Monday 1 February 2010


Good afternoon everyone~ Winter has arrived here on the Island and our trees out back were dressed in their snowy white garments after the storm we had last Friday. As much as I don't like the Winter, I have to admit, the new snow is beautiful and just brightens every thing up.

This is one of the pictures taken on our trip to Vancouver in January. That is me standing inside this massive tree trunk. One could have a picnic inside that tree, it is so big! I could not get over the size of the trees to be seen in British Columbia! Beautiful!

Today I would like to share a poem with you.


Many a tree is found in the wood,

And every tree for its use is good:

Some for the strength of the gnarled root,

Some for the sweetness of flower or fruit,

Some for the shelter against the storm,

And some to keep the hearthstone warm;

Some for the roof and some for the beam,

And some for a boat to breast the stream.

In the wealth of the wood since the world began,

The trees have offered their gifts to man.

But the glory of trees is more than their gifts:

'Tis a beautiful wonder of life that lifts

From a wrinkled seed in an earthbound clod

A column, an arch in the temple of God,

A pillar of power, a dome of delight,

A shrine of song and a joy of sight!

Their roots are the nurses of rivers in birth,

Their leaves are alive with the breath of the earth;

They shelter the dwellings of man, and they bend

O'er his grave with the look of a loving friend.

I have camped in the whispering forest of pines

I have slept in the shadow of olives and vines;

In the knees of an oak, at the foot of a palm,

I have found good rest and slumber's balm.

And now, when the morning gilds the boughs

Of the vaulted elm at the door of my house,

I open the window and make a salute:

"God bless thy branches and feed thy root!

Thou hast lived before, live after me,

Thou ancient, friendly, faithful tree!" ~ Henry Van Dyke

Thank you for stopping by today. I hope you will come by and join me tomorrow for "Tea Time Tuesdays and Testimonies." Have wonderful day friends.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Beautiful post Sandi. What a huge tree trunk. I enjoyed the poem too. I am so thankful for all the gifts they give us.
    Thank you for your prayers and well wishes, it is great to be out visiting again.

  2. Beautiful poem! Hope you are having an awesome day.
    Hugs, andrea

  3. Hi Sandi,
    The trees look beautiful with the clean white stuff.I am loving the sunshine too!
    Wow,that tree is massive in B.C.
    Take care,

  4. Beautiful the snowy white trees. I remember those large trees up north we drove though BC on our way to Alaska. They really are huge! Very Nice Poem Also ~Thanks for Sharing Blessings Heather

  5. WOW Those snow covered trees are beautiful!! The poem was also wonderful..blessings to you, Debbie

  6. Good MOrning...
    The snow looks so pretty...I love the pictures but certainly prefer not to have it here. We have been so lucky virtually no snow in January well we had some snow but because it was so cold it stayed but we haven't had the usual snowfalls.

    It sounds like your winter has been good too.
    I love the picture of you by the huge tree. The trees in B.C. are monsterous aren't they?

    My brother lives in Vancouver.
    have a lovely day...
    enjoy the scenery and keep warm..
    today is ground hog day!

  7. That tree trunk is amazing! Wow! Yes, trees are truly a gift from God! xo rachel


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.