for Angela's tea book - everyone (and I mean everyone) should own that who loves tea, tea parties, tea cups, tea history!

    Anyway just wanted to say hello and happy Tea Tuesday!


  37. So many beautiful things and memories!!! I love your teacups and your family stories! :)


  38. Thank you for hosting, Sandi! Your grandson is adorable...certainly GRAND! I always enjoy your wonderful photos. The Buckingham teacup is elegant-black and gold, which I am a fan of because of the new Theta in our Enjoy the end of Sept,

  39. Oh, I jut love that pattern! Well all of your pieces are beautiful ... and now I want a white glittery pumpkin!

    Have a great day!

  40. Good Morning, Sandi

    Reading your posts reminds me to enjoy using my own teacups and not always grabbing a mug.

    Have a lovely day.

  41. Enjoyed autumn among your cups...esp. liked the white pumpkin in a cup!

  42. Sandi this is an exceptionally lovely post. Loved the story regarding the new Old Country Rose cup and saucer from your husband. What lovely memories for you this cup involks not only regarding your father but the kindness of your husband as well. Loved it!

    I always love the sayings you use with your posts and I have a folder for sayings and save some of yours that I absolutely love.
    The one on the fall was great.

    ~Sylvia Faye

  43. Psalm 16:11 is my "life" verse. Years ago I was teaching second graders in SS. Our director was telling a story of a little girl running through a cemetery. All she could read on a tombstone was "fullness of joy." She pondered that for some time, till she later heard this verse, "in your Presence is fullness of joy." That's what we have in Jesus!

  44. You always do it up right! This time starting with a quote from one of my favorite movies. I never thought about it before, but Country Roses is a perfect fall pattern! I love hearing about your special connection with it.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.