Monday 17 August 2009

Blue Monday

Welcome to Blue Monday with Sally and all those who love the colour of blue.
I am just getting back into a normal routine again after being on holidays for a month and this is my first Blue Monday post in a couple of weeks.

Oftentimes, on a pleasant evening, Hubby and I will go down to the waterfront at Victoria Park, sit in our car, drink coffee, and watch the sail boats in the harbour. There is a boardwalk too and there are people of every size and shape out walking on that boardwalk with their dogs of every size and shape.
It keeps us fairly entertained!
In the foreground is the boardwalk. It was difficult getting a picture without a human or a pooch in it! All of my photos I took out the car window!On the other side of the drive, is the park full of trees and benches. Wildlife such as squirrels and chipmunks make their home there and you can hear them chattering in the trees. And just before dusk, all the crows from most of Queen's county congregate in those trees overnight. They make quite a racket when they arrive!
Between the drive and the area used for bikes, skateboarders, and runners, is a long line of street lamps with a garden built around each one. By the end of the summer, the vines will have grown to the top of the poles.
There are blue sails and sails of every other colour out there on the water. They are so beautiful to watch. Most evenings, there is a gentleman who sets up these rocks like sentinels all along the boardwalk. It is quite an artform but I forget what it is called.
There are barrels of flowers decorating the backs of benches that are every few yards along the boardwalk to sit yourself down on.
And there are always the boats; very relaxing to watch, as you sip on your coffee and count your blessings.
Please visit our wonderful hostess Sally and all the other blue participants at or click the Blue Monday button on my sidebar. Have a wonderful day everyone!


  1. What a pleasant, peaceful place. Happy Blue Monday.

  2. Hi Sandi,

    I have you listed under Rose Chintz Cottage & Inspirations on the link list on my sidebar. Did I put down the wrong name? If so, just give me a holler and I will correct it.

    So glad you joined!

    Hugs, Barb

  3. Nice addition to the coffee break. And rocks...RockCandy loves that the most. Thanks for visiting the little bluebirds today ;-)

  4. What a perfect post for Blue Monday! I love your photos and the park is really beautiful. I hope you are having a wonderful day.

  5. What peaceful photos, wish I was there...instead of thinking about going to work this evening!! Have a great Blue Monday.

  6. What a lovely, peaceful spot to sit and enjoy the moment with a delicious cup of coffee. Happy Blue Monday! ~

  7. Hi Sandi,

    If some evening you see Andrew and I out there for a stroll be sure to call hello to us!

    Take care,


  8. What a beautiful and wonderful place. I would love sitting there with a cup of coffee any time of day!


  9. Lovely photos. I would not have minded a pooch or two. LOL I don't suppose they would have been blue?! :) Thanks for sharing.

  10. Howdy
    Happy Blue Monday to you.
    What a beautiful way to spend time.
    I love all the fabulous photos.
    You always make me feel so much better whenever I come by for a visit.
    Thank you for being a place where one can come and be refreshed .
    Blessings of joy to you for the coming week.
    Happy Trails

  11. The serene beauty of the water and surroundings is so nice to see...thank you for sharing your pictures! What a blessing that you could be there to enjoy this wonderful place!


  12. Hi Sandi~~Oh how beautiful that is...just so peaceful and perfect for a Blue Monday!

    Happy Blue Monday!

    ~Let Freedom Ring~

  13. Hi Sandy.

    Thanks for stopping by. Wish I could be here to relax. Thanks for sharing.

  14. What a beautiful, beautiful place! It would be hard to be "blue" for real there with so much to admire and enjoy.

    On Whidbey Island there is also a gentleman who stacks rocks. He said they are "cairns" but some people insist space aliens are doing it.

  15. Happy Blue Monday!

    Love the photos, I'm a summer baby and the water is my soul mate (smile)

    Love, peace and blessings to you and your family
    Always, China

  16. Oh, Sandi,
    I just love that place~ How lucky you are to live in such a beautiful place! Cindy

  17. You do live in such a gorgeous place!!! WOW!

    m ^..^

  18. Sandi,
    Gorgeous blue the blue sails on the water. And what a lovely park you have to sit and sip your coffee! How restful and relaxing, too! Thanks for this lovely Blue Monday!


  19. What lovely views and blues! Thanks for sharing ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,

  20. Hi Sandi, i am still trying to catch up with blue Monday. LOL. Your sail boats and photos tell a story of relaxation and peaceful walks in a great location. I love your blue post. Thank you for stopping by my post. I always enjoy hearing from you.


  21. What a peaceful place!!Looks super relaxing! I'd love to visit there!!!
    have a FAB week!!

  22. Hi Sandy! Oh happy you stopped by! I always amazed when like hearts and minds FIND ONE ANOTHER! It's surely a God-Thing!

    I'm soo happy you are following along! I'm gonna tag along your site as's SURE to be inspiring!

    Blessing to you my friend.

    Love, Rebecca


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.