Monday 14 February 2011

Happy Valentines Day ~ Tea Time Tuesday

Love is the master key that opens the gate of happiness.~ Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

Happy Valentines Day dear friends and Welcome to a special Tea Time Tuesday!
Do you feel it? Love is in the air! Chocolate, hearts, and flowers are just a few of the romantic symbols of this special day. This is the day that we all do a little extra something special for the ones we love.
So, please come in and make yourselves at home as we sip tea and chat about all things L-o-v-e today.

Today I am sharing my pink and red tea things in celebration of Valentines Day.
This tea post is going to be just a little out of the ordinary, so put your feet up with your cup of tea or coffee and come join me, won't you?

A valentine teacup made by Gracie China waits to be filled from a fresh pot of tea. This teacup has a plain loop handle which makes it very comfortable to hold. I love the hearts!

I was pondering what to serve on this special day; iced valentine cookies, a sweetheart cake, or chocolate. Since almost everyone else is making their lovely valentine cookies, I opted to make a chocolate treat instead. My little chocolate morsels are usually a treat I make for Christmas but I didn't get them made this past year because we had so many sweets around I decided not to. But, they are perfect for Valentines Day too! Hubby has been nibbling on them ever since I made them!

These are so easy to make and so good! They are lovely for just a little something sweet with your tea or coffee.You must act quickly however because they harden very quickly. They resemble donut holes but much more decadent. They are best when they are fresh. Yum!

My Rose Bud teacup trio makes a delightful server for the cookies! If you would like the recipe for my Chocolate Balls, it is posted on my sidebar.

A white teapot, birds nest sugar bowl and birdie creamer all look nice sitting on the burgundy throw which acts as a tablecloth for today's tea. I chose this particular throw because of the hearts woven into the fabric.

I have set out my tea in the glow of my Valentine tree. A topiary filled with entries for the Giveaway stands nearby. A toile hatbox and a cloche containing a pretty rose also join the party.
Do you see the little three footed teacup beneath the tree? That is the teacup I won from Martha at Marthas Favorites -
You all know Martha and Terri, I'm sure, as they both host Teacup Tuesday. I had shared more about this lovely teacup on my Pink Saturday post over the weekend. Isn't it pretty? Thank you Martha!

Chocolate kisses are nestled in a heart shaped candy dish.

If you recall, last week I asked you to share your favourite Love Song in this week's tea post. It could be anything from a favourite instrumental, to a movie score, or 'yours and your sweetie's song.' It might even be a favourite worship song; there are so many beautiful ones out there now.
Being a romantic at heart, I have several favourites but I decided to share our song. Words by the BeeGees is our song and there is a story behind this song being our song. Would you like me to share?

Love is when you look into someone's eyes and see everything you need.~
Let's go back a few years to a time when record hops were still the place to go on a Saturday afternoon.
Picture if you will, a shy young man sporting a Beatle haircut and an even shyer young lady with long hair and bangs, dressed in a mini dress and high boots! Yes, I liked to dress in the latest fashion, still do!
He was painfully shy but when he finally got up the nerve to ask me to dance, we were instantly attracted to one another! He asked me to dance three weeks in a row and then after the dance that third Saturday, he followed my friends and me into a restaurant where we always grabbed a bite before walking the long walk home. Not much wonder we were all so fit and trim! We danced all afternoon and then walked three miles home afterwards!

He sat on the far side of the restaurant all by himself and then he got up and put some money into the jukebox. He played three of my favourite songs! Coincidence? I don't think so! One of those songs was my absolute favourite, 'Words' by the BeeGees. He didn't know it was my favourite, it just happened to be his too!

My friends talked me into joining him at his table, where he and I sat and talked before he walked me the three miles home. Halfway home, he took me by the hand, and 'it was magic!'
And the rest, as they say, is history! We are still sweethearts today and I cannot imagine my life without him! Ain't love grand!

"Smile an everlasting smile, A smile can bring you
Near to me.
Don't ever let me find you gone, 'Cause that would
Bring a tear to me.
This world has lost its glory, Let's start a brand
New story, now my love.
Right now, there'll be no other time and I can show
You how, my love.

Talk in everlasting words, and dedicate them all to
And I will give you all my life, I'm here if you
Should call to me.
You think that I don't even mean,
A single word I say.
It's only words, and words are all I have, to take
Your heart away." ~ Written by Barry Gibb, Maurice Gibb, Robin Gibb.

Please take a couple of minutes to listen to Barry Gibb sing Words. It will take a few seconds to load so please be patient; it will be worth it!

I arranged it so that this song was playing on the computer when Hubby got up this morning.
These photos of us were taken on our first date. Wasn't he adorable! He's even cuter today; lucky me!

Today is the day I announce the Winner of my Anniversary Giveaway, but before I do that, I would like to thank you all for your friendship and all the lovely comments you have been leaving on my blog! Each one is so appreciated and makes me feel as though I am in some small way making a contribution by blogging. I wish I could gift each one of you! Every one of you is so special to me; I want you to know that!

I had my hubby draw the name out of over a hundred entries which went into this topiary jar.

And the winner is- Judith @ Lavender Cottage! Congratulations, my friend!

I must take this opportunity to thank Judith for her friendship and faithful participation in Tea Time Tuesday. Judith has been with me almost from the beginning and if the truth was known, she could probably teach me more about tea parties than I will ever know! Please email me with your address, Judith, so I can get this package out to you. Please be sure to stop by and visit Judith at her site-

Well, the sun has set and I've lit the fire and the candles. There is a soft ambiance to our tea now. It is Valentines Day and Hubby and I are going to enjoy our tea in front of the fire.

Thank you so much for stopping by for tea on this very special day! I hope you will sign up for my tea party by using the inlinkz below. Be sure to give your sweetie a little extra chocolate today and remember that Valentines Day is also a day for which we can be thankful for the many blessings we receive from our loving Creator above.

I am also linking up with the following hostesses below:

Marty~ - Tabletop Tuesday

Kathy~ - A Return to Loveliness

Martha~ - Teacup Tuesday
Terri~ - Teacup Tuesday

Wanda Lee~ - Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday/ Tea For Two
Pam~ - Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday
Wanda Lee~ - Wednesday Tea For Me and Thee

Miss Spenser~ - Teacup Thursday

Love is something you can't describe like the look of a rose, the smell of the rain, or the feeling of forever. ~

Happy Valentines Day
Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Hi Sandi...

    My friend, thank you sooo much for this very sweet Valentine's Day tea! It's absolutely gorgeous! Your table just sparkles and glows in the beautiful lighting of your Valentine tree...I love it! Thank you for sharing all of your pretties with well as the sweet chocolate cookie treats...they look heavenly!

    I really enjoyed reading about how you and your honey met! That's just the sweetest story, Sandi! Ohhh...and I love "Words" by Andy Gibbs! I remember when that song came out...I fell in love with it immediately! How sweet and romantic that you played that for your honey this morning...ahhh! Loved getting to see your first date photos too! You make a beautiful couple, my friend!

    I first met my honey about 10 yrs. ago. It was love at first sight...I fell so "head over heals" for him! Hehe! Our song is "Chances Are" by Martina McBride and Bob Seger. It was a soundtrack for the movie, "Chances Are" with Sandra Bullock and Harry Connick Jr.

    Well dear lady, thank you so much for this sweet Valentine's Day tea...and for hosting this fabulous tea party for us! I was excited to be able to join in today! Sending my very best wishes to you and your sweet honey for a wonderful Valentine's Day!

    Warmest Valentine wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  2. Dear Sandi,
    again a hearttouching post. I love your Love-Story! You both were so pretty on this photos. Your are on this photo like a rose bud and now you are a rose fully blooming. I really enjoy your warm smile on the profiil photo. So nice that you found each other and had so many wonderful years together and still continue your love.
    I really enjoy your Tea table with this charming hearty cup and the delicious chocolate goodies.
    Take care of yourself and have a wonderful Valentine's day.
    Greetings, Johanna

    P.S.: And congratulations to Judith!

  3. First, congratualtions to Judith on winning the giveaway :) :) :)

    Sandi, I really enjoyed reading about you and your hubby's love story. That's so sweet...and I could imagine you and him at the dance :) :) I love a good romance and this is definitely one of those and it still continues today :) :) :) Thanks for sharing this with us Sandi :) :)

    Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  4. What a beautiful Valentine's tea party! Thank you so much for sharing this with us! Happy Valentine's to you too!

  5. Oh Sandi, this post is So Romantic...It was a Hallmark moment and you made me cry! SO Sweet...I LOVE the BeeGees...and Words was always one of my very favorite songs!
    Thank you for sharing your sweet story...Love it!
    Happy Valentine's Day,
    Hugs, Donna

  6. Sandi,
    What a beautiful post!!
    Loved reading the story of how you and your hubby met!!
    I adore you sweet Tea scape for Valentine's Day!
    Congrats to Judith for winning your Giveaway!
    Happy Valentine's Day, my sweet friend!!


  7. I so enjoyed your story! If only all couples could endure like you, the world would be perfect!
    I also love that rosebud teaset, how gorgeous! Happy days,

  8. Your posts cast a warm glow over me. Sweet story.
    BTW in my middle schools days, we could dance in our socks during lunch time in the gym. We girls danced with each other to Rock and Roll tunes.

  9. Sandi, This is a beautiful tea, and a beautiful love story. You really know how to put things together in such a pretty way...and of course, the words you write mean a great deal too. Happy Valentine's Day, dear lady!

  10. I always love your full of pretty china and I DO LOVE CHINA. Your Love Story is so sweet. I told mine back in late Jan. The Post is titled Love Story so if interested go check it out. If you've ever seen or heard of the movie WE ARE MARSHALL...well that is bout my husband and his team...we were in some of the crowd scenes.
    Happy Valentine's Day
    Gmama Jane

  11. Sandi, this is a lovely valentine's tea, and the cup with hearts is especially cute. Yeah, love is grand!

  12. Hello Sandi
    I can't believe I won your giveaway! How exciting, thank you!
    I'm late in posting because my hubby took me out for a romantic lunch and then picked up a huge bouquet of flowers from the florist he ordered last week. (I am so lucky)
    I met him at high school, our grade 13 year and we'll be married 39 years on July 1.
    Happy Valentine's Day.

  13. This is a lovely post - full of delightful and romantic things. I remember Saturday afternoon sock hops too and Friday night dances and we (my girlfriends and I) walked everywhere and we were slim! :-) Our favorite place to eat was Woolworth's downtown and Hines on Mountain Road. This was before McDonald's. Do you remember them? I remember the BeeGees songs too but my favorite was always "Unchained Melody" by the Righteous Brothers. That was long before I met my husband. LOL. Happy Valentine's Day to you and your sweetheart. Blessings, Pamela

  14. You take my breath away with so many beautiful things. I just love that heart teacup and the perfect pink rose. Happy Valentine Day.

  15. Oh what a sweet and romantic story of how you and your sweetheart met. He is really cute! And you are too! Beautiful tea things, Sandi. The choc balls look yummy! The love the song Words too. In fact I think I like all the songs of the Beegees....Christine

  16. Oh so beautiful and so romantic. Perfect for Valentines. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  17. Sandi,
    How sweet to see you and your husband on your first date and the BG's song. Very neat retelling of your Valentine. Congrats to Judith on winning your giveaway. What pretty chintzware you have your chocolate in. Have a wonderful Valentine's Day!

  18. What a beautiful post! Love your tea settings. Happy Valentine's Day.


  19. Sandi, what a lovely tea you have presented today. And I loved seeing the first date photo. That is so special. Happy Valentine's Day!


  20. Hi Sandy, you certainly have lovely teacups. I really like the rose one. You have really shared some special Valentine thoughts with us. I'm going to have to check out your choc. ball secret :). Blessings, Kim

  21. Hi Sandi,
    I enjoyed hearing your love story and seeing those cute pics!
    All your tea things look so pretty and the choc. balls look good too.
    I think I need to get out and walk a little more as I feasted a little too much on chocolate etc.!
    Thank you for hosting.


  22. What a lovely post and congrats to the winner of your sweet giveaway. Happy Valentine's Day.

  23. Happy Valentine day to you and your sweetheart Sandi,

    Your post was much eye candy and just a fun trip down mememory lane..Ain't love grand ha ha!! I loved that toild hat box..I found one at Ross like 3 years ago for a give away...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  24. Oh my gosh! HOW cute is that picture!!!;}

    m ^..^

  25. I love your hearts teacup. A lovely presentation as usual. Warms my heart. Thanks so much!

  26. Such sweet sentiments! I love your story and all the "pink" goodness. Thanks for sharing today and for hosting this lovely tea party.

  27. Lovely! Thanks for hosting!

  28. Sandi, Thank you for visiting and your sweet comments. I love how your made the teacup stand for your cookies. Have copied your recipe to make when we get back. Your lovely cup you won is just beautiful. I love the 3 footed tea cups. I will be thinking of all of you next Tuesday. If I find a tea room along our route I will make sure to take pictures. Blessings on your week.

  29. What a lovely tea table. I like the hearts teacup and saucer. Your pink and red colors are just right for a Valentine's Tea. I know your husband had a wonderful day savouring the tasty chocolates you made. Thanks for the sweet comments on my tablecape. I hope everyday is a sweet day with our sweethearts and friends.

  30. That little heart cup and saucer is just too darned precious! Where on earth did you ever find it!
    I've never seen anything like it. Mugs, yes, but never a tea cup and saucer.

  31. Thank you for your tea and Happy St. Valentine!

  32. Hello Sandi, I'm your newest follower. Love your blog and the dishes. Wonderful.

  33. Hi Sandi: You touched my heart today. Thank you for that. I am so glad you liked the tea cup. Your table and tree is amazing. Lots of Hugs, Martha

  34. Loved hearing the story again of how you and hubby got together! Did you know I love that song, too ~ always had the biggest crush on Barry!! :0)

    Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  35. Hello there dearest Sandi!

    At long last I'm getting back to leave a comment dear lady; (as I visit each teatime participant in turn)!..,

    What an absolutely lovely post and yes, we do have a Valentines heart teacup in common!.., Aren't they pretty?..,(Even if we do say so ourselves)!.., Hehe

    Mine was a birthday gift on occasion of my very recent February 12th birthday. A darling and oh-so-sweet and thoughtful gift from dear Kristina, Pam's lovely daughter..,(She lives with us while she is attending university)..,

    Please kindly pray for Kristina, I'm quite concerned, as she is very ill with the flu Sandi!

    Thanks so much for joining us once again for TTTT and also my 70th,'Tuesday Tea For Two'!..,

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee

  36. Oh Sandi, you have set such a romantic table for Valentines! I love your hearts tea cup and saucer, so sweet!
    Thank you so much for sharing.

  37. You always set such a lovely, creative table! Looks marvelous - love the LOVE sign! Congratulations to Judith - she's a delight!
    YOU too!

  38. This is my first visit to Rose Chintz Cottage. I'm a little for Valentine's Day but enjoyed the post just the same. Beautiful china!! I love a good tea party {smiling}. What you need to know about me: I am a Christian woman too. Wife, mother of two {no grandchildren).

    I'd like to invite you to visit my blog: and see the Valentine ensemble I created along with sweet memories of a woman that I loved deeply {my grandmother}.

    I've included your blog on my blogroll and will enjoy a good cuppa while reading your post.

    Ta for Now.

  39. Hi Sandi - I love reading and hearing how folk met for their 1st date and your story is delightful. Love the pink rose. take care, Judyx


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.