Tuesday 9 June 2009

It's Tuesday & It's Another Cool Day On the Island

Hello everyone~ It is a cold day here in the Maritimes. Right now, it is only 11 degrees Celsius and that is waaay below normal. It should be somewhere around 19 or 20. We have such a short warm season here and everyone, especially Hubby and I can't wait to get to the beach and sink our toes into the sand. We wait all year for this and I guess we're going to have to wait a little longer! So, in the meantime, today at least, I guess I'll just put my feet up with a good book and enjoy a cup of tea from my Rose Chintz tea set. Won't you join me?

Before I go, I must mention that the girls over at Tales From an O C Cottage http://talesfromanoccottage.blogspot.com/ are having a Giveaway to celebrate Kae's birthday!If you like pink, chintz, and glitter, well this is for you! Go pay them a visit and see for yourself the scrumptious wares they have waiting for someone special this weekend. Just take a peek and tell them Sandi sent you! Have a wonderful day everyone.



  1. It has been cooler here the past two weeks than it usually is. Must be global warming. LOL
    Maybe it will warm up soon and we can test the water.

    I passed on the Inspiration Award you gave me last week. It's on my At Home in Scottsdale blog.


  2. WOW! 11 celsius!!! I don't like our humidity but you really do need a splash of sun and warmth!! Enjoy your tea!!

  3. Us too, only +11 in Manitoba...this summer is very cool.

    Hope it warms up so you can get to those red sandy beaches.Ive been from one end of our country to the other, and hands down PEI is one of the most beautiful.

  4. If you get cold you're welcome to visit us here in Georgia - we'd glady trade our heat and humidity for some cooler temperatures this time of year. :)

    Love the tea set, it's so pretty!

  5. Hi Sandi,
    It was a cool day but enjoying a book and a cup of tea in one of your pretty chintz teacups doesn't sound too bad!

  6. Hello Sandi; I am sorry to hear that the days are still cool for you. But your Tea set looks so lovely, and sound so good I would love to share a cuppa with you... Hope it warms up so you can sink your tootsies in the sand. Have a great week.


  7. Hello, I am a first time visitor, and like your blog. I guess the weather is cool every where, we have had a cool spring with splash of hot days and then cloudy and rain. Never the less, tea in a rose chintz cup makes it all better. TTFN

  8. Sounds like a great plan to stay in and read a great book. It is hot here in Richmond, Va.
    Blessings and prayers, andrea

  9. Well, I thing curling in a comfortable chair with a book at hand and tea is an excellent idea to spend the cold days :-)

    Also, I love your corelle plates with the egg in the nest on top :-)It's really nice to enjoy a meal with someone you love and might as well use the beautiful plates :-)



I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.