Tuesday 16 February 2010


Today is Wednesday and I'm joining Sue at It's a Very Cherry World for her REDnesday party. I have been taking a bit of a break from flaunting my red but I'm back today to share with you a very cute Valentine surprise my sweet hubby gifted me with over the weekend.

I have been collecting tea-for-one sets because I find many folks have been wanting their own flavour of tea. This adorable little set is adorned with beautiful red cardinals and I just love it! Thank you Hubby!We don't get Cardinals here on the Island but they sure are beautiful red birds! Those of you who do have them are very fortunate. Isn't this guy a handsome fellow?I am also going to share my red heart-shaped candy dish filled with Hershey's kisses. I apologize to those of you who have already seen it. But since it is red, it makes the REDnesday post today too.

Thank you for stopping by today. Please take a few moments to visit Sue and her party of reds. Just click the link http://suelovescherries.blogspot.com/

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Hi Sandi! Oh, your little teaset for one is so sweet! Love the pinecones and needles and the red birds! We get a cardinal every now and then. Now I'd love to take just two kisses from that pretty red heart bowl.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. That tea set is so sweet, my cousin would kill for that! She loves cardinals...speaking of that, what an incredible photo of a real one! Really pretty!

  3. Love your new tiny teapot!Isn't it wonderful to have such a thoughtful husband?[No, he didn't pay me to say that(;]

  4. Very beautiful tea pot and I love cardinals, we used to seem often when we lived in NC and I miss them so much.

  5. Sweet pictures! Hope your Valentine's Day was as sweet as those kisses!

  6. Oh! Your tea for one set is just lovely! I love the cardinals!

  7. Thanks for sharing your sweet teapot and the cardinal picture. My mom adores cardinals, and I adore her - so thank you!

  8. Sandi, that is one handsome tea set! Usually I don't like the style of the "onesies", but yours is so nice! I took a chocolate to go with my morning coffee - glad you saved some for today!

  9. What a pretty tea set, Sandi!.. And a very sweet husband for giving it to you! We do get cardinals here, and they are a beautiful sight against their white snowy surroundings! I did not participate this week, but still wish you a very Happy Rednesday! ~tina

  10. Hi Sandi,
    I absolutely adore your Cardinal teapot. Yikes! I'm a died-in-the-wool Cardinal-lover...got it from my mom ;) We don't get Cardinals here in Southern California :( My mom was from the Midwest and they are abundant there.

  11. Very nice tea-for-one set! And the bowl is so beautiful (I'll take a candy, if you don't mind!)! Happy rednesday!

  12. I want to find one of those frilly red bowls, but I can't remember where I saw them! They're probably clearanced and all sold out by now anyway.
    I LOVE that tea set so much! Anything with cardinals and pinecones on it is a winner with me. So lovely!
    Happy REDnesday!

  13. very sweet post. I love those bowls too...got some red and pink ones. I love cardinals! I have a mated pair that visit me.

  14. Hi Sandi!

    OMG! that red cardinal teapost is simple beautiful!! I love it!

    Happy Rednesday to you!

  15. I love your tea set !I have some cardinals in my yard.So far , I have been unsuccessful in photographing them . Great candy dish , I love chocolate kisses !

  16. Hi Sandi, First I want to mention your header is so gorgeous.

    What a nice post with the reds, the teapot is so adorable with the cardinals on it..... your husband is a sweetie to have pick out a lovely piece.

    Thanks so much for dropping by to visit it was good hearing from you.

    Have a Wonderful Evening-

  17. Hi Sandi,
    Those teapots are adorable. What lovely birds, I don't think we have any red birds around here - I love the cardinals! Tea from that pot would be much sweeter!
    I'd love for you to join us on Wednesday Gratitude sometime. Stop by and check it out.
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  18. Now don't you have a thoughtful hubby to buy you such a pretty teapot.
    Happy REDnesday!
    Sandi @ Bearly Sane

  19. Hi Sandi! Very beautiful post. I love that red bird! Cardinals were my grandmother's fav birds!!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  20. Cardinals are such beautiful birds! I love the ones on your tea set. charming!

  21. That cardinal tea for one is sooo pretty...I really enjoy those! And I wish I could see a real cardinal...but your pictures are beautiful!


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Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

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