Tuesday 11 May 2010

Tea Time Tuesday

Hello bloggy friends and welcome to my 16th Tea Time Tuesday.
I hope you all had a beautiful Mother's Day weekend!

I must apologize for not sharing a more put together tea post today! I realize most of you have participated in a lovely Victorian tea party but I was not able to for several reasons.....I had an incredibly busy weekend.... Hubby and I celebrated an Anniversary, Hubby had a birthday, Mother's Day, and a death in the family; top it all off with incredible back pain for which I have to go to physio for. Therefore my Tea Time post will be short and sweet today.

The one I am sharing with you, I had started to prepare a while ago, so I just added a bit to it. I hope you will enjoy it!

A Teddy Bear's Tea
Today I thought I would share the little tea set my hubby surprised me with last summer. The teddy bear was a birthday gift from my son Jordan many years ago. The little table Teddy sits at was a thrift find and both the table and the chair were dark brown when I brought them home. I painted and distressed them, giving them a shabby look. The cabinet was purchased to go in the bathroom but it hasn't made its way in there yet. So, in the meantime it poses as a cabinet to house Teddy's china.

Here Teddy sits....Usually there is a bowl of red apples sitting in the center of the table but it is being removed to make way for the tea set.

Let's cover the table with some lace, shall we? I used one of my aunt's doilies that she crocheted for me. A peek at some of the china...Time for tea......The table is set and he's waiting for company.I had tied ribbon on the tea set and hung them on the tree at Christmastime. Someday I hope to pass them on to a granddaughter.

"Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude." ~ Denis Waitley

Teddy and I would like to thank you for stopping by for tea today. If you would like to join me for Tea Time Tuesday please let me know in a comment. Just share a favourite teacup, tea pot, or china used in a tea. A poem, scripture verse, or short story would also be welcome. As a courtesy, I ask that you link back to my post so that others may find their way here to visit all the other participants; thank you! Either of the two Tea Time Tuesday buttons at the top of my sidebar are available for you to use for your tea post if you wish.

The participants listed below are in the order in which they started to participate.


Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Sandi,
    You can add my post too if you want. I forgot to tell you prior, sorry.

  2. My goodness...
    When it rains it pours!
    Hope yout starting to feel better soon.
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  3. I enjoyed tea with teddy, cute miniature set, and invite you to LC to have tea with me.
    Hope your back is better soon.

  4. Sandi, This is an adorable post. I love the cabinet and table and chairs - good job! The teaset is precious. Take care, Sandi, and God bless.

  5. Hi Sandi!

    Now that is just the sweetest little mini tea set ever!!

    Oh my! I sure hope you feel better soon! And Happy Anniversary and happy birthday Mr. Sandi!

    I am so sorry to hear about the death in your family. You and your family will be in my prayers tonight and positive thoughts will be sent!

    Thak you so much for linking me up!

  6. Dearest Sandi,

    This is just adorable!~ My those darling teddy bears and the tea set with the little cabinet; I just adore this!..,

    I hope you feel better soon my dear!

    I would love to partake this week Sandi if I may?

    Here is my link information @ http://theplumedpen.blogspot.com/2010/05/welcome-to-my-30th-tuesday-tea-for-two.html

    Please feell most welcome to also partake with me Sandi to help me celebrate my 30th,'Tuesday Tea For Two' blog tea party!

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee

  7. Hi Sandi,
    I would like to participate in Tea Time Tuesday too! Here's my published post for it: http://teacuplane-sandy.blogspot.com/2010/05/everythings-coming-up-roses.html

    Cute teddy bear and tea set - two of my loves.

    Thanks for hosting Tea Time Tuesday.

  8. Well, I thought I told you that I wanted to participate, but perhaps I didn't. If you'd like to visit another tea time, come to: http://thetablescaper.blogspot.com/2010/05/breakfast-in-bed-for-mom.html

    Love the bear and his very on tea set!

    - The Tablescaper

  9. So cute!!!!!! Do feel much better soon!

    m ^..^

  10. I am so sorry that you have had such a busy and sad time. I sure do hope that things get better soon.

    I have linked up to you in my tea-time post too. I apologize for not letting you know sooner!

    Take care and best wishes,

  11. Hi Sandi

    do add me in your meme!.. would love to join your TT Tuesday..

    and your teaset with lil Teddy is super cute!

    Have a good week!

  12. Dear Sandi, I'm sorry to hear of the loss in your family and that you are not well with back pain, I pray that Gods healing hand be upon you. Thank you so much for the wonderful little teddy bears tea party..I love teddy bears and I love your tea set, its so tiny and delicate, just adorable!
    Take care of yourself and I do hope your feeling better soon.

  13. So gorgeous tea party!!! The teddy is so cute.


  14. Love this whole little set up today!! And that little crochet doily/tablecloth? What an adorable touch! I know I can make one of those!!! I'm going to keep that in mind! Very pretty teaset! I think that miniatures are so sweet, and so is your little bear!... Take care of you, and hope your back is feeling better soon! ((hugs)) ~tina

  15. Sandi,
    Such a sweet post! Please link me up with your Tea Time Tuesday and thanks for hosting! My post is at:


  16. Sandi, hope I can join your party!

  17. What an absolutely lovely tea today. I just love the tea set..someday I am going to own a pretty set like this. I just haven't found it yet.
    So sorry you have had such a stressful week. Just fix your sweet self a nice cup of tea, a cookie, a bubble bath, candles, good music on your IPOD or radio and R.E.L.A.X.
    XOXO bj

  18. Oh I adore your sweet tea tablescape. I was not sure how to go about adding my link, but I do hope you'll stop by.

  19. Hi, I have added your link to our party post... expect more visitors for tea! ;) Please add ours...

    Have a great day


  20. What's better than a teddy bear's tea party! This is an adorable post! so glad I came by!

    i'm also having fun with tea cup tuesday today, come on by when you've got a sec!

    @ Creative Carmelina
    ciao bella!

  21. Hi Sandy,

    Oh my you do have a lot on your plate right now. Sorry about the death in your family. Hope you ar feeling better too. I also have back problems, a herniated disk, so I know your pain. This little set is adorable. Of course, the little bear goes perfect. I have a similar set, I may share one Teacup Tuesday. Thanks for sharing.


  22. Such a lovely post!! I love the teddy bear tea. I still have my daughters set here I must pull it down and share on one of our tea Tuesdays. all my best, Theresa

  23. I think this Teddy Bear Tea Party ROCKS! Very cute.....

    My post wasn't up until 10:30 Rocky Mtn Time....busy here too!

    Have a BLESSED DAY!

  24. Greeting Sandi! Thanks so much for fixing my boo boo!!! I have changed it! Your mini tea set and bear are soooo cute! I love the detail!
    Thanks for hosting Tea Time Tuesday!!! Blessings,

  25. Sandi,
    Now you know that i just adore Teddy Bear Teas since I posted my own a few weeks ago!!
    I love your beautiful little tea set!! So very pretty!!
    What a delightful post!!

  26. Oh Sandi,
    Your post is just so adorable! Thanks so much for once again being our wonderful hostess!

    So sorry to hear about your back pain...been there! Hope you heal quickly. Been busy here too...with my dd grad coming up a million things need done before family all arrive!

    Have a blessed week by friend!

  27. What an adorable TTT post! I just love bears!

    So sorry to learn of your cousin's husbands passing. They have been in my thoughts and prayers for quite some time now. I also pray that your back will soon feel better.

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  28. Hi: What a cute tea set. I love the bear. I am so glad you joined us. I can't wait to see what you will share next week. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  29. I found your blog from another one (can't remember which one) but I wanted to say hi and say that I LOVE, LOVE the teddy and his chair and table! So sweet.

    I hope your back feels better soon.

  30. Sanid,
    He is so adorable waiting for the tea party...Beautiful tea sets Happy Anniversary,Happy Birthday to your hubby, Hope you had a great Mother's Day...My prayers and thought are with you and your family...Hope you feel better soon too! Have a wodnerful week Katherinellen

  31. Hi Sandi
    What a lovely tea party you have invited us too! Grand little bear did such a great job hosting on his table and chairs and BEAUTIFUL china. That is such a sweet set!

    I'm sorry about your weekend..well you had nice celebrations Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday to hubby...I'm sorry about your back and my thoughts are with you for the passing of a family member.

    Take care...

  32. Hi Sandi,
    I hope your back is getting better now.
    What a cute little teaset and the little thrift find is cute too all painted up.
    Take care,

  33. What an adorable tiny little tea set!!!

  34. Hi Sandi,
    What a lovely little tea set with the darling bear. I have so enjoyed your tea and your pretty blog. Sorry to read of the cousin's hubby passing. I also will pray for those on your side bar.
    Hope you feel better too.
    SO nice to meet you.
    Blessings with a hug,
    Celestina Marie


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.