Wednesday 22 July 2009

Come On In, It's REDnesday!

Hello everyone~ It's Wednesday again, and that means it is also REDnesday over at 'My Secret Garden.' Red is such a cheerful colour and more and more I see it making its way into people's homes. When I first got married, I had our home full of red but then as the children started coming along I sort of switched over to blue. Now that the boys are grown and on their own, I'm getting back into red again. I'm particularly fond of red toile, so I'll show some of that today.
I have it in the kitchen, dining room, living room, and den.
But first I'll start off with this little fella. He belongs to my hubby who is a huge Detroit Red Wings fan! The teddy sports number 19 for Steve Yzerman.
These are two of my red toile covered bird houses. Red cushions in the den. .......and my red toile bunny rabbit.That's it folks. Gotta save some for another day! Now how about dropping by Sue's 'My Secret Garden' to visit her and the other red participants today. Just click on this link Have a cherry red day everyone!


  1. "Bear" with me...but I'm blog hopping...even though i WAS supposed to be in the garden! Oh well...Happy Wednesday!

  2. Beautiful. Hope you have an awesome Red Wednesday!

  3. I love red toile! I made curtains for our bedroom with it, and now I would love to try doing a birdhouse like yours! Did you use spray adhesive or plain old Elmers glue?
    Happy Rednesday!

  4. Wow ~ love those birdhouses! But I have to protest the bear - I'm a Bruins fan! Hee hee!

  5. Now I am hooked on red toile!!! How beautiful!

  6. I love red toile! I made some curtains in red toild for my kitchen and dining room. :)
    Have a lovely day!

  7. What a beautiful home you've got here. I feel like staying here longer if I could.

  8. The rabbit is so cute. I love toile!!! THANKS!!! for sharing.

  9. I love red transferware and toile too. The fruit plates don't have any markings but the red transferware in my header says "EIT, English Ironstone, Made in England." It was a desert set I bought in a local English gift shop that closed years ago.

  10. Hi, the rabbit is so sweet and what lovely things you have! Thanks so much for sharing. Have a awesome REDnesday!

  11. I just love red! Yours are really great this week!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  12. Oh, those are some CUTE bears! I mean really cute!


    Sheila :-)

  13. Aaawwww i adore you collection of birdhouses. And the little bear (cute and tough LOL) and the bunny are such nice company just sitting there :-) Lovely reds Sandi


  14. I use to be a beige and black girl. I was afraid of colors.... Funny after my divorce, I bought a red car, red phone and red IPOD! I guess I was surpressing who I really was and what I really wanted. PS-It wasn't a midlife crisis, I just started seeing the world in beatiful colors. I also discovered Purple, love it!

    Have a happy day

  15. Sandi,

    You've won the book giveaway: Critical Care. This is your second notice. You did not respond to my email.

    Mail me your mailing information ASAP to:

  16. Thank for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! I see that we share a love of red and red toile in partcular! I just bought a red couch(I really do love red)! Your bears are cute and I love your birdhouses (I have some too)!



I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.