Saturday 13 February 2010

My Pink Saturday~ Valentine's Day Post

Happy Pink Saturday everyone and Happy Valentine's Day too~
Our wonderful hostess Beverly has asked us to create our Pink Saturday around Valentine's Day this weekend so that is what I have done.
The sweet little girl below greets you all with a basket of posies. I have this sweet heart shaped box embellished with pretty roses and fruit. And inside are soaps; pink roses, hearts, and cherubs.

Would you like to try a white chocolate-dipped strawberry from my little pink heart-shaped candy dish?Or perhaps you would prefer a chocolate kiss from my red heart-shaped dish!
Please make yourself comfortable in one of my pink chairs ........and I'll pour you some tea from my pink Rose Chintz tea set.
There are muffins and truffles....
....and Valentine cookies.The Valentine tree is surrounded by gumdrops and Hershey's kisses. Normally, I would have decorated the little tree in pinks but I have it in the family room this year which is decorated in reds, burgundy, and blue.
I love all my blogging friends and this little Valentine bear tells you so!I'm so glad you were able to come by. I have this pink rose and valentine for you as you make your way over to Beverly's and her party of pinkies.
Just click on the link
Hope you all have a beautiful Pink Saturday~Valentine's Day weekend!
See you on Tuesday for Tea Time Tuesday! Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Happy Pink Saturday Sandi...
    Oh sweetie, everything looks so beautiful. I took my seat in the comfortable pink chair, had my tea in that devine pink rose tea cup and I loved, loved that white chocolate dipped strawberry. Oh my goodness you are just the hostess with the mostess. I so love it.

    Thank you for sharing. I loved your Valentine tree. That is just the cutest darn thing. I truly think it looks perfect for the holiday. So decorated and inviting. I could have sat here all day just looking at it.

    Happy Valentine's Day sweetie, and thank you again for sharing. Country hugs and so much love...Sherry

  2. I love your pinks and Valentines! They are very lovely!
    Happy Valentine's Day!
    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Hugs, Lisa

  3. Hi: I love all you sweet Valentine items. I have been so surprised at how many people keep a Christmas tree up all season long. I just might start that. Thank you for all the wonderful pictures you have shared. Have a great Valentine's Day. Hugs, Martha

  4. Love your pink chair and tea set!! Beautiful! I adore your Valentine's tree!

  5. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
    Blessings, andrea

  6. What a beautiful pretty pink Valentine's post! It's all fo feminine and fabulous. Happy Pink Saturday! ❤

  7. Hello Sandi, Happy Pink Saturday! Love your beautiful pink roses! Prayers to our sweet Beverly, hopefully she is resting comfortably by now.
    Your pink post is just beautiful today! Love your beautiful tea set and the strawberries look delish. Your red tree is beautiful. I have red in my living room too!
    Blessings & Happy Valentine's Day!
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  8. Such a lovely pink post! Happy PS to you.

  9. Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Valentine's Sandi.
    How cute! Love the tea set.
    Gorgeous post!

  10. Oh, I'd love some cookies with my mocha this morning!

    Happy Pink Saturday and Valentine♥s Day!


  11. Oh, Sandi... this is so pretty! I wish you the Happiest Pink Saturday and Valentine's Day ever!


    Sheila :-)

  12. Hi Sandi! LOVE your Valentine's Day tree, and your sweet little teddy bears! I did help myself to a hershey kiss, so I hope you don't mind! The tea was wonderful! Thank you! Happy Pink Saturday, and hope you have a very Happy Valentine's Day! ((hugs)) ~tina

  13. Hi Sandi,
    I'll have my tea and sweet goodies over there in that pink chair. I'll just put my feet up and relax for just a few minutes, while you wait on me.
    Be sure I have a good view of the Valentine Tree and your little bear.
    Oh, I'll have another chocolate covered strawberry please.


  14. What a gorgeous and delicious post Sandi. Happy pink Valentine day

  15. Hi Pumpkin,

    Happy Pink Saturday and such a warm welcome. The tea smells wonderful and I wish I were there sharing some sweets with you.

    Have a wonderful Valentine weekend.

    xo Cathy

  16. Oh Sandi, I love your sweet post today. I have that same box and just love the richness of all the colors. Thankyou so much for all the treats, they look delious, Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Valentines Day too, Char

  17. Happy Pink Valentine's Saturday, Sandi! I adore all your pretty pinks! Those soaps are too charming! The heart bowl with the chocolates, tooo yummy! The bear is so adorable!

    Thank you for all the Valentine's lovelies!

    Have a lovely Valentine's weekend!

  18. Love your pinks. I'm really liking that tea set.

  19. Oh Sandi, how I would love to come curl up in that pretty pink chair and share some chocolates with you!!

    Happy PS!


    Big Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  20. You've got the pinks covered. You even have a pink chair. Happy PS!

  21. My friend wrote that song, I love You Lord. Her kids were young and life was hard, but she sat down and began to worship. This was the song the Lord gave her. Lovely post with so many goodies for the eye see and heart to hear!

  22. Beautiful Post. Happy Valentines Day!! Winona

  23. Happy Pink Saturday and Valentine's Day! Love your PS blog with all the beautiful hearts and cookies, candy, and eye candy! Thanks for sharing!

  24. Hi Sandy
    Happy Valentine's Day to you
    I'm loving your pretty pinkness for PINK Saturday.
    The pink soaps and the beautiful box and the yummy kisses...I love PINK and thank you for sharing.
    I hope you've had a wonderful day..

  25. So sorry that I missed you yesterday. It seemed like the day just ran away from me! But, with this being ♥Valentine's Day♥ what better time for me to stop by to see your Pink Saturday goodies.

    It's been a long and dark winter up here near Canada so filling myself up with pink is my way on the weekend of chasing away the blues - not that blue isn't a nice color, too☺

    I ♥ coming here. All the pink and all the girlie stuff just floods my brain and makes me want to do a happy dance right where I sit!

    Thanks so much for sharing. After all, isn't sharing one of life's greatest pleasures?

    ♫Happy Valentine's Day♫

  26. Pretty, Sandi...I'll be right over! ;)

  27. Hi Sandi, I am late visiting your sweet post but I am so glad I made it to your pink lovely treasures. Love the tea set. Beautiful. The candy, Mmmm yummy. I especially love that pink chair. Your are a true Pinkie. Big smile. Your valentine tree is terrific. A fun idea.

    I know Valentines Day in your home was very special.

    Hugs, Jeanne


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.