Friday 12 August 2011

Pink Saturday - Spiritual Sundays Miracle Weekend Party

It's A Miracle Makeover Weekend

Hello friends and welcome to another Miracle Makeover Weekend with Kelee Katillac, Pink Saturday,  Spiritual Sundays, and Country Wings in Phoenix.

It is a pleasure to participate in these parties especially this weekend as it is for a very good cause!
Please go to these links to watch a video and meet the Grady Bunch. This is a story about 8 year old Charlie Grady who has brain tumors. His is a heart warming story. When he was five years old, "Charlie Santa," undergoing chemotherapy himself, began leading a toy drive to help other kids with cancer have a happier holiday.

It is sure to tug at your heartstrings! Every comment left on any one of these blogs earns one dollar towards Friends of Kids With Cancer.

Kelee Katillac -  or
Beverly -
Charlotte and Ginger -
Sherry -
Susan -

My Pink Saturday/Spiritual Sundays offering this week is a combination of the two parties. I have posted this with a very thankful heart to God and my family. I have had two cancer scares myself and both turned out to be benign. The most recent one was just a few weeks ago.

Now for some pink!
I have some eye candy which was found while visiting my relatives in New Brunswick, Canada. My cousin and I had gone junking and at one place she found these. There were two of each.

Two pink depression glass bowls and two little goblets. The goblets are etched; very sweet! Can you see the etching? The goblets also have a gentle green pedestal.

Do you see the pink floral dishes on which the bowl and goblet are sitting?

My cousin gave me these dishes from her collection! She collects blue china and I collect pink/red. So, out of the goodness of her heart, she gave me these three dinner plates, three salad plates, three bread and butter plates, and three teacups. The pattern is Victorian Chintz made by Burleigh Staffordshire England. Aren't they pretty?

She also gave me the two pink depression glass bowls and goblets because she thought that I would like them. Wasn't that darling of her? My cousin has a heart of gold! Thank you, Val!

While shopping with my cousin, I also came across this pretty white footed dish. Isn't it sweet?

I love the little birdie and the basket weave pattern on it. I have any number of uses for it but today, I am floating my pink roses for Pink Saturday in it.

Next to the footed dish, is a pretty peachy-pink teacup which my hubby gifted me with a while ago. It is vintage and has beautiful posies of every hue on the inside of the cup, including pink!

Have you ever thought about the process a teacup has to go through to look beautiful? I have never made a china teacup but I have made ceramic pieces before. It is quite a long process but I'll give you the shorter version...

A teacup starts out as a piece of clay which the potter moulds in his hands. He designs it, shapes it, chooses the artwork, and fires it. When the teacup comes out of the oven, it is finished and ready to be used. The potter looks at his work and admires it. It is his treasure which he has created and in which he is very pleased.

Our lives are like the teacup. We too are made of clay, designed and moulded by our Creator who loves us. Every one of us goes through trials and times of  testing, or firing. When the firing is finished, we are beautiful, just like the teacup and hopefully, stronger because of the trial we have endured. He has designed us on purpose and for His glory.

"It's in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Him and got our hopes up, He had His eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the over-all purpose He is working out in everything and everyone." ~  Ephesians 1: 11-12 {The Message}

Thank you for stopping by my blog today. I hope you liked what you see; a little pink eye candy as well as some food for thought. Thank you to all the ladies who have joined together this weekend to make it special for Charlie and others like him. God bless you all and be sure to visit the links above and leave a comment to earn dollars for Friends of Kids With Cancer. Wishing you all a delightful weekend.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Love your pinks this week and I will be hopping around leave comments everywhere to help.
    Hugs- Tete

  2. Happy Pink Saturday, dear Sandi. Thank you for always making Pink Saturday special. And, thank you for sharing the love in your heart by participating in this wonderful event.

    Your post is great. God is the magnificent potter of all.

  3. Hi Sandi, Your pink dishes are so beautiful. I've never seen the flowered pink ones before. Your words on the 'potter' are so true. Have a blessed weekend. I think the sun is going to shine :-)

  4. I love that dish with the birdie!! How pretty


  5. Sandi:
    I love those dishes Val gave you. I agree she has a BIG heart. Anything she can do to please someone else has Val's tag on it. So sweet of her. The clear pink dishes are gorgeous too. You have such a delicate taste in your dishes....It was nice having you visit too while you were in NB...Love you...Auntie P

  6. Love your post for Charlie. Beautiful pinks.

    The French Hutch

  7. Beautiful, Sandi. Love your combinations. I've collected pink impression glass for over 50 years. I started collecting it when it was cheap (or maybe I should say inexpensive. lol) Thank you for your participation in the Miracle Makeover event.

  8. Loved all your pinks, but especially the depression glass.

  9. I never thought about a tea cups creation! Beautiful dishes. Happy Pink and have a great weekend!

  10. Hi Sandi!

    Thank-you for this generous post! I so appreciate you sharing about Miracle Makeover! It helps so much.

    You photos are beautiful ..the one with the little bird is my fav. Also the Ephesians quote is good.

    Thank-you --you get Design Angel wings in...hmmm... soft pink toile!



  11. love all the's all so pretty. And Sandi....have the best day ever out there.....

  12. Your depression glassware and transfer ware dishes are beautiful!

  13. A lovely post....
    Thanks for sharing all your lovely pinks.

    Wishing you a beautiful pink weekend

  14. All the pink is exquisite. I love how you compare the making of a teacup to how God molds us. How wonderful that He has designed us on purpose and for His glory.

  15. My first visit to your blog via Designs by Gollum. I love your analogy of the teacup potter and our potter. Thank you

  16. Love your analogy of the teacup, Sandi...quite poignant.


  17. Lovely China and ROSES :)
    and do not miss




    WELCOME :)
    Håkan ( The Roseman)

  18. Sandi, Praise the Lord that your test were benign.Thank-you for posting today.

  19. Love your heartfelt post and you KNOW I always adore your pinks. thank you for sharing my friend~


  20. Glorious Day, Sandi!

    Thanks for the pretty comment you left on my blog and the invitation to visit you at Rose Chintz Cottage!

    My hubby and I have just returned from your beautiful Prince Edward Island where we vacationed and visited your friend Carolyn Aiken. I am so glad we made the trip to meet Carolyn and her husband and to tour her gardens! We are already looking forward to returning next year to see the Island in all its fall glory and to walk the Confederation Trail.

    I noticed your gorgeous dishware and I, too, have some pieces like yours! I mainly collect pink transferware but also have some rose chintz pieces that I love. On the way to Summerside last week, we stopped at Riverside Antiques - there was a lone chintz teacup there just like your collection! Had I the room for it in my suitcase, it would have made the trip back to Newfoundland with me. LOL You have many great antique shops on the Island - my fave is in Victoria By the Sea. I returned home with some wonderful treasures and the most lovely memories...

    I also stopped by your Christmas blog! I looove Christmas and couldn't resist visiting. I enjoy trying fruitcake recipes and the cheery sultana cake you made using your mom's recipe looks delish! I can almost taste it. The bread pudding looks wonderful, too. I'll have to try it one day soon.

    Thank you for your interest in my blog and for sharing!


  21. Sandi,
    Lovely pink post! Your posts are always uplifting and beautiful:)


  22. Oh! All the beautiful pink! Love the dishes and depression pink goblets. So feminine.
    Came over from Spiritual Sundays and am enjoying your blog and the joint event of Miracle Weekend. What a precious story!


  23. Beautiful dishes. I use pink depression glass with my china, too.
    I also use it in my bathroom -- it makes me smile.

    God's still molding me!

  24. Your depression glass and your new china is just stunning! Hope you have a good week. Not sure if I'll get a tea post done...the photos are done but I am volunteering tomorrow at the Iowa State Fair. If not this week, then next week for sure.
    Hugs, Beth

  25. I have those same red floral dishes...did a post on them recently! Lovely pieces, lovely post. Have a great week~

  26. Love aLL your pink and the story of the teacup! It's hard to imagine such delicate tea cups come from clay! What a great example of our lives with Christ in them.

    I also have those little pink bowls. They were part of the set that I bought years ago (from Kmart) to supplement my grandmother's original depression set. They were those small bowls, the mugs shown on my blog, and 8 inch dinner or lunch plates. I've loved using them over the years--I probably bought them in 1985 or so. So they are vintage already in their own right!

  27. Wonderful news about your tests ... prayers answered.

    Love your beautiful pink dishes. Your setting is lovely.

    Would you be so kind to leave a comment on my BLOG ONLY (no emails), for the Miracle Makeover fund drive thru 8-18. Charlie, 8 yr. old, & his story are fabulous. Every comment brings us a $1 for the next person that will be sponsored.

    Have a beautiful weekend.
    TTFN ~

  28. Your gorgeous depression glass finds are so delicate and pretty. I have never been lucky enough to find the pinks with the tinge of green. Love all your treasures this week. I am finally catching up on Pink Saturday posts!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.