Monday 17 October 2011

Tea Time Tuesday

Savor these fleeting golden days of Indian summer, when the air is crisp, the sun warms the cobalt sky, and soft, gentle breezes whisper of Fall's imminent arrival. ~ Quote from Victoria magazine

Welcome my dear friends to Tea Time Tuesday ~
I just got back from a short trip to Moncton, New Brunswick which is where I was born. I had a lovely visit with my relatives and browsing through the stores. It was great fun! On the way there and back, the trees were so beautifully arrayed in all their Autumn splendour; a very pretty drive!

Today's tea however, is going to be in pink, a colour which symbolizes our ongoing efforts and prayer for a cure for breast cancer.

Sorry, my photos are all rather dark today because it has been a gloomy and rainy day. The sun did finally come out however, after I got the pictures taken.

Today's teacup is one which I found at the 70 Mile Yard Sale a few weeks ago. The Sale offered up many delights and this was one more which I simply couldn't resist.

This vintage teacup is so thin, it is almost translucent. I love the scalloped saucer and the delicate flowers sprinkled on the pieces. Sponged on gold adorns the edge of the cup as well as the handle.

The graceful saucer has garlands of sweet pink roses on it; as pretty as wedding cake.

The mark on the bottom says MZ Altrohlau Bridal Rose made in Germany.

The cup itself is adorned with soft pink rose clusters and marked with Limoges GDA France Haviland.
It is very old; possibly made as early as early as 1905.

Surprise! They are not a set and yet they married together very well, don't you think?

I am using my little birdie teapot today made by Gracie China. 

I found this teapot in Moncton over the weekend. I love the little birdie perched on top and there is some pretty detail around the top and bottom although it's hard to see on this dark day.

The pretty pink bouquet came from the supermarket where they were selling them in support of breast cancer research.

Cupcakes anyone? I have white angel food with sprinkles.

And pink...

Or perhaps you would prefer a plain shortbread heart cookie.

 A cuppa Earl Grey tea, Mmm. It sure hits the spot on this dreary day.

Question: Does tea contain more caffeine than coffee? Answer: No. Caffeine contains, on average, three times the amount of caffeine found in tea. {Courtesy of Tea Time magazine}

Have you noticed the gorgeous pink goblet? That is one of four pink goblets that my aunt and uncle brought over to me when they visited a couple of weeks ago.

I've been busy painting tinsey-weensey pumpkins and dusting them with fairy dust to add some sparkle. Can you see the pink frosted pumpkin in the teacup?

Each cup of tea represents an imaginary voyage.~ Catherine Douzel

I hope you will come back next week when I will have something completely different to share with you.

I am simply delighted that you have stopped by today and I would love for you to join me for Tea Time Tuesday! All you have to do is share a favourite tea cup or teapot, a coffee mug, or something tea related. If you wish, you may do coffee instead of tea or the following is acceptable too: apple cider, iced tea or iced coffee, hot chocolate, lemonade, or punch. The TTT button on my sidebar is available for you to use in your post or place on your sidebar if you wish. A poem, tea quote, or scripture verse would be more than welcome! Please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit with all my lovely participants.

"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting." ~ Psalm 118:1 {NAS}

I am pleased to join the following parties as well~

Friends Sharing Tea

Vintage Thingie Thursday

Miss Spenser~
Teacup Thursday

Victoria - A Return to Loveliness

Teacup Tuesday

Teacup Tuesday

Wanda Lee~
Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday

Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday

Wanda Lee~
Tea For Two and Wednesday Tea For Me and Thee

Tea Party Tuesday


Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. I love your new teacup and the birdie teapot!! It is certainly now Autumn where I live, the leaves are turning gold and the wind is chilly...
    Have a wonderful week

  2. Sandi,
    Your Tea setting this week is so lovely!!
    Your tea cup is so delicate and dainty looking. Very elegant!
    Love the sweet tea pot with the Bird on the lid!! Too Cute.
    And of course, I adore all the pink glass including the cake stand and the glasses!!
    And those cup cakes are so yummy looking...
    I linked up this week but I am afraid my post is a bit on the spooky side while yours is so very elegant!!


  3. Hi Sandi
    Glad you had a nice visit with family and a good time of year to travel.
    The new teacup is lovely, so feminine with the roses and I like all the tiny pumpkins you've been painting.
    I would love one of your shortbread hearts with tea today.

  4. Hello Sandi,
    that was surely a nice meeting with your relatives. What a luck, that you had the possibility to browse in the stores. The new cup is really amazing, because it is mixed from two different makers. Who would expect that. I searches about that Altrohlau and found interesting informations. Do you have informations about it? The whole design is just lovely and matches so well with the pink goblets. Thank you for tha cup of tea and I would love to have one of this pink cupcakes. Yummm.
    Best greetings and thank you for hosting this sweet event.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  5. Sandi:
    Your pink goblets match your pedestal plate perfectly and they look so nice together. I love your new teacup also. It was fun having you drop in last Saturday. I'm glad you found some treasures too....Aunt P

  6. Very lovely Tea cup and saucer! I really like the pinks.
    I'll take one of the pink cupcakes.

    God bless,

  7. Lovely! I thought the teacup looked like Limoges! The teapot is so cute! Such a pretty table usual!

  8. I love your mis-matched cup and saucer. I think those patterns are very pretty. I'm glad you had a nice visit to Moncton, my hometown too!! Have a great week! Blessings, Pamela

  9. Hello Sandi,
    LOVE LOVE LOVE your teacup and saucer. Love the pink goblets that your Aunt and Uncle brought you.
    Thank you for sharing!!
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  10. Love your Victoria tea quote! The pink glasses go so well with your colors. The bird finial on the teapot is too cute!

  11. The teapot and the cakestand is absolutely gorgeous.

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful finds, which make me drool...

    Happy TTT...

    Greetings from chilly Stockholm,

  12. Happy Tuesday Tea party my friend!! You are certainly correct the cup and saucer are a perfect match!! Who would have guessed?

    I'm so enjoying seeing your little pumpkins all glittery... Your cup cakes look very yummy, but after all the sweets ate up in Paris last week perhaps I better just have some tea and a shortbread heart ...

    Stop by my other blog .. there is a little something for you there.
    Wishing you a very blessed week..xo HHL

  13. Hi Sandi
    Love your blog.
    I'm afraid I had trouble linking up to your Tea Time Tuesday. I think I must be doing something wrong. I noticed there is an x beside my blog name and can't figure out what I did. I'll try again next time. Deb=^..^=x4

  14. Hi Sandi! Love your tea cup; the cup and saucer look perfect together. I noticed the backstamp on the tea cup; I have some Haviland Limoges china with the same two backstamps. I did a little research; Sandi, your tea cup is very old, possibly made as early as 1905. Thanks for hosting Tea Time Tuesday.
    Hugs, Beth

  15. Hello Sandi,
    A most exquisite teacup and saucer - so love it! It is a small world! I have 2 of those goblets! They're wonderful!
    Thoroughly enjoyed my tea!

  16. Dear Sandi,
    Oh everything is so beautiful..I love the tea cup and the tea pot..but my heart has fallen for that beautiful pink vase..Oh My!!
    just love it...lucky gal...

  17. It would be very nice having a little t ea with you. These are all such pretty tea cups.

  18. Hi Sandi,

    Thanks for your Pink Tea for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I looove the teacup and also the dainty spoon with the crystal on the handle! Your angel cupcakes are very appropriate, too, and are mouth-watering....Wish I could be there to share in person with you today.

    Thanks, too, for visiting me today. I always look forward to your dropping by!

    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  19. Hi Sandi! What a sweet little teacup and saucer! I passed by a set of six very similar to this one - only $25 - and I can kick myself for not getting it - Haviland, too! I didn't have any cash on me and was late for somewhere else. Note to self - never go yard sale-ing if you haven't got the time to kill! I often find mismatched cups and saucers - putting them together so that they compliment each other - not necessary to be an exact match. Fun to play dress up with t hem like that! Sweet bird singing on top of the pot, too!

  20. I fell in love instantly with your cute little teapot with the birdie perched on the top! :) The pink goblets are quite unique. I don't think I have seen anything like them.

    Your shortbread cookies reminded me that I need to make some shortbread soon as well. :)

    As usual, I enjoyed my tea time with you. Have a great day! :)

  21. Sandi,
    I love your teacup! Limoges is a favorite! I also love your teapot. I found that same teapot this past week! I thought it was just adorable. Sounds like you had a lovely visit back home. It is always nice to visit home. Thanks for having us over!

  22. Your teacup set is gorgeous, such a delicate design and you are right, the saucer and cup are meant for each other. I also like your pink goblets. The color is so sweet. They are very similar in design as my amethyst La Rocherre Lyonnaise wine glasses...Christine

  23. All the elements of your lovely tea setting are exquisite -- in keeping with the pink theme for breast cancer awareness month!

  24. Just found oust you won the giveaway and want you to know I'm cheering for you. I love that you won!!!!

  25. Hi Sandi,
    What a beautiful post, not only perfect for a gloomy day, but to remind the importance of the continued efforts to find a cure for breast cancer.

    Lovely find in your gorgeous tea cup and saucer. It would have been hard to walk away from. I just adore your birdie topped tea pot. I have one with a little bird on top too, in white and I love it

    Your angel food cupcakes look so yummy good. It is raining here, storming actually, so your tea is perfect for the day.
    Thank you for sharing and blessings to you always/
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  26. I like the delicate, soft pinks of your post. Very pretty, and meaningful! Thank you for hosting this Tuesday gathering.

  27. What a lovely post! Pink and white make a romantic tea time. Your new cup is so pretty, I would love one like that too! It looks very delicate. The name really suits it as well.
    Your uncle brought you an amazing set of goblets! Wow!
    The little pumpkin is very cute! Is that a hanging ornament?

  28. I never tire of looking at pretty china and glassware and yours are lovely,and there is that little glitter pumpkin again I just love. xx

  29. Hi Sandi, I love the teacup-I have a couple of those too.
    I also got those same pink goblets and I love them too.

    Thank you for hosting.


  30. aww what a treasure you've found, beautiful teacup! it seems like you had a lovely trip to the place where you were born! i adore the birdie teapot and the pink goblets are so pretty! the cupcakes are so mouth watering, always a pleasure to visit your tea time tuseday! thank you for sharing and hosting. Blessings, Susan

  31. Sounds like you had a lovely Autumn trip. Your teacup and saucer are beautiful and perfect together. And what a wonderful gift those pretty pink goblets were.

  32. Hi Sandi, what lovely tea items you have, I especially like the saucer with the sweet garlands on it! XO Christie

  33. I really enjoy your teacup Tuesdays! You have the most beautiful sets! It's amazing that your cup and saucer are not a set, but how wonderfully matched they are! I do appreciate the wonderful PINK in honor of those with breast cancer. My prayers go out for them for I have friends that them also. Here's to your health!

  34. How fun to visit your hometown. The colors this year are certainly breathtaking. I am excited to see your treasures, how lovely and delicate. I love the pink post in honor of breast cancer month and your dear friend. Heartwarming. Thx for hosting, I really look forward to the good feeling I always get coming by for a visit. (cute teapot too--love the lid!)

  35. Hi Sandi,
    Thank you for hosting another lovely tea with all the beautiful objects you share with us.
    That French cup and that German saucer were meant to end up their lives together!

  36. Your teacup and saucer are lovely. What a perfect, mismatched, set! Also love that birdie teapot, so cute!

  37. Sandi, Your tea times are so delightful. I agree, your lovely cup and saucer match beautifully with the same pink hue. The flowers are so pretty on the white and the dusting of gold on the edges is soft and delicate. What a lovely cup to have tea from.

    Oooo...the cupcakes look scrumptious and I would love one, thank you.

    I hope to be joining your tea time again in the near future.

    Many blessings to you,

  38. A wonderful tribute to a very worthy cause.

    - The Tablescaper

  39. Just love the soft colours...and I have a similar teapot...too cute.
    I love your blog.
    Thanks for stopping by!
    Shel xx

  40. Sandi, your new cup is so pretty!
    I love the shape and the sweet flowers decorating the insides.
    It goes beautifully with the saucer - they're made for each other lol!
    Your birdie teapot is wonderful too!
    The cupcakes would be very hard to resist..but I simply can't pass up a nice shortbread biscuit :-)
    Inspiring as always - your tea table is lovely today!!
    much love and blessings..Trish

  41. Hi Sandi,
    I keep telling myself with all the tea cups I have I'm sure to be able to partake in "Tea Time Tuesday" they come and go so fast. Now that off season has arrived and I'm back off a short sea glass vacation I'm going to do my best to be around. I so love pink glass and your goblets. Your cup cakes are looking delicious. Yes, gloomy days ahead and behind, your pictures are always nice even if the golden hours are dim. I didn't go to the 70-mile yard sale this year, how was it? I would never have known the cup and saucer didn't match unless you told me. Sometimes I mix up the cups and saucers in the Tea Room by accident and I have been told a couple of times - quick on my feet I just respond, "the plates are all mix matched as well, how fun"

  42. Beautiful. I simply love the pattern on the china, so soft, pink and delicate. So elegant. Happy VTT!

  43. Just visiting your blog! Your posts are always so lovely and encouraging! Your mismatched teacup is gorgeous - so glad you had a lovely time on your visit to your hometown.
    Thank you for sharing with A Return to Loveliness,
    God Bless,

  44. I just love love that tea cup, pot and glass...!! My kind of 'stuff"...great blog I'll be back!!

  45. Dear Sandi...your posts are just delightful and full of sweetness. My favorite thing is the tiny tiny pumpkin. My Annabelle doll would love it!
    Happy Pink Autumn.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.