Friday 25 June 2010

To Have & To Hold Wedding Blog Party

"Dearly Beloved: We are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the presence of these witnesses, to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony...."
Remember those words? Seems like a long time ago now and yet, sometimes it just seems like yesterday.....

I am joining my sweet friend Stephanie at Angelic Accents for her Wedding Blog Party.

Now, please grab yourself a cup of coffee or tea because this is a long post! I don't have many photos to share with you so I decided to share my story to make up for it.

Our story began many years ago when we were just seventeen.....

Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love springs forth like a fairytale!

It was January and I had gone with my friends to a record hop on a Saturday afternoon and that was the day my life changed!

I was wearing the turquoise velvet tent dress that I had made in Home Ec class with my high boots and I had a feeling that something good was about to happen! I was just sitting and talking with my friends, when he approached me and shyly asked me to dance. We had exchanged names and danced a couple of times that day.

For three weeks in a row, he asked me to dance and then one day, he followed my friends and me into a restaurant after the dance where we always went to grab a snack before heading home.

He had sat on the other side of the room all by himself just as cute as could be. Then he had gotten up and put money into the jukebox. He had played three of my favourite songs which also happened to be his favourite songs. Neither of us knew it at the time that they were our favourites! Words by the Bee Gees was our number one favourite and it became our song and is to this day, our song.

After some persuading from my friends, I went over and joined him in his booth. He was glad I did; I could tell!
Afterwards, he walked me all the way home which was a three mile walk. We were both so shy, but about half way home, he took me by the hand and it was Magic!
After about a month, he asked me out on our first date.

We met at the Eaton's department store which is much like the Sears store, and afterwards, we went and had our pictures taken. You remember the booth where you put in a quarter and you got some snap shots? These are our pictures from our first date. Isn't he cute with his Beatle haircut? Look at my bangs! That was the style though.

We went to the dance that night and afterwards, he kissed me for the first time. We saw shooting stars and fireworks over head! I think we knew then, that we would be together forever!

Four years later, we were planning our wedding. Just like every other young lady, I dreamed of walking down the aisle in a beautiful white gown, like Cinderella, to stand beside my Prince Charming and exchange our vows to love one another forever. But it was not to be!

Just months before my wedding day, my mother and I had a very serious disagreement. My father really had no problem with my fiance but my mother had never been happy with my choice of a husband so she chose that time to voice her final thoughts on the matter. Well, needless to say, I did not receive it very well and for the first time in my life, I stood up to my mother. Now, you must understand that I loved my mom and I wanted her blessing, but I knew in my heart he was the right one for me. I knew God had brought us together!

So I changed my wedding plans....

My Prince Charming and I decided to get married quietly at the church where I was raised, with no family present and only a couple of friends in attendance.

When I was a little girl, my favourite colour was magenta or fuchsia and when I grew up, I still loved that colour so it was only natural that I would choose that shade for my wedding outfit.

I had a friend make my wedding outfit. I had chosen a beautiful velvet material in my favourite colour. Dress-pantsuits were very much in vogue then so that is what I chose to wear. The dress-pantsuit had a sweetheart neckline with ruched sleeves and the pants were bellbottoms. My friend had made me a matching headpiece as well and I wore a cameo choker at my neck. It was a very practical outfit because I was able to wear it for several years afterwards! Yes, I wore pink on my wedding day!

My bridegroom got me a bouquet of creamy white roses tied with white satin ribbon and he wore a new suit gifted to him by the men's wear store where he was working at the time.

I didn't get to walk down the aisle all dressed in white but it was the happiest day of my life up until then!

This is Hubby and me standing in front of the church where we were married. It was May 6, 1972.

After a small reception dinner, we left for a very short honeymoon and the following day, we went to my Auntie P's for a little wedding reception.

My uncle had also gotten married so Auntie was having a double reception to honour both her brother and his new wife and me and my new hubby. My whole family was there to celebrate the occasion. Auntie P had a wedding cake for both couples. Sorry, I don't have a scanner so I can't share those photos.

Love is when you look into someone's eyes and see forever.

Now, let's have a little fun, shall we? The pictures below I got off the internet to show you what my wedding would have looked like had I done the big wedding.

This is similar to what my wedding dress would have looked like had I worn the gown. I like simple lines with a little lace jacket over it. I never liked showing too much skin! I just love the lace jacket!

My bouquet.... Some of my favourite flowers are pink roses and peonies.

This is what my wedding cake would have looked like had I had a grand reception with all the family.

But today, I prefer a cake like this one below.

Cinderella and her Prince would have been the cake topper...

These really are my rings. The engagement ring and matching wedding ring are made of hammered gold and I love them as much today as when they were first placed on my finger. The eternity or anniversary ring Hubby gave me on our 35th Anniversary; sorry it's not a clearer photo.

Since our wedding day, we have crossed many bridges together. I quit work to become a stay at home mom and I loved baking cookies and looking after my family. It's all I've ever wanted to do really. Times were hard with only one income but it was the best thing I could do for my boys.
I really enjoyed being a mom and I loved every minute of it!

Today, I'm happy to report that my mother loves her son-in-law like a son and she once told me that I couldn't have chosen a better man! I knew it was only a matter of time and she would love him too because a finer man for me, just didn't exist. He really is my Prince Charming!

So, here we are, 38 years later and more in love than ever! I never get tired of being his missus!Today, we are the proud parents of three handsome sons and four grandsons, with another grandbaby on the way. And if we could, we would do it all over again! We truly are blessed!

Perhaps on our 40th Anniversary, we will renew our vows. If we do, you're all invited!

UPDATE: This past May, we celebrated our 40th anniversary with all our boys home. And we also have a granddaughter!

To all of you who are married and still in love; God bless you! And I wish you many more years of happiness together!
Love is a moment that lasts forever.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Hi Sandi,
    I just love the story of how you and your husband met, fell in love and married.
    You know it really isn't the size of the wedding or the fanciness of it's all about love and making a commitment to stay together forever. And, that you have!
    I hope you stop over to read my story too.


  2. Sandi, your love story is more memorable than any wedding could ever be! When I married my DH it was my second and I din't want a big wedding because I did that the first time and it didn't make a difference. My DH wanted a bigger deal than I did...but that was not what mattered to me. We've been together for 19, married 15 and I love him more today than ever...if that is imaginable. I'm look forward to waking up to him every morning and laying down next to him every matter what happens during our days! We have also talked about renewing our vows and like you, many family members have we might do a simple ceremony next year in Paris just for us! Sometimes the idea of he wedding is more important than the act...right? Thanks for sharing your lovely story, fondly, Roberta

  3. What a beautiful story! I love how you "stuck to your guns" about the man you loved, and that it all worked out in the end. :)

  4. Such a beautiful post Sandi. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. You were/are a beautiful couple and I am so delighted that your mom is now so happy for you.

  5. Sandi darling what a romantically and eloquently written post. I simply love visiting your blog, which always is so full of tender loving charm in this anxiety filled world of ours. Thank you luv, thank you for being such a loving and caring friend to me during this difficult time in my life, you are so precious and I am grateful for your friendship. I wish you a lovely summer full of sunshine and blessings.

    Love & Hugs

  6. What a sweet love story! By the way, my DH and I were married in 1982 also, I was 17 and he was 23. Happy 38th!

  7. This is the sweetest post...what a sweet love story...congratulations on 38 wonderful years together! I loved the wedding photo of you and your hubby :)
    Big Hugs,

  8. What a wonderful story! So glad to hear you have a happy ending and your mom realized you made the right choice. Thanks so much for sharing this with us today!

  9. Dear Sandi, I just got the biggest ol' case of goosebumps reading your wedding post! I love it and all the thought you put into it, and how you've shared your heart with us all. Beautiful! Your love story is the best I've ever heard! Truly. Love hearing how you met, your first date, the photo booth pics, the first kiss. Such special memories you've shared. I think you two were just adorable on your special wedding day. You do still have that pantsuit, right? You should mount it on a dressform proudly!

    I love Words by the BeeGees, too. Actually I'd probably love anything Barry Gibb would sing ~ he really did it for me in the 80's! :0)

    Thanks so much for joining in on the WEDDING BLOG PARTY! I feel even closer to you now, dear friend!

    Big Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  10. I love your wedding story! I hope you and your mom reconciled! I can see the love in your wedding photo. Talk about a marriage made in heaven!

  11. Hi Sandi, what a sweet story..I am so glad your mom came around! Sometimes it doesn't always turn out that way..your wedding outfit was lovely and just what a 1972 bride would wear!

    Love your post! Hope you stop by and see my wedding pics!


  12. Hi Sandi,
    I love your story of true everlasting love. You are a beautiful bride and one can read in your words, how very happy you and your prince charming are to this day.
    You have a lovely family and God has truly blessed you all.
    Lovely "would have" pics, but I'll take your true story over them anyday. What a blessing your mom came around too.
    God is so good.

    Thank you for sharing. Your life story could be a movie or novel. I love it.
    Happy 38 years and many many more!

    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  13. What a charming story! Love the photos...I think you should renew your vows and do it up fushia!! Fun:)

  14. Hi Sandi, this is such a beautiful post. I love your thoughts and how you met. The whole post is filled with love.....just so perfect.

    Hugs, Barb ♥

  15. So lovely, lovely history, so romantic!


  16. You're both still adorable after all those years, sweetpea! Isn't it wonderful to have such a person to share the rest of your life with? Nice to meet you, chick.

  17. I love your story! I think you do know when it is the right guy. I met my husband when I was 37 and he was 38 at a WWII reenactment (he was dressed like a french spy). I knew from the moment I saw him that he was the one and he was pretty smitten too. We've only been married a year but through the highs and lows I know that I have found my best friend.

  18. Hi Sandi,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    I enjoyed your post very much and I especially love the fact you got married on my birthday May 6! Happy 38 years to you and I wish you many more years together. We just celebrated 37 years together.
    Pink hugs,
    Vicki Pink Pearl Girl

  19. Awwww, that was so sweet! I love your groovy wedding photo and you're just as pretty now as you were back then:) I also had a small wedding, just my hubby and was perfect:)

  20. I'm so glad that your mother came around in the end, what a sweet little story but it had a happy ending and that's all that matters! I really think you should throw yourself the wedding of your dreams someday! I will bake you some fuchsia cupcakes!


  21. I love hearing all these stories of love. Sorry that you didn't get the wedding of your dreams. I definitely think that you should renew your vows & do it up big time then. And I'm glad your mom finally came around. I have a brother in law no one in my family liked much in the beginning. Everyone in my family only gave their marriage 6 months tops. They have now been married over 20 years and we love my BIL. In fact, he is the one who married me & my 2nd husband four years ago.

  22. Sandi,, What a lovely story. My dad didn't like my husband when we started dating. Of course I was only 16...He finally realized what an awesome man I had and gave me away 3Hope you can get the time to drop by and visit. Debbieyears later. Thanks for sharing your story on this fun wedding day party.

  23. What a beautiful story and you didn't need the big blown up wedding to be happily married. I think your pink outfit was very nice.

  24. Sandi, just love your story and I see hubby still has somewhat of a beatle hairstyle at the front. :-)
    I met my husband in highschool and we got married just after you on July 1/72. My, how time flies by!
    Let's celebrate on our 40th shall we?

  25. Sandi, thanks for stopping by. Your story is beautiful. Most of my friends had very expensive weddings, but their marriages didn't last, so all the glitz and glamour do not a marriage make. Love your outfit, close to something I would have worn. Mine looks big, but I weighed 95 lbs and it was a size 2, but the dress looks like it was made for a pregnant lady---far from it. Hugs, Pat

  26. I love wedding stories and yours is precious. It's too bad that your mom reacted that way. I know would have loved her blessing.
    The pink bell bottoms and sweetheart neckline - how perfectly 70's romantic!!!

    You guys haven't changed much - still a very attractive couple!


  27. Hi Sandi, what a fantastic post, from the darling little-girl dress, to the picture of you and your guy, 40 years later!

    Wonderful. Howard and I will be married 32 years come August -- and it seems like yesterday!

    In 1972 I was in college and working part time in a bridal shop -- and I have to say what you picked out for your "wedding that might have been" is lovely, but nothing like what was being worn in 1972, hahaha!

    LOVE the pantsuit. Oh yes, I remember them well.


  28. Sandi:
    Your post today was so romantic and I remember the day you came to our house and all the family was gathered. It still was a happy occasion for all. Kerri also had an age 6 birthday cake made just for her.
    Truly Gerry is Special. How could you not love such a dedicated husband and lover? We are truly blessed that God gave us good husbands.
    Wish I could be there for your 40th! Only 2 years away? How time flies.....Love you....Auntie P

  29. Sandi, thank you for sharing your beautiful love story. You and your husband are still an elegant couple. Wishing you many, many more years of happiness, sweet friend~ Sending lots of love and hugs your way~ Vicki

  30. Oooo, what a cute couple you are! And were! You both kept your looks!!!

    Your pink pants-suit is very lovely! Hope you kept it!!!

  31. Sandi, this beautiful story could be made into a movie. I would normally say listen to your mother, but I am so happy that you did not. Look at the wonderful life you have had together and even your mom came around. Loving each other is a very easy thing to do, it's the patience I have a hard time with. ha ha
    Beautiful girlfriend, right down to the juke box........perfect. Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  32. Sandi,
    This is such a sweet love story, I almost think it could be a movie! How darling, your outfit is too cute! I had a pretty big wedding and it was nice, but a small one would have been nice too!

  33. Sandi,
    Thank you for stopping by my wedding post and for your kind and beautiful comments.

    I had been wondering if your mother ever came around, so I'm SO glad that you said she now loves your husband. One time when I was talking with my father-in-law, he wasn't speaking very kindly about my brother-in-law (his daughter's husband). I asked him if he spoke that way about me when I wasn't there. His response, "Absolutely not....A son can do no wrong, but no man is ever good enough for your daughter." perhaps your mom felt that way at the time, that no one was good enough for you. I'm SO glad her heart was changed.

    And as you know, it doesn't take a large, fancy wedding to make a beautiful marriage. It just takes love, faith, and commitment, which you have/ your wedding was just as gorgeous as mine was.

    Oh, thank you also for the invitation to take part in your Tuesday tea party. I would LOVE to be included. How gracious of you to invite me.

    Patti (Fill My Cup with Beauty)

  34. Hi Sandi,
    First you are even prettier today and your hubby is very handsome as well...I love your story and I love the little green bridesmaid dress and bonnet...How wonderful you have them!
    Maybe you dreamed of a bigger fancier wedding, but you didn't need those had everything you needed to be happy!
    I eloped, so I couldn't the wedding party!
    xo Jil

  35. What a wonderful love story. I feel like I just finished a new book. Thank you for sharing such a special part of your life. I would have preferred the way you went. Big weddings are a waste of money.

  36. Woulda's, coulda's, shoulda's ... yours was the best! You made a beautiful choice, had a gorgeous romantic wedding & that makes it far more special than the typical wedding ... I'd take yours anyday, sweetie. Such beautiful memories to enjoy & recall & treasure forever.

    Have a lovely summer's eve ~
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  37. What a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing.

  38. What a wedding story! You made my cry there for a minute but I am glad you knew in your heart he was the one for you! That hot pink wedding outfit was totally cool! You remind me of my aunt. She was a trend setter in 1946 long before I was even being dreamed of my by parents and she influenced my independent way of thinking! I enjoyed this post so much! You had an ideal wedding because you were in love and all these years later it appears that nothing has changed for you two! Come join me soon! Hugs Anne

  39. I love listening and reading people's stories - afterall that's what makes up our lives. Love your story and so pleased that 'Love truimphs over all'

  40. Sandi, the BEST!!! Happy Pink Saturday!

  41. Oh, Sandi! I have tears in my eyes reading this, and look at what a beautiful couple you are! I'm so happy that you married your Prince Charming! I've been married to mine for over thirty years, too. I think for your 40th, you ought to plan to have that church wedding to renew your vows. Buy that gorgeous white dress and have your attendants wear magenta! I really do. Think about it because it's a great way to celebrate a real love story!

    Happy Pink Saturday and thanks for sharing...


    Sheila :-)

  42. Gorgeous Sandi!
    Happy Pink Saturday.

    " Regina "

  43. What a precious post! Love that you shared such sweet memories. Thank you for coming by my blog for Pink Saturday and leaving me the sweet message.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  44. What a gorgeous couple you make, Sandi. Wow, that must have been rough - the most important decision of your life and your mom wasn't on board with you. Glad you married him anyway :) Your velvet pantsuit was stunning. Yours is a happily-ever-after story!

  45. Oh Sandi!
    What a sweet LOVE story. I am so glad that your mom came to LOVE your hubby too. I had similar things go on when my hubs and I dated and I learned that GODs ways are far better than mom's and am so glad I listen to His still small voice. Love DOES conquer all!

    Love your sweet pink goodies you shared too..dreamy!

    Pink Hugs and Love,

  46. Hi Sandi, I loved reading your story. Thanks for sharing. Your
    pink pantsuit, perfect! Thanks for the memories it brought to me.

  47. I love the story of how you and your husband fell in love! And although you didn't have a big wedding, I bet it's fun to dream about how you might have done it!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  48. Sandi, I love this post and love both pictures of you and your husband. How touching your story is! God has blessed your marriage; you knew it was right.
    Blessings and hugs, Beth

  49. Just beautiful!I had flowers atop my wedding cake. Friends had Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog-his mother was aghast! Thank you for sharing such a lovely story. Happy Pink Saturday!

  50. What a wonderful story, thanks for sharing it with us.

    Happy Pink Saturday (a day late) :)

  51. Thank you for sharing lovely post,the turquoise dress is darling.I love your pics and the pinks! HPS!

  52. Thank you for stopping by my blog and following me! :) I'll come back and visit you often too!

  53. Loove your dress-pantsuit, Sandi, and your sweet story... thanks for sharing it with us!
    Also, for taking the time to visit my studio and leaving such lovely comment.

  54. Your story is a reminder that is about the act and t=not the event that makes "it" special. As a wedding planner too many people worry about the wedding and not the marriage. I love reading people's stories.

    Of course your choice of "would-haves" is gorgeous!

  55. Hello & Happy Pink saturday on a Monday - still making my 'rounds!'
    what a lovely lovely blog post!
    I'm so glad for you that you wre brave enough to follow your heart on that one. I'm sure it was difficult.
    And I am just charmed by that darling flower girl dress you shared with us! Beautiful!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.