Thursday 9 December 2010

Christmas Cloche Party

Hi everyone~ I am happy to be joining Marty for her Christmas Cloche Party today. This is my first time participating and I have a few cloches to share with you.

This small one I have had for a few years now. It's the perfect size for a small nativity or demitasses.

This one holds my kissing angels.

This one is on the mantel and holds a small glittery church.

A little glass house which my DIL gave me years ago looks pretty all lit up for the Holidays and no, it is never left unattended. A topiary jar filled with Christmas bows stands beside a musical Gingerbread house in the kitchen. The Gingerbread house has a doorbell which when you ring it, the gumdrops will light up and keep time to the music while the house plays Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy. It is a child's delight!
Would you care for a freshly baked Cranberry Pumpkin muffin before you leave? They are just out of the oven and I had to lift the dome several times to clear the condensation off the glass.

Well, those are my cloches. Thank you Marty for hosting this fun party and thank you everyone for stopping by. Merry Christmas!

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Very pretty Sandi! Love the little glittery house. I need to be on the lookout for one of those. It is a wonderful way to display just a small something isn't it.

  2. It is all SO pretty !!!!! You have such a gift of making everything you touch lovely :) Congratulations on your Sweet Baby !!!! What an Awesome Christmas gift !! God is SO good !!!! :) :) Hugs :) :)

  3. They are all very pretty! I'm lovin' the tall slender one on your mantle:@)

  4. Your cloches are very sweet and pretty! And remarkably clean! :o) A cranberry pumpkin muffin would be delightful! Love the little kissing angels, too. Bess

  5. Oh they are all just wonderful. I love them all. The church, nativity, and the muffins, wow, everyone of them are so pretty. The little gingerbread house fabulous. I am sure the children love it best of all. Thanks so much for linking to the party. So pretty. Hugs, Marty

  6. Everything looks so pretty, and would you believe, I STILL have not one single "cloche" in my house?!! I have simply GOT to find myself one somewhere, don't you think?!.. I DO however, have some little glittery houses, that were my grandmother's! Some need a little mending and extra TLC, but I love them all!.. As for the muffins, condensation or no condensation, they look delicious, Sandi! You won't mind if I just take one of those back home with me, if that's o.k.?!! I can't resist! ~tina

  7. Hi Sandi! You do have lots of cloches and they all look so pretty! Now I think I will take one of those yummy looking muffins! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. so many pretty displays.. Love the nativity scene..

    Happy Holidays

  9. Hi Sandi,
    You certainly have a way with cloches. Isn't it wonderful how anything that you place underneath one becomes so much more beautiful.
    I love how you are displaying yours. So pretty.


  10. Your cloches are lovely. I have to say though I love that gingerbread house with the doorbell. What a cute decoration.Happy Holidays.

  11. I love that tall cloche! Lots of pretty ideas! Thank you for sharing your Christmas. I hope you have a Merry One!


  12. Very nice displays but my favorite is the one depicting the true meaning of the season!! Of course, I would love one of those cupcakes or muffins please!

  13. How lovely, I like all of them! Have a wonderful week and a very blessed Christmas. Vicky

  14. Your cloches all look so pretty Sandi.
    I remember the first time I put warm muffins under my cake keeper to photograph and the glass was so steamed up I couldn't see them any more. :-)

  15. Beautiful cloches, Sandi. I love them all!...Christine

  16. They all look so lovely. I am going to find me one after the holidays.


  17. Can I grab & run few of your treasures? §;-)

    OMG... everythings well arranged and I love them all.

    Happy Party...

  18. Hi Sandi!
    How are you doing today? Hows your arm?

    I just had to come by and see you sweet cloches. I love to see how everyone uses them! So many amazing ideas. Your are gorgeous! I need to find some more..but when I go look they seem to be gone..hmmmm.
    Have a blessed weekend sweet friend!

  19. Hi Sandi...

    Ohhh my...each and every one of your Christmas cloches are sooo beautiful! I couldn't pick a favorite...hehe! I love your little Christmas house looks so pretty lit up! Well sweet lady, your house is looking gorgeous all dressed for Christmas...loved getting a peek at your pretty cloches! Thank you for sharing them with us! I also wanted to congratulate you and your family on the birth of Jenna Lynn...the sweetest Christmas gift of all! She is just precious!

    Warmest Christmas wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  20. Sandi, I enjoyed looking at your beautiful cloches! I had some kissing angels like yours and one got broken, now the little girl is kissing the air! Happy holidays! Annie


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

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