Wednesday 14 October 2009

Today is REDnesday

Welcome everybody~ Today I am joining Sue at It's A Very Cherry World once again for REDnesday and today I have something very close to my heart to share with you; or rather I should say, someone!
Are any of you familiar with Tim Hortons coffee down in the US? Well, here in Canada Tim Hortons is one of the biggest coffee franchises in the country. It is bigger than Starbucks! My son and his wife who live in Vancouver usually drink at least one Tim Horton's coffee a day. While their baby boy Zachary was still very young, they started giving him their empy coffee cup to play with. As Zachary got older, he would cry for the cup!
Hence, this picture taken at Tim Horton's with a little tear on his face because he wouldn't be consoled until he got the cup!
In Canada, people send in their stories to Tim Hortons which revolve around the coffee and my daughter-in-law sent in her picture of Zachary and the cup. He is seven months old in this picture. He is thirteen months now but still wants the cup! You can go to to see the story if you like.
His was the top story in Canada last night; the most popular in over 4400 entries! If he gets enough votes, who knows, perhaps he will make it to a TV commerical! Very exciting times! There is a red car on his jammies and Tim Hortons is in red on the cup. Yes, I'm a very proud grandmother!!

If you read my post on last week's REDnesday, you know I love old tractors and old barns. This little red birdhouse is one I painted a while ago and it sits above my kitchen cabinets.

Happy REDnesday everyone. Please go visit Sue at and all the other red participants. Enjoy your day!

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Such a cute Grandson you hae Sandi. Isn't it funny, we can buy our kids all the expensive toys in the world....and they want a paper cup. Go figure!!

  2. Your grandson is adorable!

    Blessings and prayers, andrea

    PS: Urgent prayer request on arise 2 write

  3. Your grandson is soooooo precious!

  4. What a great story! That's what memories are made of!

    I can't believe your cute little barn and house on the shelf - it reminds me of my house and barn! Tomorrow's Vintage Thingies Thursday, but I'll try to post a comparison photo on Friday!

    Have a good week!

  5. What a cutie Zach is! You must find a way to preserve that cup for him! Love your little red homey and warm, just like all of your beautiful things.

  6. Sandi, I do hope your grandson gets his commercial. How sweet would that be?

  7. Your grandson is darling! What a great picture and a wonderful plug for Tim Hortons!~Patti

  8. Awe, he is so adorable. He has that star quality!

    Love your barn birdhouse too!

  9. Hes so adorable what a great Rednesday post.


  10. Hello Sandi,
    You have a lovely award waiting for you at my blog. Please swing by and pick it up.

  11. How cute girl...and I know what you mean about being a proud grandma...thanks for sharing this...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  12. That's really cool! Let us know how the voting goes! He is a cutie! Coffee is great!

  13. I wonder if he was teething on the cup? Of maybe he's just a very young java hound!

    That little red barn birdhouse is so pretty with those touches of white.

  14. How very cute! I love this! And I love the red bird house. I just blogged about a family of birdies that camp out on my porch column every winter. I just found they are back! Thanks for sharing!

  15. Your grand son is so cute!Its no wonder that his, picture/story would win top's with Tim Horton's...I have drank so much of there coffee,over the years.I drive by one on my way to work... I still love it, but I prefer Star Bucks...shh, don't tell any one I'm a trader:)
    Love your red painted barn.

  16. What a darling picture of your grandson. I had not heard of that kind of coffee. I guess it hasn't made its way to Arizona. It probably will in time since it's so popular there. Of course Starbucks is everywhere.
    Love your little birdhouses too. They remind me of the ones Clif made. I've intended to do a post about them but haven't done it yet.

  17. I am glad you enjoyed your family this holiday season Sandi! I have seen one other person mentioning the photo problem, not sure what is up. Hoping it is worked out soon. Thanks for hosting your tea review is lovely!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

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