Saturday 20 February 2010

A Fanciful Pink Saturday

Hello pinkies and welcome to my Pink Saturday post!
My pink post will be a bit on the whimsical side today. For those of you who are new to my blog, I am sharing the birdhouse my son gave me for Christmas last year.
This birdhouse is made of tin and has lovely pink roses hand painted on it. It is also decorated with pink crystal beads and it sits in the glow of the pink votive candles. A tweet little birdie drops by to check it out! Front view with the perch.Side view with the Fleurs-de-lis on the roof. One can't tell by the photo but all the flowers, dots and lines are raised in the tin with a bit of gold paint dry-brushed over them, making it very pretty and very unique.Back view.
The little birdie has gone to find her mate and who is this little visitor? A tiny pink fairy with sparkly wings daydreams by the birdhouse. She's dressed in pink and has pink posies in her hair.
I am slowly getting ready for Spring here in my home. A very soft pink springtime hydrangea ring adorns the base of my hurricane lamp with a pink candle burning inside.

Lastly, another little fairy holds notes on the fridge. Shhh, please don't disturb her! She's been up all night guarding over some important documents.

Please flit on over to visit our wonderful hostess Beverly and all her pretty pinkies. Just click on the link
Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Hi Sandi! Hide that birdhouse ~ I'm coming to get it!!!!

    PS Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  2. Happy Pink Saturday Sandi...
    I so love the little birdhouse, with the beautiful pink roses, and that trim is just beautiful. Love the fairies. It has been a fairy week for me all week, so my pink post is about fairies also. I wanted to end the week with the fairies too.

    I have had so much fun writing about them. We are kindred spirits sweetie.

    Pop over and let me share with you today. Country hugs and much love...Sherry

  3. I love that little birdhouse Sandi!!! It's so adorable, great Pinks!! Cindy

  4. That birdhouse is so adorable and the fairy is so cute!

  5. wonderful such pretty little treasures~ What a beautiful home you must have~Have a nice weekend Blessings Love Heather ;)

  6. Hi Sandi, I have quite a few pieces that are whimsical in my home as well. Your Bird House is Darling, and so is all your other little treasures.

    Enjoy your Pink Saturday-

  7. Hi Sandi! My goodness, I loved EVERYTHING pink that you have here today! The bird and birdhouse are sweet, and the little fairies are adorable! Happy Pink Saturday, and hope you enjoy a wonderful weekend! ~tina

  8. That's a very sweet birdbox, just lovely.

  9. You showed me all my favorite things Sandi, I love birds, bird houses, roses and fairies!!!! What a great post, and thanks for coming by mine.


  10. Happy Pink Saturday, this is my first week participating and I love it, I am enjoying seeing so many wonderful posts, I just love the birdhouse.

  11. Hello Sandi; I am so in love with your Pink Bird house,,, just Love it!!! Happy Pink Saturday;

    Pink Hugs;

  12. What a beautiful pi k post. I love it. Happy pink saturday

  13. Your son did a great job - it's beautiful. Happy Pink Saturday!

  14. pink sat too :)
    here is mine :)

    the birhouse is lovely...the tin room look is fab!

  15. Thank you Sandy so delightful fairies and shabby birdhouse!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  16. The birdhouse is wonderful. I love the beaded edging around the roof. Just lovely.

    Happy Pink Saturday

  17. You shared a great variety of pinks today. All of them are very pretty. I know the little birdhouse has a special meaning to you.

  18. Very pretty pinks Sandi!
    The birdhouse is so sweet, I like how you have it displayed.
    Happy Pink Saturday!!
    Mary :)

  19. Sandi! I am in love with that precious birdie house! Happy Pink Saturday. Grace

  20. Hello neighbour.
    You have given me an idea to fancy up my little birdhouse. I LOVE the beads, and I have lot's of those hanging around lol
    Happy PS and LOVE the little wee fairy too.
    Love Claudie

  21. Beautiful birdhouse! I also love the little fairy visitor!

    Hugs ~ Angie

  22. Happy Pink Saturday!! I love that birdhouse. Talk about adorable. Also love the fairies!

  23. Great pinks! Really love the fairies!!
    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Hugs, Lisa

  24. Sandi, this is the sweetest pink post. Your bird house is darling.
    the sweetest gift. The fairies are so charming.
    Happy Pink Sat.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  25. Hello Sandi. Happy PS. Such lovely pinkies. Love the hurricane lamp with the springtime hydrangea.
    Have a blessed weekend.

  26. Such pretties, Sandi. Love the soft pink hydrangea candle wreath and the pink goblets. I like your little white birdie a lot, too.
    Happy Pinks~

  27. What a sweet birdhouse! I am sure the little birdie appreciates it too and the little fairy if she ever sneaks in there! Happy Pink and have yourself a beautiful day!

  28. Hi Sandi! Oh, what a gorgeous birdhouse! Oh, prettyness! Thanks for popping in to see Chloe Dawn.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  29. Sandi,
    Thank you for lighting your candles for us and inviting us in. I felt so welcome among your pink pretties. They are lovely.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving me a sweet comment on Pink Saturday. It made me so happy!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  30. I love whimsical and the birdhouse is so sweet. I saw my first blue bird of the season. They are out looking for their nesting spots which means you know what!?? Spring is coming! :) HPS

  31. Hello Sandi,
    I loooove the pink hydrangea with the hurricane vase, but also the birdcage and the pink candle holders are divine!
    Happy belated PS,

  32. Hi Sandi!
    Sorry its taking me so long to get back with you! I am trying to do some PINK catchup!

    Love your goodies!

    Hey the mosaics thing is easy peasy...the websight is Mosaic Maker...just google it and then get going. If you can download pictures from your computer it helps you do it. Its so much fun...or at least I am obsessed with it right now! eeeks!

    Have a great rest of the week!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.