Monday 2 April 2012

An Easter Tea for Tea Time Tuesday

Happy Easter

"Here comes Peter Cottontail, 
Hoppin down the bunny trail
Hippity hoppin, Easter's on it's way." ~ Gene Autry

Hello dear friends and welcome to my Easter Tea and the first Tea Time Tuesday in the month of April!

Please come in and make yourselves at home. Let's celebrate this season of re-birth and Easter. I have a fresh pot of tea on and the table is ready.

I love springtime~ It's a time when the earth awakens from her Winter's slumber and Mother Nature cradles in her womb, the first tender shoots of bright blooms in the garden. The trees break forth into fresh buds, and brooks, clear as crystal, begin to run merrily along their way. They sound like they are singing; they are so happy to be freed from their captivity of ice and snow! 

Soft warm breezes stir the air and the lilt of songbirds outside my window harken to me early in the morning. I welcome the melody of my little feathered friends; I have dreamt about birdsong all winter!

The earth has come to life again and I too, seem to come alive and I relish each new wonder of the day.
In the evening, just as the sun goes down, the tiny spring peepers behind my home begin their chorus.
I find myself once again, as delighted as a child when all of these wonders take place.
It's good to be alive, and I give thanks to God who has created this new season for our enjoyment. {I wrote this piece last year and thought I would share it again for my Easter Tea.}

"Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime." ~ Martin Luther 

There are a lot of pictures so grab your favourite cup and sit back.

The sweet bunny with hand-painted roses, basket, and egg are all items I won from my friend Celestina Marie in her Spring Giveaway last year.

"Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life." ~ S. D. Gordon

The supermarkets carry such an array of flowers this time of year. So many lovely hues! I chose these bright pink tulips. Tulips and Easter go hand in hand.

Didn't know which teapot to use so I'm using two. I have had this one for many years! No name, just a pretty pot.

I'm using my Sadler teapot too which I won from Wendy at Once Upon A Rose Haven. This one is called Spring Crocus{Staffordshire, Eng.}.

Three teacups....

A mis-matched set I found at a yard sale.  The lovely saucer is Bridal Rose made in Germany by Czech MZ Altrohlau. I love the scalloped edge and garlands of roses!

The pretty cup is Haviland. Sponged on gold and dainty flowers make this a delightful teacup. I think the cup and saucer married very well! 

Royal Albert chintz...with a softly scalloped edge, hand-painted pink roses, and sponged on gold trim. This sweet vintage cup is post-1945 and that is all I know about it.

Can you see the reflection of the tiny rose in the spoon? I never noticed it until I posted it on here.

Windsor teacup made in England. Love this teacup!

A rose in the center of the saucer too.

The delicate pink and gold of this cup is so lovely with a rose and two buds gazing up at you from the bottom of the cup.

Fluffy coconut cake nestled under glass.... Two yellow mini cakes sandwiched together with lemon curd, then frosted with icing and sprinkled with coconut.

More bunnies and a wee chick have joined the party....Can one have too many bunnies? 

Come, let us have tea and continue to talk about happy things." ~ Chaim Potok

Bunny holding spray roses.

Mini Easter eggs abound...I really like these colourful crunchy eggs with chocolate inside!

"May this tea be steeped with love,
For friendships sent down from above." ~ Sandy Lynam Clough

I picked up an issue of Victoria TeaTime Bliss magazine and it is simply filled with delightful photos and recipes as well as tea quotes and teas for special seasons. What a treasure trove of ideas and inspiration! I am enjoying it so very much! You must get yourself a copy of this lovely magazine if you haven't already!

Easter is such a lovely time of year, and my hubby who is a retired  pastor has always claimed that one cannot celebrate Christmas without talking about the Easter story and I agree with him.

At Christmas time, we celebrate the Lord's coming as a Babe in the stable long ago. But at Easter time, we celebrate His death and resurrection. Jesus lives today and He is preparing a place for all of us who believe in Him. Someday He is coming back to take us home to be with Him forever. Until that happens, let us enjoy the life He has given us and be a blessing to Him and to others.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal  life." ~ John 3:16{NAS}

I will be hosting Tea on the Titanic Sunday, April 15th in honour of all those who sailed the famous ship one hundred years ago. I hope you will plan to join me for that. You may share whatever tea things you wish. 

I am simply delighted you have stopped by for a visit today. Your presence always make my tea party that much more special! Do you have a favourite teacup/teapot or mug that you would like to share with us today? I would love to see it and I'm sure others would too!

If you wish, you may do coffee instead of tea or the following is acceptable too:
Hot apple cider
Hot chocolate
Iced tea or iced coffee
Punch in a lovely bowl.

The Tea Time Tuesday button on my sidebar is available for you to use in your post or place on your sidebar if you wish. A poem, tea quote, or scripture verse would be more than welcome!

To be sure everyone has a visit, it would be nice if you visited the participant before and after your name. Inlinkz is available below for you to sign up for my tea party.

As a courtesy please link back to me so your visitors can find their way here and visit all my lovely participants. Thank you!

NOTE: It would be wonderful if everyone removed the 'two word verification' from their blog. It is very difficult to read and really not necessary. It would make leaving comments so much easier without it!

I am joining the following parties as well~

Simply Sweet
A Return to Loveliness
Teacup Tuesday
Teacup Tuesday
Tea Party Tuesday
Tuesday Cuppa Tea
Friends Sharing Tea
Tea Cup Thursday

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Hi Sandi,

    Thank you for hosting our lovely party. Your Bridal Rose saucer and Haviland teacup are exquisite. I just love the soft pink roses. I look forward to joining you next week for "Tea on the Titanic".

  2. You write so beautifully and poetically. One can almost take in the spring through your words. I love the cute bunny. Very cute teapots and teacups. Cute Easter cake you made. Lemon Curd is such a good flavor. Wonderful with pink tulips. Bless you! Zinnia

  3. Sandi: You have a lovely assortment of tea cups. I just received the Victoria Tea Time Bliss in the mail. It 's beautiful as is all things Victoria..Happy Monday..Judy

  4. Dear Sandi,
    your blog is like a wonderful written book for me. Whenever I open it, I find happitness and encouraching thoughts. This is beside your very pretty tea things the real delight of your blog. As soon as I saw the sweet bunny, I knew its a design from Celestina Marie. Her roses are fantastic and so sweet. Your cakes look delicious and the whole setting is charming. I wish you a very blessed Easter time.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  5. Gorgeous, gorgeous, pretty lady! Your Bridal Rose saucer and Havilland teacups are stunning! You're a real talented and gifted lady for writing so beautifully, you're a poet at heart. I love your cake, it looks yummy, just perfect to go with a cuppa tea. Just a delight to visit you, it feels me with T Bliss inmediatelly. Thank you for hosting lovely lady. HAPPY EASTER.

  6. Your no name teapot sure is a pretty one - love it.


  7. A wonderful post! A special time of year for believers. Your spring china selections are lovely and your cake is perfect! So many bunnies! Cute! Thanks for hosting!

  8. Hello Sandi
    I am happy that Mother Nature has appeased us with spring like weather today for your Easter Tea.
    Your table is lovely with bunnies and pretty china. The cake looks delicious and I would love a piece with tea today.
    I'll have to look for that magazine in Chapters.

  9. Dear Sandi,

    You have prepared such a lovely Easter tea time party for us all to enjoy.

    Thank you so much and thank you for hosting such a treasured link party each week.

    Have a truly blesssed Holy Week, my friend.


  10. Hi Sandi, I love your Sadler teapot and your Windsor cup and saucer. The cake with the chick and eggs is absolutely adorable! This is a beautiful Easter tea. So glad you shared the message, too, of what Easter is all about.
    Happy Easter, Sandi!

  11. Thank you for hosting our tea Sandi! I SO ENJOYED your beautiful trio of rose sets today! I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE mixing and matching! Spring has sprung in all it's splendor through nature AND the beauty of everyone's posts!
    Have a wonderful Easter Week,

  12. Your tea-cups are all so pretty and those pink tulips are so beautiful. I think you have me convinced to make a coconut cake for Easter dinner. It looks scrumptious. Thanks for sharing your beautiful table. Deb

  13. Beautiful photos and words! I love the crocus teapot and the pink tulips.

  14. Hi Sandi,such a pretty Easter post! I love your gorgeous collection of tea cups, especially the Windsor cup with the rose in the middle.. so pretty!And the Sadler teapot with the beautiful array of spring blooms looking so lovely and a perfect addition for a spring tea:)The coconut cake under the bird cloche is looking absolutely delish!Enjoyed sharing tea with you. Thanks for the inspiration and for hosting such a lovely party. Happy Easter to you and yours!Hugs, Poppy

  15. Hi Sandi,
    What a lovely Easter Tea you have. I love everything from your teapots to your teacups and the yummy looking coconut cake on the darling cake stand along with the pink tulips and bunnys. Thank you for sharing and for hosting the party.
    Wishing you a blessed Easter,

  16. Oh, everything is so beautiful I this post Sandi! And I see the beautiful Sadler Spring teapot. All your treats are making me drool! LOL Thank you for hosting and have a blessed week!

  17. Your Easter tea time is so pretty. Love all the tea cups and bunnies. Easter blessings to you and your family.

  18. Such a beautiful,beautiful post Sandi,I loved everything in your lovely pictures.
    Happy Easter xx jeanetteann

  19. Your three teacups are beautiful and perfect for and Easter Tea. Thank you for hosting one!

  20. Hello Sandi,
    Gorgeous tea! I love all your wins - congratulations - so lovely. Your teacups are exquisite - really like the reflection of the rose in the teaspoon! thanks so much for hosting - always a pleasure and thank you for sharing with A Return to Loveliness,

  21. i love your coconut cake, reminds of my Mom and how she would decorate it. But I think those bunnies are ready to dive in it!

  22. Sandi, Beautiful tea cups, I love the mismatched one. The reflection in the spoon is so sweet, love that detail. I posted about Bunnykins one of the cups has a sweet tea scene if you feel it would fit with your party let me know. I love coconut cake to one of my favorites, Laura

  23. Hi Sandi,
    What a lovely post...Everything in this post is so pretty, the china, flowers, bunnies and of course your sweets...I also love the piece that you wrote, beautiful words! Thank you for hosting and for the link to my blog, very kind of you to do that!
    Easter blessings,

  24. Good morning Sandi! Your Easter tea post is so pretty with all the sweet decorations and beautiful tulips. The cake is so delicious looking! I think I'd have to eat more than one slice! Thanks for hosting and I hope you have a very blessed Easter. Hugs, Pamela

  25. Oh Sandi! I don't know where to begin. Everything is so beautiful. Your rosebud teacup is one of my favorites. I seem to have a thing for rosebuds on white china. While shopping last week I found a teacup without its saucer. It will be fun looking for something that will match. Have a lovely week and Happy Easter!

  26. From your beautiful gifts, to your beautiful tulips, treats, teapots and tea sets, having tea with you today has been a delight! I loved your writing in the beginning. Such beautiful words. I think that it is just wonderful that you have remembered our Savior in this blog.
    Tea time with you is always a delight.

  27. Such a lovely post and I love all your Easter bunnies and chicks... Gorgeous selections of teacups too ...Thanks for the delightful read...Hugs

  28. Such a pretty Easter tea! Love all the bunnies. The teacups all so spring like. No name teapots ... looks very good to me! I love coconut! :D :D Happy Spring, Happy Easter! Happy Tea Day!

  29. Love your tea party! Thanks for hosting too! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  30. A wonderful post! I love your cups and saucers! Everything is beautiful!

  31. Well I guess I am going crazy Sandi. Came back to this post to look at some of the parties and comment on and now I can't see it! HELP! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  32. Sandi, your writings and photos always put me in a calm mood. Thank you for that and for hosting. Happy Easter!! xoxo

  33. What a gorgeous, gorgeous table, Sandi...Everything sings out springtime and Easter joy. You wrote a beautiful piece, and well worth sharing every year. Good writing is always fresh.

    A happy Easter, and joyful week to you,

  34. Hi Sandi,
    It is a lovely Easter tea-I love the rosebud teacup!
    I think you and I have kept Vanco tulips in business-I love having tulips in the house.
    Thank you for hosting again this week and I hope you and your family a very blessed Easter.

  35. Hi Sandi! Oh- Yum! That coconut cake looks the best! Save me a piece, please! Showing off your post to a friend at a tea party last night - thinking of how I'll be packing up your prize! Do get back to be with your address so I can mail your give-away soon!

  36. Easter seems perfect for a coconut cake. We used to always have the one shaped like the bunny! Your dishes are all gorgeous! Thanks for hosting this very special tea! Have a fabulous Easter my friend!

  37. Beautiful post, Sandi! I really like the Royal Albert Chintz teacup! And all the sweet bunnies everywhere! Have a lovely Easter!

    In His Lo♥e, Ann ✞

  38. Thank you for the fun Easter Party.God continue to bless you and your family-Denise

  39. Hi Sandi,
    Everything looks so lovely. Your teacups are so beautiful and your cake looks delicious. I will have to pick up a Victoria Tea Time looks amazing. Thanks for sharing the Easter it!


  40. Lovely Easter tea party you have prepared for us!!! merci.. Your goodies from Celestina Marie a gorgeous ... she is a wonderfully talented artist.

    Hugs and blessings, xo HHL

  41. Your header photo always makes me smile! What pretty cups you showed today - and I recognised three of them from my very own china cabinet.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Sandi, I pray you have a very blessed Easter filled with all the glorious joy of our sweet Saviour's Resurrection!
    I so appreciate your friendship and kindness to me!
    Your gracious words and photos bring real beauty into my life each week and I thank you for that gift, my friend!
    Thank you for linking this beautiful post up today, too.
    It is very special and lovely...just like you!
    Easter blessings..Trish

  44. Hi Sandi,
    Happy Easter to you and your family.
    Your Easter Tea Party is Beautiful.
    I'm glad you're enjoying Spring
    God Bless
    Barb from Australia

  45. Hello Sandi, thank you for another beautiful, and special post! Everything is gorgeous, the tea pots so pretty and springlike. All three of your tea cups are beautiful. I love love love the Haviland one. That style is my favorite. So delicate!
    Happy Easter to you : )

  46. Sandi, I always enjoy seeing your pretty tea settings and dishes. The Haviland is gorgeous to say the least! And I thinkI'd have had a tough time deciding which teapot to use also, so I loved that you chose to use them both.

    Have a wonderful Easter,



  47. Sandi, I am sad to have joined up so late but life has been so hectic. I wanted to make sure I visited when I had some time to truly enjoy your lovely post. I have a similar cup as your love pink rose one at the end of your post, just exquisite!! I can not wait for Victoria Tea Time Bliss!! Lovely relaxing visit here today, just what I needed. Thank you and take care

  48. Hi Sandi, What a glorious Easter tea you host this week. I love all your springtime pretties on display and your coconut cake looks divine. You have the most beautiful teacups and the no name teapot is lovely. I believe it's name is GORGEOUS!!
    Pretty pink tulips and all the verses mixed throughout your post are perfect.
    You are so kind to share your win again from last year. I know sweet bunny is right at home with you dear friend.
    Thank you also for stopping by and your well wishes for the tornado victims here in Texas. Today was a much better day. The sun was bright and the weather a bit cooler. It was the kind of day made for cleaning up after a storm. God gave a beautiful day after.
    Thank you for hosting this special tea. Have a blessed Easter and looking forward to your Titanic celebration.
    Love to you, Celestina Marie

  49. Your photography is BEAUTIFUL! I'm new here, I'll be back!


  50. Your photography is BEAUTIFUL! I'm new here, I'll be back!


  51. I know I'm late in linking but I simply love this linky party of yours.
    Your Easter spread and tea cups are delightful as is your writing. I simply am always inspired when I stop by here.
    Have a blessed Easter.

  52. Sandi - Just so you know - I have NOT received your email with your mailing information. Please send it to


  53. Hi Sandi...I
    I love those tulips.....and the colorful teapot. Everything here always looks so pretty.....and pulls me to take a break from the ordinary to the extraordinary. Thanks for doing that.....and wishing you and your family the best Easter.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.