Wednesday 28 April 2010

Pearls and Lace Thursday

Hello my sweet friends~ Today I am joining Doni at Faith, Grace, and Crafts for her "Pearls and Lace Thursday" party.

I am a girly girl, in case you haven't already guessed, and I love all things feminine and pretty; that's where pearls and lace come in!

Today I am sharing something from one of the happiest days of my life; the day my oldest son Jeff married his sweetheart. I had had a peachy pink suit made for the occasion and I had also bought myself a new hat to wear, with a little clutch bag to match.

The photos I am sharing with you today are those of my wedding hat. It is a lovely hat, adorned with cream satin and satin ribbon roses.
The little bag is also of cream satin with ruching on the front of it. The lace blouse and my string of pearls make a perfect acompaniment for it all.That beautiful wedding day has brought many joys our way! We now have three darling little grandsons from that union. God gives good gifts! I don't normally like to put my face out there, but this is me wearing my hat and a pearl choker and earrings that day.I always like to end my Pearls and Lace post with something as beautiful and timeless, and endearing as the pearls and lace themselves, and that is the Bible.

Please join our hostess Doni for more of Pearls and Lace Thursday.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Hello Dear Sandi!! That was a lovely post! I love your hat, you should wear it often! And I especially loved the Bible with the pearls...
    Your post made me remember the verse I used for my own wedding:
    James 1:17
    Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.
    Thanks Sandi for your very special post for Pearls and Lace Thursday!!
    Blessings, Doni

  2. Loved the pictures that you shared. My favorite is the last one. I would love to have that enlarged and framed. Just beautiful

  3. What fun pictures to your hat! Nice to see a picture of you too. Aren't grandchildren the best gifts??!!

  4. Oh Sandi I just LOVED this...You looked BEAUTIFUL at your son's wedding. I especially loved the hat. And pearls? Just doesn't get any better...My daughter wore them at her recent wedding. Such a classic beauty..and I really loved that last pic too. How pretty is that? Have a wonderful day...HUGS, Debbie

  5. Your blog is beautiful, Sandi, with the lovely photos you share as well as the beauty of the Word of God. Blessings to you to day,

  6. Sandi, I tried to post this a minute ago but It would not go through but if it does, you will know why there are 2 of them.

    How wonderful you look on your wedding day! A lovely post with your hat, pearls and your bible.


  7. Dear Sandi... this is a lovely lovely post, with gorgeous photography and roses... I always enjoy my stay here, in this romantic spot... may you be blessed.



  8. What a lovely lady you are!! You pearls and lace are just perfect.


  9. Just beautiful Thank you for sharing these pictures!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

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