Friday 7 October 2011

Happy Pink Saturday!

Hello everyone and Welcome to Rose Chintz Cottage~ 
I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful week. I am delighted you have stopped by today for Pink Saturday! Please come in and take a look at the amazing Giveaway I received in the mail this week.

Wendy @ Once Upon A Rose Haven was having a Giveaway and I won! She is a most generous lady and I am so pleased with the goodies she sent me. And since there is a lot of pink in the package, I thought I would share it with you today. So grab your cup of coffee or tea and take a peek~

It all came wrapped up in this pretty pink floral gift wrap.

Upon opening the box, I was met with yet more pink. Wendy had wrapped up everything individually in pink gift wrap. It felt like Christmas!

I unwrapped each gift one by one and admired it, oohing and aahing as I went.
Here is what she sent me, all the way from Tennesee...A most generous gift, yes?

A sweet pink teacup card with a lovely message inside.

A package of pink notecards.

A box of fragrant pink peony-rose scented soap roses.

A sweet pink patterned watering can.

A floral coffee/tea mug with matching cover/coaster. As you can see there are lovely pink roses on it.

And the piece de resistance...

A pretty Sadler full-sized teapot, covered in a Spring floral motif. Irises, daffodils, crocuses, and pink tulips.

If any of you know me, you know I am especially loving the teapot and the mug!
I hope you will pay Wendy a visit. She is a most gracious lady. Thank you Wendy!

Beverly is the hostess of this meme and I hope you will plan to spend some time this weekend visiting her and her party of pinkies. Thank you for visiting me today and have a lovely pink weekend. God bless you!

NOTE~ I am having trouble commenting on many of your blogs. I promise you, if I visit you, I will try to leave a comment.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Oh my your one lucky girl! WOW how nice of her to send you such lovely things.

  2. wow, now that is one generous lady .. I know you will treasure those wonderful goodies.

  3. You are a lucky lady! The tea pot is fabulous, enjoy. Laura Cottage and Broome

  4. What a special treat to open that package!!
    Hope you have a fun Pink Day!!

  5. Hi Sandi,
    What wonderful gifts!! Everything is fabulous, but that last tea pot - oh my! It has all my favorite flowers on it. How fun for you and what a generous friend!

  6. Wow what beautiful gifts!!! I know you will enjoy these lovely treasures.

    Jocelyn @

  7. Thank you for the tea and sharing your very lovely package with us.

  8. You are a lucky lady! All your gifts are wonderful!

  9. Hi Sandi,
    congratulation for winning this fabulous giveaway. I am sure you will have lots of joy and fun to set your tea table with all this nice goodies.
    Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  10. hi Sandi, Your a lucky girl, all those pink gifts. The teapot is so pretty and I love those soap rosettes. Great pink gifts. Happy Pink Saturday.
    Have a beautiful weekend. Blessings.....

    The French Hutch

  11. Wowzers, Sandi!!! You are the luckiest woman to have won that beautiful gift. The Sadler is, indeed, a first-rate teapot. I hope you will share many generous cuppas from it with family and friends...

    Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!

    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

    P.S. I am a newbie at blogging - one of these days I'll have to figure how to join in for Pink Saturday! Haha

  12. Beautiful and fun giveaway - congratulations! And wow...79 days 'til Christmas! It will be here so quickly. I love this time of the year.

  13. Sandi, you must have been tickled pink receiving all those wonderful treasures. Each one of them is so fabulous.


  14. Happy Pink Saturday, Lucky you winning so mnay lovely things. Linda

  15. Love all your treasures, beautiful. Those roses are so lovely with all your china. Just gorgeous.

  16. Hello Sandi,
    I'm so glad you are enjoying all your goodies! For me is been a real delight to find and give them away. Happy Thanksgiving!

  17. What a beautiful gift you have received! I've never seen a watering can shaped like a teapot! I think that is just the cutest thing. The real teapot is beautiful too. I'm glad they made it safely from such a long distance! Have a lovely Thanksgiving weekend! Blessings, Pamela

  18. Oh how beautiful is that teapot? I have never seen one as nice. Happy Pink Saturday xx

  19. Sandi, what a beautiful and generous gift. Absolutely lovely.Hugs and Happy Pink Saturday!

  20. Hi Sandi,
    You won the biggest giveaway I have ever seen! Lucky girl! And, everything was so YOU!
    That mug took my breath away!
    Happy Pink Saturday and have a sweet weekend!

  21. That was an ultra special giveaway win! WOW! Wendy is one generous soul! Love all the pretties and you will enjoy them always. HPS Anne

  22. Hi Sandi
    you lucky girl to have received such beautiful items :)
    Enjoy your new pretties :)
    Happy pinky pink Saturday....


  23. HI dgt just told me that pink is her new favorite colour. ☺ And I'm so glad you won. These things are your spirit. Hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving.

  24. What a wonderful giveaway! Some really beautiful items and you're right, that teapot is the best!! Hope you have a wonderful pink week!

  25. I can imagine the love you must have felt opening every beautiful gift in that box. Happy Thanksgiving, pretty lady. So glad for you and your winnings.

  26. Good morning, Sandy. What a gracious gift you received from Wendy! Very delightful! Although the teapots and cup are all so beautiful, I especially love the pink peony-rose scented soap roses!! I know they must smell divine....and with them being so beautiful, it also must be hard to use them...LOL...Beautiful gifts, beautiful post.
    Here's to your health,


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.