Friday 4 February 2011

Pink Saturday

Welcome to Pink Saturday bloggerettes! 
Well, here we are gathered once again from all around the world at Beverly's to celebrate Pink Saturday.

About a month ago, I found this sweet heart-shaped plate at Winners; perfect for Valentines Day! Can't you just imagine little valentine cookies on it?

It has pink hearts and Amour and Love written all over it. Isn't it purty?

Also, I found this sweet little birdie at Michaels for 40 % off. It has a crackled finish and pink posies on it. Most of you have seen the birdhouse which was a Christmas gift from my son one year. It is fashioned of hammered tin and hand-painted pink roses. Delicate pink crystals decorate the edge of the roof.

Cute little fella, eh?

And here is the best pink of all! My little granddaughter is all dressed in pink. She is two months old today.

Thank you for visiting today. Please visit our pink hostess Beverly by clicking the link.

I invite you all to join me next week for Tea Time Tuesday.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Dear Sandi: I saw those sweet pink birds at Michael's too. Very cute w/your birdhouse!

    Your little Granddaughter is so not 2 months old already! LOL


    Happy PS

  2. Olá, amei seu blog!!!!!
    Tem porcelanas lindas!!!!!

  3. Sweet pink pictures today. I was at Winners and Michael's yesterday but didn't see either of those items. I guess I should have gone earlier. Your granddaughter is beautiful. Have a great weekend.

  4. Your pinks are all so pretty. Yes, I could envision little sugar cookies on that plate. The prettiest pink is your little granddaughter. So sweet!
    I'm you newest follower and would be delighted to have you follow me back!
    Happy Pink Saturday,

  5. A very Happy Birthday to your sweet grand daughter! Love the heart plate and of course the birdhouse and the bird. Happy Pink Saturday Sandi and I wish you a very Happy Valentine's Day too, Char

  6. Hi Sandi and Happy Pink Saturday!
    Your little granddaughter is just too much! Lucky you to have her to hold and snuggle with!

    Your heart plate is very pretty! Perfect for heart cookies...Yum!

  7. Oh, Sandi! These pinks are so pretty! I love how cute the bird looks with your little birdhouse. While the plate is just perfect for Valentine's treats. But your grand steals the show and our hearts as well!

    Happy PS...


    Sheila :-)


  8. Sandi, I'm sorry re: the loooooong post. I am having issues with my keyboard. Keys keep sticking & one jumped down to the bottom. It's due to me being forced to shift with my left finger. I'm a rightie. ;-)

  9. All great pinks, but the last one is best-enjoy:@)

  10. How SWEET! Your little one is just adorable. Love the roses on your finds. Have a wonderful week-end.

  11. Hi Sandi,
    What a cute plate, yes cookies sound good... always :-)) Your little bird is a great match for your house!!
    A big happy birthday to your sweet grandaughter... so pretty in pink :-))
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  12. Pretty pinks!!!

    Happy Pink Saturday!


  13. All your pinks are very nice, but that precious baby take the cake.

  14. Hi Sandi, Your granddaughter is the prettiest pinky of all. She is just beautiful. When will you be able to visit her? I love your heart shaped dish, because I have two large plates, 2 very deep ceral bowls and a sugar and creamer which I love, but never found the mugs to match or a teapot and would simply love a heart shaped plate. Since I match them with white or pink accessories it doesn't matter to me. It is the thrill of the hunt and finding it that is such fun. Happy Pink Saturday.

  15. Hi Sandi, I do love your pinks today. The heart dish is sweet but the bird house and the bird belong together. Beautiful. Now for the sweetest pinkie of all. Your granddaghter is adorable. That is a very big smile for such a young baby. She must be a happy little thing.

    Hugs, Jeanne

  16. Happy Pink Saturday Sandi Sweetie...
    I love this post. What a beautiful share. Love your cookie plate, it reminds me of a teapot set that I have in my china cabinet. I will have to get it out and share it before Valentine's day as it has this same print I believe. Beautiful.

    Love the little birdies. I love birds. That little bird house is SO darn cute. I love that and such a perfect home for your pink feathered friend.

    Hope you have a beautiful weekend sweetie. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  17. Purty, for sure! Love all your pinks, but the last one is the best!
    Thanks for leaving such sweet comments and I'm going to be following you, too!
    Happy PINK Saturday!

  18. I love the plate, the birdie and the bird house, they're sooooo lovely!! i'm so in love with them and your granddaughter is so adorable, happy birthday to her! happy pink saturday!

  19. Beautiful pinks for this February post. Best pink of course is that lovely grand daughter.

  20. First of all, what a precious granddaughter, Sandi!! Love that sweet heart shaped plate, too! The birdhouse with the crystal drop accents is very pretty!

    Happy PS!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  21. Hi Sandi,

    What a happy Pink Saturday post. I love those Heart plates but the baby picture of your grand-daughter just warmed my heart. She's perfect!

    Have a wonderful weekend my friend.

    xo Cathy

  22. Hello Sandi
    That is a sweet heart shaped dish you found and the bird is pretty - goes well with your pink birdhouse.
    Of course the best pink is your little granddaughter - my how she's grown!

  23. awww...that little pink cutie patootie just made me smile like crazy. :) My grand-daughter walked today for the first time. Big smiles and first steps....I say that's reason to celebrate. HPS Sandi.

  24. Oh My Sandi, YES your GrandDaughter is the Most "Precious Pink Ever"!!! I loved every detail of your post until I got to her, then my heart melted..."So Beautiful"!!!!
    Hugs to you,

  25. Happy P.S. Lovely plate. You are right, just perfect for the holiday cookies.

  26. Sandi,
    Love all of your pinks today!! I think I am going to go to Micheal's and see if I can find me one of those sweet birds!!


  27. I just love all of your pinks, but your granddaughter is the sweetest! I especially like the dishes in your header. My grandmother had them, too! Following back!

  28. Dear Sandi, thank you for your sweet comment and visiting me too! and I really love your plate.. I think it is pretty and your granddaughter just adorable! thank you again dear friend! have a great week ahead!

  29. Hi Sandi,

    I had seen those pretty plates at Home Goods, and I didn't buy them. :( I had also seen the prett bird at Michaels. Love your pretty pinks, and those scones look yummy! Your grandaughter is a doll!


  30. Hi Sandi,

    I had seen that pretty plate at HomeGoods, and they only had 1. Love the little bird too! Those scones look yummy, and your grandaughter is a little doll!


  31. Hello there dear Sandi,

    What an adorable little doll your precious little baby granddaugher is!

    She is sooo sweet!..,

    I love the dear little birds and heart dish as well.

    Thanks so much for sharing this loveliness with all of us and also for taking part with TTTT and TTFT!

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee

  32. Hello there dear Sandi,

    What an adorable little doll your precious little baby granddaugher is!

    She is sooo sweet!..,

    I love the dear little birds and heart dish as well.

    Thanks so much for sharing this loveliness with all of us and also for taking part with TTTT and TTFT!

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee

  33. Hello Sandi
    You have found some wonderful treasures. Happy birthday to your sweet g Baby!


  34. Hello Sandi,
    the heart shaped plate is cute, but your little granddaughter is gorgeous.
    Greetings, Johanna

  35. Hi Sandi!!

    So nice to meet another Canadian and I see you live on beautiful P.E.I.!!
    Thank you for becoming a follower and your lovely compliments.
    I love love that china that is in your banner! I remember my mother having a coffee mug in that pattern!
    I'm a new follower too!
    Pamela :)

  36. Love the heart shaped plate...but most of all, the little bird house is adorable! I'm inspired!

    Thanks so much for sharing your sweet pinkies...especially the last one featured. She's priceless!

    Ciao Bella!
    Creative Carmelina

  37. Sandi! Love the heart - I found the very same sweet bird - but not on sale! I need to head back to Michaels - there was a lot of wonderful stuff in that collection!
    Hope you have a great day,


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.