Monday 16 July 2012

Tea Time Tuesday

"I question not if thrushes sing,
If roses load the air;
Beyond my heart I need not reach
When all is summer there." ~ John Vance Cheney {Victoria magazine}

Happy Tea Day dear friends and welcome  to my 130th Tea Time Tuesday ~ What a wonderful Anne of Green Gables Tea Party we had last week! Thank you, sweet ladies, for making it such a huge success! I think we all enjoyed ourselves and got our eyes filled with pretty china and tea treats.

"I believe I could be a model child if I were just invited out to tea every day." ~ Anne Shirley of Anne of Green Gables - LM Montgomery

I took my inspiration for my tea today from the cover of one of Laura Childs' tea shop mysteries.

Do you ever do that? Where do you get your inspirations from?

I have cut a few roses from my bushes and adorned my cake with them. I hope you're not getting tired of seeing my roses. I am absolutely charmed by them myself!

"I know that if odour were visible, as colour is,
I'd see the summer garden in rainbow clouds." ~ Robert Bridges

The rose fragrance is so lovely and makes the cake all the more appealing to the senses.

When it's too hot to bake, I like to get an angel food cake at the bakery, frost it, and add some of my own posies. A few frilly petalled roses give a simple cake a romantic look. My roses have not been treated with pesticides or anything so the roses are safe to use.

The silver creamer and sugar bowl were thrift store finds.

Tea attended by a wee rose just beginning to fluff open. My roses often disguise themselves as peonies!

I am using my Rose Chintz teacup by Gracie China today.

"If I should invite just one special guest to join me for afternoon tea, I would pick someone who knows all my faults and even still, loves me." ~ unknown 

"I thank you, God, for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes."  ~ E.E .Cummings - Victoria magazine

Happiness is sharing tea with a friend.

"We thank You, Lord, for blessings
You give us on our way;
May we for these be grateful,
And praise You every day." ~ Roworth

I am happy to see all your tea things, whether you have shared them before or not. This tea party is all about sharing your joy of tea time and any thoughts you might have on the subject. And for the summer months, I would love to see your teacups and teapots indoors as well as out in the garden, at the beach, on a park bench, etc...

Also I would enjoy seeing your teacup and teapot crafts as well as recipes and any stories you might have to share about tea time. So, let's have fun this summer with our teas. Get out there and be as creative, fancy, or as laid back as you wish!

I am delighted you have stopped by for a visit today. Your presence always make my tea party that much more special! Do you have a favourite teacup/teapot or mug that you would like to share with us today? I would love to see it and I'm sure others would too!

If you wish, you may do coffee instead of tea or the following is acceptable too:
Hot Apple Cider
Hot Chocolate
Iced tea or coffee
Punch in a beautiful bowl.

The Tea Time Tuesday button on my sidebar is available for you to use in your post or place on your sidebar if you wish. A poem, tea quote, or scripture verse would be more than welcome! To be sure everyone has a visit, it would be nice if you visited the participant before and after your name.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Inlinkz is now hooked up. Please feel free to add your link to my tea party. Thank you for your patience.

I am joining the following parties as well~

Home Sweet Home~
Tea Cup Thursday~

Heart and Home~
A Return to Loveliness ~
Make It Pretty Monday~
Table Top Tuesday~
Tea Cup Tuesday ~
Tea Cup Tuesday~
Tuesday Cuppa Tea~
Tea in the Garden~

My Lovely Particpants~

Nancy ~

YAY! Inlinkz is up so feel free to link up.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. I love this time of year when we can enjoy freshly cut roses indoors, and all the blooms outdoors. The Rose Chintz teacup is just perfect. I like your creamer and sugar bowl very much.

  2. The tea-cup is very sweet and that cake...oh yum!

  3. Okay, each picture kept me oooing. First, your china, then the book (put it on my list) and then the cake! Just wonderful. Visiting from A Delightsome Life. Would love it if you would share this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Wishing you a grand week. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  4. Your china is beautiful and the cake with the flowers was amazing! I just loved it all :)

  5. Hi Sandi. A wonderful post as usual. I am trying to figure out how to get the Laura Child's thru our library on my kindle, but haven't figured it out yet! I love angel can find them without milk so I can have my cake and breathe too! Sorry about you linky not linking your laptop. I have the same problem! Have a great week and thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  6. I never tire of seeing lovely pink roses...the only problem is I can't smell them! I've read all but the most recent book of the Tea Shop books-it's on my wish list. Your "cover" version is so nice!♥♫

  7. I always love and drool your teacups.

    I have exactly same as your silver sugar % milk shaker. However, the foot of my sugar shaker went off, accidentally fell §:-(

    Happy TTT,

  8. Sandi.. what a fabulous tip you have shared ... I'll be picking up an angel food cake next time I'm in town. Yours looks tres delish and the roses you added really do give a soft romantic look to it. You have the most darling teacups!!

    I hope your computer is sorted out. I know how frustrating it can be. xo HHL

  9. Hi Sandi, Your roses are just beautiful. You inspired me to purchase some David Austin roses this spring. I was unable to get Gertrude Jekyll - sold out. I did get 3 others and they are starting to bloom for me. Pretty cake, pretty roses, pretty tea cups!
    Hugs, Beth

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Roses, roses, roses. I love roses! Here is the link to my post: Happy Tea Day and hope your computer problems are over soon!

  12. Hi Sandi: I'm kind of glad your computer is on the fritz as I didn't prepare the right kind of post again. Hopefully next week. Your cake is very grand with the beautiful roses. What a good idea when it's too hot to bake. Beautiful tea post..Happy Monday..Judy

  13. Hello, I enjoyed the Anne of Green Gables tea parties last week and was inspired to read the book again! Thanks for sharing. I wanted to join this week, sorry your linky thing isn't working. Here's the link to my blog--

  14. Hi Sandi! Look at all the roses and pretty tea things! I love tea and cake and would love to sit with you and chat and of course - eat! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  15. Hello Sandi,
    Lovely post - tea, roses and excellent reading...I can't stop reading about Anne of Green Gables - I can just imagine how lovely it is on your island! I am sorry to read about your computer - I work on my old Apple - some days are drudgery - others o.k. I hope you're able to get it fixed soon! I'll be back - absolutely want to join you in your tea party!

  16. This is a beautiful tea Sandi! The teacup is so pretty as is the old silver. And the cake looks just perfect! Thank you for hosting and have a great day!

  17. Tired of roses, Sandi!? Whatever gave you that notion? lol~ Gorgeous photos, pretty cake, sweet teacup. I like the charming tablecloth too. I would love to join you for tea, my friend!


  18. I am a new follower and I have a post to share. Thanks.

  19. Sandi, a true romantic can never get tired of looking at roses!
    Especially beauties like yours.
    I love the colour and all the soft folding petals!
    Your inspiration worked - you reproduced that lovely book cover perfectly!!
    The cake looks very pretty and delicious, too.

    Sorry to hear of your computer woes.
    Blogger ruined a few things I was trying to link up over the weekend too :-(
    Thanks for joining me, Sandi.
    Have a lovely day, my friend..Trish xx

    Here's my link for today:

  20. Hello Sandi
    I like how you duplicated the magazine cover with your tea for this week - and the roses look lovely on the cake! Darned computers when they break down, I know how frustrating it can be and hope yours is up and running soon.
    Please add me to this week's participants.

  21. Hi Sandi,
    Your cake looks so pretty and delicious that I want to run right out and buy one! Love your rose teacup and all your beautiful roses. Its been a good year for roses where I live. Thank you for hosting your fun tea party. Hope your computer works real soon. If you like you can try to link me to your party.
    Have a good week.

  22. What a lovely tea set and I love that your sugar and creamer are thrift store finds. I wish I could be there to share a taste of that cool looking angel food cake. It's the perfect cool addition to hot tea on a warm day.

  23. Hi Sandi, what a lovely post! I really need to read some of those Laura Child's books. Do you need to read them in order? Here's my link for this week:
    May you have a wonderful week!

  24. The Rose teacup is Lovely!
    Sorry your computer is causing you trouble!
    I have a tea party entry this week at Conversations from my house:
    Hope you can come by for a visit!

  25. Lovely post Sandi, I love the china, it's gorgeous, the book and the cake's got me drooling right now, I'd love a piece with a cuppa tea! Have a great week.

  26. Hello Sandi,
    I really enjoyed visiting the Anne posts last week! Thank you so much for hosting.
    Your tea today looks yummy! I love angel food cake! Yours looks so pretty with your roses on it. I never though of frosting one. What a great idea! We cut an inch off the top, then create a tunnel around and fill it with a fresh strawberry filling, and then we frost it with whip cream. Thank you for a new idea!
    Your tea cups too are very pretty!

  27. Hi Sandi,
    Your cake looks delicious and your roses are beautiful
    I was given The Anne of Green Gables cookbook on Saturday. A little late for your party....I love it..I'm ready for next year
    God Bless
    Barb from Australia

  28. Hi Sandy,

    What beautiful roses and how perfect they go on that cake and with your Gracie china!

    SO pretty, your rose chintz!

    So sorry about Linky misbehaving!

    I would very much like to be a participant too and hopefully this can get worked out for you soon.

    Please come to tea, my friend!

  29. OOPS! Forgot my link, sorry Sandi!

  30. Oh wow, Sandi! Your'e making me hungry for some delicious cake and tea!!! That's a great idea with the roses. And the cup...oo la la. It is so romantic looking! Can I say that about a cup?!

  31. What a beautiful cake! I never would have thought to use real roses on it. It looks fabulous!

  32. Hi Sandi, Don't you just love computers!!! Hope I can join the party....
    Love your pretty pink floral cups -my all time favourite china!!

  33. Hi sandi. Iam joining you for tea. Not sure this works on my phone.

  34. I am leaving my link.

  35. Everything is gorgeous as always Sandi!
    From the beautiful roses to the cake, quotations and of course the teacups!!!
    Thank you putting together such an enjoyable post!

  36. Hello! I am your newest follower and sharing with you my vintage tea party
    Be sure to check it out!

    Emily @ Design and Nonsense

  37. Hi Sandi now that I know I can leave a comment from my phone then I need to leave a proper one. Your teas are such an inspiration -they always move me. Your quotes are so touching. Now those roses - I would like to see the bush they come from. They never end. Love angel food cake and that looks delicious. Like icing even better. And that cup and saucer I love so so pretty -all of it. Thank you for sharing...

  38. Greetings Sandi ...I do adore Rose teasets and your chintz is particularly beautiful..You always set a welcoming teatime table.. Elegant and inviting..Thanks for the book title too....Enjoy your day ...Hugs

  39. Hi Sandi, please add me to your party.


  40. Your tea setting is gorgeous and that cake look sooooooo good. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  41. What a beautiful tea cup and saucer! The colors are amazing and I love how your roses matched the tea cup so perfectly. The roses look gorgeous next to the cake. Thanks so much for sharing, Michelle

  42. Hi Sandi,
    What a beautiful silver set! I could never tire of roses..they are so lovely. I really enjoyed your Anne of Green Gables Tea time last week. It must be such a pleasure to live so close to Anne of Green Gables. I would love to visit there some day! Your cake and flowers look fabulous. Thanks for hosting.

  43. Hi Sandi!

    Well, I'm a little late for the Anne of Green Gables party - could not be helped last week. But, I did have a plan set aside and have joined tea this week with my little bit of Anne and Lucy Maud.

    Your roses on the cake and cup are beautiful! Mine are all gone - but as you'll see - I finally have other action in my garden. I think Anne would be pleases whether they be roses or wildflowers.

    Joy to you!

  44. Hi Sandi,
    I haven't read those books but I will have to check it out.
    Your china,roses and cake all look lovely.
    I am thankful for this little shower we are getting right now.

    Thank you for hosting,

  45. Hi Sandi,
    Thank you for a truly beautiful tea.
    Your rose decorated cake looks lovely and the rose on the teacup and saucer is so romantic. our roses make me smile.
    Have a good week
    Barb from Australia

  46. Yay! Inlinkz is back up - hope all is well and you have a Delightsome week,

  47. Hi Sandie...I love your roses and your words that sound to me so much like Anne's. Wishing you a beautiful Thursday out there and want you to know when I come here....I always leave feeling a little like I've been to PEI..

  48. Such a pretty tea! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  49. An Anne of Green Gables tea party... What a lovely idea! It looks like a delightful time :)

  50. Sandi, thank you so much for sharing this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see your prettiness again on Monday. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.